Is he a cat person, or a dog person?

Is he a cat person, or a dog person?

he's a shit person

you're a shit person

Nigger confirmed.

beat me too it

you beat me to it

He's a "me" person.

You poor poor drumpftards! Did I hurt your feelings by insulting your father figure?

pretty sure he's a pussy person

I think he'd fuck either

i think he's a pussy... person

I bet he eats dog and has kicked a cat to death. He is a fucking weirdo.

very much a dog anus person, prefers cats as thy're looser

did you say "The Best Father Figure"?
no you did not insult anyone. some poor metrosexual like you wont ever be able to insult anyone but yourself by looking in the mirror.

He hates all animals. Evolutionary dead ends. Losers. Sad!

Nice job kiddo! Drumpf will pat you on the head!

>Upset because he has to get a job now.

i can taste your tears, bitch.
Trump is the best troll of all time, he trolls all the fucktards in usa, fucktards 99% like you poor cunts. He is 1% you and your whole family eats his shit just because he wants it that way. fucking 99% shit

The only people he's trolling are his supporters, actually. 4 years from now he'll lose to some socialist lefty fuck and people like you will be getting both barrels from pissed off fiscal conservatives like myself who couldn't believe a conservative could fail so miserably to enact a single effective policy given 4 years with a house and senate majority, as well as lefty's who will be autistically jeering at you that (surprise) your guy ruined any chances of a principaled conservative getting into the whitehouse for another 8 years.


still butthurt over losing.

In what universe do you see the left defeating Trump?

sure kid

>Still butthurt that he got conned









The one we live in where trumps approval rating is plummeting and where many conservative figureheads have denounced him. You aren't going to fool moderate conservatives a second time after donny spends 4 years shitting his pants and crying over how mean everyone is being to him. He's already fucked himself over by aligning himself with the saudis and botching all of his plans for increased national security simply because hes that legally retarded and so is the rest of the shallow, obstructionist GOP









>"I'm okay with Trump cucking my country to the jews because i really need a positive male figure in my life"

I bet he had a low chance of winning the election too. But omg Tswizzle tell me how to vote!



sure kid






sure kid. keep up the butthurt.


The worst kind of person confirmed




I believed he was gonna win all along tbh.. because i saw what a shit fest the left was.

Believe me.. we won't have that courtesy twice. Now we are stuck with a weak player like Trump when the game in 2020 is going to be completely different.. i say this as someone who doesn't want it to happen but im sure it will because trumptards like you have no consideration for the consequences of their actions.






sure kid






Im so glad the majority of people still supporting trump are exactly like you.











you suck at this kid.
go cry in a corner somewhere.
I can see your response,
"you mad". grow up.


















