no YLYL?


Other urls found in this thread:


some OC bois

forgot to add the pic


There is a ylyl faggot

My sides are moving to keksburg.



I don't get it. Explain to me why Chris Cornell would be singing Onan Ring in a panda-print shirt.





im tired. i had to think about that for a second.



just one?, god damn it, my own head!


yo Butter



that's NOT what's happening there.
besides, so WHAT if a few thousand Eurocucks get raped? we have a moral imperative to make sure that the rapists and their offspring are included in the future. if you can't see this, you probably voted for Drumpf and supported Brexit.


Why is Scotty fingerbanging that thespian?


how do we have a moral imperative to help mucklims?

holy kek.
pretty good file name too.






Because after WWII, America and Britain carved up the British Mandate of Palestine. Read the Belfour Declaration. They took Palestinian land, cut it in half, and gave the fertile and useful half to the Jews and gave the shit half to the Palestinians who rightfully owned that land. Now the Jews encroach further on Palestinian territory with settlements in the West Bank and both the UK and US do nothing about it. Palestinians and other Muslims have every right to be upset by this. Besides, you're not going to do shit to stop it. Memes and shitposting won't put an end to Eurocucks being shot, run over, blown up, and raped. Just lay back and stay mad and enjoy the FACT that in a hundred years or so, you'll be a minority in your country. You will live under sharia law. AND you will have financed all of it. Nothing like killing yourselves to prove you're not racist. You deserve all of it, white trash faggot.



nah i'm just gonna keep calling you a dumb nigger

maybe when i get more money form a country
and only allow rightwingies or people with iqs over 125

then in a few years i'll bomb your dumb mucklim and nigger countries lol

OK now I have to know what the fuck is up with onion rings ?

Nothing, he's trying to meme.

underrated post.
nice dubs.



pic related, this user is historically accurate
muh cumback doh. white skin roolz fuk all mucklim nigger. now i go to rape my dawter and keep white race pure.

I did generalize you correctly didn't I? Oh fuck why am I asking a monkey to tell me that it's a monkey? Monkeys can't talk.

Oh I see thanks for the heads up

Nice filename

hello mr. mucklim
>calling white people monkeys
monkey see, monkey do :^)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Judging from your sub-100 IQ response, you'll never have money and attract intelligent people, let alone start your own country.
You should start reading the Koran and get ready for the massive cultural and spiritual transformation of your country.

my own town



yeah, I can admit that my country is shit and we will likely be dominated by less pussified cultures, but not everyone in my country is a pussy
also, you know most people in america actually like
hate muslims
a lot of us do
also niggers
i'll read the qur'an and post every single barbaric or outdated idea there is, friend-o



thank you for the seizure asshole


>still supporting one of the foundations of the liberal cuck movement


>thats a german dog



lol bullshit
if you have PSE that bad, why are you even near a screen



he's not muslim

Be sure you include the talmud and the bible, friend-o.
Oh, and it doesn't matter if a handful of Americans are smart enough to see what's happening. You're already publicly shamed for thinking differently than what the television proscribes.
You're vastly outnumbered by stupid traitors in your own country and you will continue to allow them to import tens of thousands of Muslims each year. I used to think this was unfortunate and even somewhat evil, but now that I see America is willing to see itself slaughtered SOLELY to protect Israel and its interests....I don't think that way anymore. Instead, I see it for what it is. Western nations have meddled in foreign affairs in every corner of the globe and now that violence is coming back around. Some call it karma, others call it terrorism, Muslims call it lulz.
Way to post racist, stupid shit in your response to. Do you realize that every time you do that, you validate the allegations of racism and Islamophobia.
You're doing more to destroy yourself and your country than any "pussy" in the US.

sick observation nigger

onion you say?

not just a monkey. an inbred monkey.

you're a disgrace to our specie, you should really consider suicide!

