Does your gf do this to you?

Does your gf do this to you?


I don't want things in my ass because I'm not a closet faggot

Yep last night. She's a goddess

Yup and I love it. Only like the dongs if they don't look real as not gay.


I'm getting really fed up with people who say this shit is gay.

Gay = Finding the same sexually attractive
Straight = Finding the opposite sex attractive

That's all there is to it. I'm thinking about her not a penis or dude when she does it.


She likes doing it with her fingers
I just gotta work her up to this

>not thinking about the giant fake dick in your ass
You expect me to believe that?

Mine just pumps my prostate during BJs. She swallows it all too.

Nice, that set up has a vibe in it.

Yes, she does and she knows how to use her pelvis. She also fists me.


Fuck off you boring immature troll. I guess school must have just kicked out for the day.

>getting fucked in the ass
>it's not gay guyz

What's wrong with being gay?

Hot, very hot. Is that you OP?

> Is that you OP?
Of course not

It's a mental disorder. It manifests itself in men that have had poor relationships with their own father or have been molested by men at some point in their lives.

why does she look like dracula

then why is the male gspot in the ass

At a point in my life, there was exactly 1(one) girl I knew or had seen that I wanted to do that to me.
I never told her, we never did, I'm way over it.
One girl tried to sneak a pinky in when she was riding me, I slapped the shit out of her.
>just a pinky tho-
>get the fuck off me I'd rather jerk off

your sexlife must be lame

Anger issues. OP, post more gifs and webms.

so what. I know a lot of gays who are happy.

Check'd. His sex life is non-existent, unless you count Mrs Palm and her five little daughters.

gay and happy are the same word so of course.

Right up until the kill themselves with the trannies, right?

whahahaha how pathetic are you? Beating a girl, you loser

There's nothing wrong with being gay. Stop being ashamed of yourself. Women don't have a penis. Somewhere there's a trap waiting for you to make her happy

so what's your point. Gays cannot be happy?

He lashed out because he secretly wanted it but felt shame from his religious upbringing.

No I have enough problems with hemorrhoids already

But traps ARE gay.

I'm insatiable, im literally never satisfied with anything and surprised i haven't knowingly done a lot of heroin (pretty sure my M was spiked once)

I know I'm not gay but I've done butt stuff, just like a sharpie

One chick wanted to shove this like 8inch bbc dildo in me and she was pissed because i told her i was down for some butt stuff, didn't think she would bring fucking tyrone out

>A mental disorder
>Shared by nearly all warm-blooded animals
>just like you always hear about schizophrenic penguins and rams having dissociative episodes
>oh, wait....

No my point was I was just dicking about with words.

I love to fuck my man in the butt

so what?

That's my point. You are gay and there's nothing wrong with it

He was vrought up this way, he thinks it's ok, i pity him but also worry about his limits

B-b-but what if those animals had bad relationships with their daddies too?

>nothing better to do than to troll someone in greentext in a pegging thread.

Grow up son.

Belive me ......... THE PEGGING IS FUCKING AWESOMEEE ps. I'm men

please post a selfie so I can jerk off to you. My GF never fucks me in the but :(


Is it trolling to point out retardation?

Yeah, but you are a guy so it doesn't count.

internet has girls dude....

>tfw it was her "thing"
>finished with my hands around her throat telling her to never fucking stick anything in my ass ever again.
Been a while since I've had a bed get that wet. She squirted and it was like pounding niagra falls.

You're such an American tard and a keyboard warrior it's untrue. You probably rage about Andy Sixx threads.


This is well known to be untrue.

she wants too
should I let her?

I am a femanon but I'm also high as a Kite and my arms are super sleepy

>claim homosexuality is a mental disorder
>but somehow I'm the troll

Yes she does.... But she don't like it

Yes, but like with her butt warm up first.

is this gay? it's piv

>your sexuality is intact
Why are you so homophobic? There's nothing wrong with being gay

IMHO it is a mental disorder. Whether you agree or disagree with me matters not. You just keep bumping this pegging thread, which is great for me!


I'll admit I'm a retarded americunt, but what did I say that was untrue?

No I'm not a faggot



nice, more please.

So what if you have a mental disorder or not? You're still a human being and your life is important.

IMHO your IMHO doesn't mean shit in the face of observable science and demonstrable logic

IMHO you thinking your right to be wrong is as valid as my ability to be right is what's wrong with America

Awww afraid you might enjoy it?

Is your life important though? In Africa they'll kill you for a coat. Be under no illusions my little snowflake your life is only important to you and the world is a cruel and horrible place.

There is no g spot not even in women, look it up

This is an act of rape towards men. Nothing sexy or hot about it. Any straight man can easily fall into depression etc if this was done to them. It is not normal, it is a form of faggotry which can only be enjoyed by degenerates.

But I'm not American you fag. That's the problem with America you are correct. You've all got so fucking polarized that you just can't let others have opinions. You are all like durrrr trumpft, durrr hilary. Fucking get over your self righteous asses already.

But I am a sexual degenerate, so its just fine with me.

Well, that was pretty edgy. Being gay or mentally ill doesn't make you less important to a lot of people. That's the kind of people you should care about

Not gay, but she doesn't have the musculature to thrust like a man. So why have wimpy sex?

Damn you are a weak person


Can i sleep in ur sleep arms


>gf suggested it a while ago
>Right as she's about to order the dildo harness, she wusses out and says she doesn't know if she'll see me the same way afterwards
>mfw no pegging

Correct, it doesn't make you less important. Are you quite young by any chance? I get this real sense that you are at that stage in life where you still think that you can change the world and that everyone is a special person.

All jokes aside was most likely molested

I'm getting feels from this post.

>you make demonstrably untrue claim
>I appeal to science & logic
>Im polarized
Wherever you're from is worse off for having you

Smart girl
Needs to leave your beta ass next though

Yeah, I detected abuse from that post.

>doesn't know if she'll see me the same way afterwards
kek... too late. she started seeing you that way when you agreed to it in the first place.

She helps out a lot

Have to keep pushing your point.

Pushing in the middle east has done so much for you guys. You just gotta argue and make your point. Russia and China are going to rape you sideways eventually. All because you arrogant asses don't know when the fuck to shut up.

Oh and your point is invalid.

I love turning nice Christian girls into degenerates tho

>you still think that you can change the world
I can't. You're probably bisexual and I can't change that



My wife used to fantasize about having a dick, and Im bi, so we bought her a feeldoe, and she looks really good with it on. We take turns and fuck like animals, since I take forever to cum. She gets off like four times, but if I cum from prostate stimulation, Im toast, so we finish with that. Were more comfortable sexually than any partner Ive ever had. Sex is mind blowing.

Nope. But my ex does. It's nice to know somebody who's as filthy as I am.

Closest I got was 2 fingers up the ass during missionary handful of times. She hasn't done that in at least a year though...

I felt like you tried to deny it. My mistake

I fucking wish she did. Women who like pegging are impossible to find without first investing a shit ton of time in the relationship, only to get a disgusted look once you bring it up.