Cash me outside how bout da

Cash me outside how bout da

Funny. The calendar doesn't say summer yet.
Go back to school, user.



She's a dumb wannabe nigger and a fad. She would have never been posted here if she didn't have big tits, which aren't even big she just uses pushup bras to the max.

Fuck you and fuck your dumb thread, saged.

>sage is a down vote

Found the Redditor





Sage is not bumping these threads so they die quicker. Keep trying, bud you'll get it eventually.


You newfags really need to wind it down a few notches.

Jesus fuck, the newfaggotry

Danielle Bregoli, the 14-year-old “Cash Me Outside” girl from Boynton Beach, has called off her tour citing “overwhelming response.”

Bregoli had only managed to book two dates, one in Houston and one in Fort Lauderdale, and drew criticism after her rider demanding pizzas, white tank tops and fidget spinners was leaked.

Tickets had not yet gone on sale for either of her events, but her manager has claimed that due to “overwhelming response” bigger venues needed to be booked for the social media sensation who has more than 10 million Instagram followers.

In case you’ve been hiding under a rock, Bregoli shot to notoriety after appearing on the Dr. Phil show last September. Her mother claimed the young Bregoli, now known as the Cash Me Outside girl, was out of control, and for the past nine months, the world has seen what she was talking about.

The foul-mouthed teen, who’s tour was just to be her saying mean things to the audience and lip-syncing to rap music has set a new low for what we expect from celebrities, and what we celebrate in children.

Bregoli was set to make as much as $50,000 per tour stop along with $750 per diem with $3000 thrown in for security costs.

At this time, Bregoli’s reps can’t say when or if the tour stops will be rescheduled.

Bregoli was set to perform at Fort Lauderdale’s Revolution Live, which has a capacity of 2,100, on July 8 and the House of Blue Houston, with a capacity of 1,300, on July 9.

It’s hard to imagine more than 3,400 people would fork over their hard earned cash to see her, but wonders never cease to amaze.

You understand people bought the tickets to watch a trainwreck right? Like buying tickets to a Charlie Sheen show, you know it's gonna be a disaster.

Of course, Great analogy, she is a living train wreck.


Ft lauderdale local here. Shows were cancelled due to not enough response. Idk where you got your news from. She's worthless and I've even seen her personally within walking distance. Every time she steps out the house, she's always mocked, and gawked at by ppl on the streets. Nobody likes her except kids and pedophiles.

Just hoping the trainwreck doesn't completely blaze out before she can turn 18 and make some porn

I live for the day she turns 18...

Are you retards actually discussing the legitmacy of her "stardom"? Just stfu and fap for fucks sake we're here for jailbait

This webm should NEVER see the light of day again!

It should be used to spam unwanted threads though.

If we don't see asshole within the first 24 hours I'll be disappointed.

no kidding. this is no place for moralfags

in sweden she is legal to fuck... fuck i want her here

holy christ please give me one more week summerfag