Step 1: ask a 34 year old kissless virgin anything

Step 1: ask a 34 year old kissless virgin anything.
Step2: feel better about your own pathetic life.

How hard is it ? I have a friend close to your age, same situation. We're trying to help him cope. Any advice ?

Why not try to help him get pussy?

You can't imagine how hard we try...he messes it up every fuckin time. His stupidity amazes us even after 20 years of knowing him.

OP here. I know first hand about the stupidity.

just hookup with a 5/10 girl. it's not the best but it will help your self esteem and you can climb your way up the ladder.

Just break the ice brotha, get in the game, things will get better.

I am 5/10 myself so I always go to for girls in my league or lower.

Why didn't you get with a insecure girl in high school?

Because insecure girls still rejected me.

Just get a hooker bud

>ugly face
>small dick
>no social skills
I'm gonna dap the rest of my life

Focus on something else you're only going to get more depressed








Lost my virginity at 21. When I haven't been in a relationship, I get laid bi-monthly

>there's hope!
>just workout and dont be autistic

i'm 19 kissless etc.considering getting a "lady of the night". or give in to this cougar that i work with.

>feel better about your own pathetic life
Not possible , I worked seven days straight with one day off and made 250 in two weeks.

Are you the German one

Is not too hard dude, its only self-security, change your lifestyle, you have money?, cut your hair and if you can not with this situation, see the psychologist that something must have.

Dude, just get him an escort for his birthday. Have her walk up to him in a bar, but tell her beforehand how splerglord he is so she is prepared.

You're pretty cocky for an old virgin loser.

Just "Grab em by the pussy".


Stop beeing a massive fucking faggot and go outside.Shitposting on Sup Forums isnt gonna get your dick wet.

What do you do and where do you live

No you don't get it...we did that...that exact thing and somehow he still fucked it up. We knew the girl, she was a friend of ours so she agreed to do it for free but after they talked she told us she wouldn't do it even for payment...the situation is tragic and funny at the same time.

See that's the thing, you fucked up because she knew you guys. You need to get a random that deals with this. Doing it for free is one thing, she doesn't get anything in return. Doing it for money means she gets something out of it. That's where you fucked up.

In the same boat here OP, but life is generally fine othewise. You are free to do whatever you want, there are a lot of other things to draw enjoyment from.

Good luck.

Maybe you're right but the girl didn't have a problem doing some really fucked up shit with some of us so we thought she'll probably be ok with our friend's amount of stupidity

If you're the German one, when's your birthday

Lost it at 18, on the same day I met her.

I just kind of waited, because all the girls around me were absolute bitches who disgusted me.

So I guess I kind of quantum fucked time into letting me be at 16 while being 18?

You approaced the inner workings of a woman from a rational point of view. That's when you lost already.

OP here; I work out but I am fucking autistic.


I don't have money.

I am.

In April.

Christ. I have a friend who I hope doesn't get to the same stage, he's 22 right now.

not kissless but i am a virgin. I've fingered a girl but never went the whole way. I just turned 20 boys and just recently moved to cali.

am i fucked?

Make some female friends. Seriously. Just talk to women, it really does help.

Why didn't you go the whole way?

What are his hobbies if I may ask?

Don't even have male friends. Talking to people is not an issue; talking to people without being a total sperglord is.

Because i'm gay

what's his first name?

Well, thing is my friend ended up in this situation mostly because of his lack of personality. We've been trying to help him establish his own for a while now bt he keeps copying people instead of just doing anything himself. So if you want to save yours help him get an interesting personality it's usually the problem

I couldn't get hard because i was nervous and it was in the back of a tiny ass car and she didnt really touch my dick at all.

She didn't take it well and started crying about how she was a whore and then drove herself home.... what can ya do right?

I'm personally a 30 year virgin myself. I never really got out and never went to places with women. I was never really interested in them.

Then one came on to me and I went to her house. Suck my dick I fingered her I put on a condom and went flaccid. Didn't get to penetrate.