Burn it down!!!

joke's on you, i'm an athiest and hate all religions :^)

yeah, i told you that my country is shit bro

i get how mooklemz can find joy in murdering retards, but i'd rather not be murdered, retard or not
i can generalize too, darling

Is there a story to this?


well from what you've shown so far your skill in regard to generalizing things boils down to
>muh mucklims
>muh niggers
i'm sure you probably also have the time tested
in your arsenal as well (or i could be giving you too much credit and introducing you to some new racial insults you've never heard?(!)) WHO KNOWS?

i digress, you're an entertaining little faggot with an IQ below 80. if you were the age you are back in 1942 they'd have conducted experiments on you in a mental facility without your consent ... since you know ... you're a fucking retard. LOL


ah, never used "slant"
thanks bud
>entertaining little faggot with an IQ below 80
well, i'm certainly fucked up socially with ADHD, borderline, and probably other things, but I am definitely much smarter than most of my """friends"""


Listen here faggot. I am white trash and proud of it and i say fuck you, ya fuckin shitskin


I am helicopter right. And i humbaly beg of you to be in charge of the bunker. As a miner i can safely wrangle the tards and autists and we will efficiently become molepeople under a proud new country

>i'm an atheist

That explains the arrogant demeanor accompanying gross stupidity.

make it stop

>muh adhd
>muh borderline
shut the fuck up, boy. I'm 35 years old and was diagnosed with that same shit at 7. Fast forward to me owning my own business, house, car, owing ZERO debt to anyone ... fuck your excuses and willingness to let other people tell you what you are.

Enjoy living behind your excuses while harboring hatred for other human beings with different skin color (and far better quality of life in most cases) than you'll ever even dream of having.

Or you know .... you could grow the fuck up. LOL.

>thinking religion is somehow necessary to form morals or intelligence
show me your clinical papers nigger
i don't have mine on hand though
do have my medication for adhd

Fuckoff shitskin

>far better quality of life
>nickers in duh-troyt have a better quality of life than me


American here. Muslims are useless trash. Stay the fuck out of my country

I remember the day my Funcle gave me his Funcle's family heirloom. It's a nice Kansas City Royals batting helmet made from high quality plastic and it holds a beer can on each side. I sit in my Trans-Am, blasting Def Leppard, and enjoying two cans of Natural Ice simultaneously. Now if those cinder blocks were tires, I'd be on the road. Thanks all the same, Funcle.

im fucking positive thats a muslim just watch his behavior. total fucking child raping lunatic


i'd be happy to join mucklims in the purging of niggers and liberals, but that's as far as i support them


I couldn't give a fuck less if you believe me you silly little burger flipping faggot. Enjoy "hating" other people you'll never know because of their appearance.

I'd advise you on how to not be such a sad little sack of shit but it'd be like trying to teach a wall how to paint itself. Stay in your lane, see you next time I feel like having fast food!

12/10 user. this days internets belong to you.

I can see how you might think I was implying that, so I'll clarify.
Every Atheist I've ever met insists that they can be morally upright and treat all others with fairness without religion. Here you are calling names and acting like you're somehow SUPERIOR because of your atheism. I'd ask if you realize how "tarded" that is, but I'm sure you don't. Anyway, have fun getting cucked. I will be sitting here and laughing as your government takes 30 cents of every dollar you make and gives it away to people who want to destroy you.
Have fun financing your own genocide, moron.

I litterealy only use it to troll the faggot cucks.

You wouldnt go turkey hunting in the fucking gulf of mexico would you?


filthy islamic dog do us all a favor a explode yourself inside a muslim daycare

lol ok
>because of their appearance
no, because they have demonstrated sub-capabilites of my kind
if see a black guy, i don't automatically think "wow what a violent nigger" until he proves himself to be a nigger

also, what successful person spends their days battling retards online?



>You will live under sharia law

You never visited Britain did you? We don't even abide by British law, you daft cunt. If it's not fun or profitable, you can get fucked.

Never going to take over the UK with a religion that banned bacon and beer. That's simple science.