To be honest though, I'm kind of alright with that. I just fap when the mood strikes and I'm good.

Don't bother listening to 99% of advice. People tell you useless crap like "work out" or "get some female friends". That's nonsense, they don't get that the problem exists on a different level. If you tried the basic stuff, that is.

Truth is, you probably don't emit some pheromone, or don't send some subconscious signal, or something else you have no control over.

Source: A generally successful and at least 7/10 looking guy who is reasonably fit and does all kinds of cool shit with his life. Tons of female friends, embracing my wizardry.

i'm a 22 year old virgin
ask me anything

Why don't you Just kill yourself?

idk lol

get a hobby that forces you to talk to people, like war gaming or something along that line. Forces you to talk to people. It should help.

Makes sense.

Diogo. Now time to find out he browses Sup Forums in secret but berates it in public.

He has a personality, bit boring in his tastes but he at least has a sense of humor.

>Source: A generally successful and at least 7/10 looking guy who is reasonably fit and does all kinds of cool shit with his life. Tons of female friends, embracing my wizardry.

Yeah. That all isn't me except for the reasonably fit.

I kept going soft during my first time...probably because I wasn't that physically attracted to her and I was super nervous, thats pretty normal.

>get a hobby that forces you to talk to people, like war gaming or something along that line. Forces you to talk to people. It should help.

The fuck is war gaming?

i had to ask, because im also a 22 year old virgin kek
just making sure none of my homies are plotting against me

first person shooters bro

No problem. I plan to just take him to a bar next time I see him. FORCE him to talk to some women.

Google warhammer 40k. Its minatures, its a pretty nerdy hobby but it will make you mix wiht other sperg lords.

Humor is a huge factor, he's probably gonna be ok. I have a friend who looks like shit but has had more pussy than all of us combined because of his amazing humor.

first time i got my dick sucked i couldnt stay hard because i jerked off too much.
i still jerk off just as much to this very day

And still the same situation. So you know that isn't the issue. Something else is.

I'm just doing it for myself.

Yeah he'll be fine, if he gets the confidence. Trying to help him build it. But he is a real cocky shit when its just us and friends. He just breaks down in front of girls though.

Also the guy who looks like shit but gets pussy because of humor is exactly what I do.

yeah i honestly wasn't all that into her either, she was like a 5/10 and tbh im about a 5/10 myself but she just had no redeeming qualities for me and all my friends thought she was super ugly ( they were shitty friends who i've stopped talking to but in highschool i cared what they thought ) but for whatever reason she was super into me and she tried to fuck like the 4th time we hung out.

all in all not the best experience. Hopefully ill find some cool chick in cali

>Google warhammer 40k. Its minatures, its a pretty nerdy hobby but it will make you mix wiht other sperg lords.

I'm absolutely not into nerdy stuff. You can chase me with all that shit: fantasy, comics, anime etc.

He sounds more like me than my friend to be honest...well confidence is the hardest thing to muster.
Also, nice going user.

Worst insult/complement I ever got was from my first GF, I quote:

"user, your dick is too thick for me to do blowjobs"

No help then, I am personally into the nerdy shit. Find a hobby that you like and forces you to talk to people.

I was kind of into her, I really did like her personality, but fuck me she was stupid and incompetent, about 7/10, meh face but a great arse though. We dated for 8 months, but I lost interest after about 6.

I then sperged around for about 2 months not knowing how to end it, then she caught on and confronted me about it and we ended it.

I'm mostly into sports. Used to play team sports in university but mostly do stuff like climbing/bouldering, gym, cycling and running now. Also currently doing a yoga course.

Yeah, I think he's salvageable though.

Find a local team then? Sure you can meet people that way.

I'm the same as this anons and I'm about to be 20 tomorrow

holy fuck check this


Can you post some new pics of yourself
You hot

Only body. Have I posted this shit?


Too lazy to make new ones.