Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP in>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Cut me Yuno

But I'm better than Mash!
I'm sorry for the late reply..


Fucking nigger



Not ok :(

is rem here?


I like Mash better, but your opinion and probably thread's opinion.

Hi Mash~
Are you looking for me?

thank you for liking me

I want Alice. I will kill a nigger for her.

You're a likable person, pretty friendly too.

african american*


this Loli

>gasps at kitty ears and goes in for pets
cute waifu, user


>is patted
I'm perfectly okay with this. How have you been?

no lewd please

im a bit distracted, gomen -.- im enjoying a nice sunny day but i have no summer clothes so i look kinda silly, what about you?




oh ok sorry, is this ok?


It's a bit lonely here, just playing some games by myself. And that isn't odd to not have summer clothes, I wore a jacket outside in really hot weather.


um maybe..
i want a gaming computer -.- you dont have to feel lonely, you just have to enjoy solitude more~
>baking, bbl

You don't need a gaming computer to play games, just one that can handle some stuff. And I just feel that way sometimes, it's nice but unpleasant at the same time.
>bye mash~

We out here

What's going on in here?




Why do people like Chen?



QOTT; Which one is best cat?

Between those two Chen overkills Gato.

I would fuck one and pet the other

That is up for the individual observer to decide.

But it's this one, let's be real here.

Shut the fuck up, spic.

Which one would you pet uwu

I would playfully pet chen ^-^
good afternoon

A heart?


So you'd pet Chen and fuck Tailmon? Good choice.

I'm leaving /waifu/

I have no romantic feelings for any of the characters I have claimed and I only come here out of pure habit, I'm going to search for a waifu that I have actual feelings for, get a job at my dad's company, get better communication skills and generally regain control over my life.



Understandable, have a good day.

This bitch serious?

mhm a heart because youre nice

Goodbye ;_;

That's not a very good pasta


The president of Romania is sucking up to Trump right now on American television. Jealous?

Fuck off, Mai.
You're a failure, and failures don't change.

I'm with you, but I love my Sonokawa, goodbye everyone.


O чeм ты гoвopишь?))

May I have a name, please?
And thanks.




Welp, it's dead
I just...fuck

I made that pasta popular an year ago, only newfags use it nowdays.

If it's from a year ago, how would they know it?

Hello fellow failures how do you do

that's because only newfags are actually active anymore

Because that is what people do with
pastas, spam it.

Fine, thank you. How about you?

What did you do today? I have just been doing failure things today. Like drinking a liter of coffee.


For the first time in ages, I took a nice long walk outdoors. It felt great and helped me gather my thoughts.

I always want to do this, but it would be kind of awkward to explain. Well I'll just do it when I live alone.
I do this like once every 2 years or so.
What thoughts did you gather?


Mostly stuff regarding my future and what I'm doing with my life, both long term and short term. I've been on vacation for 3 weeks now, there's still 2 months and a week left and I'm already getting bored out of my mind. I needed some fresh air.

I've also been trying to get back into writing, and the creative juices really start flowing once you're walking around and absorbing the world around you.

Come again?

oh I see, you're probably waiting for the next semester to start. Are you joining a school then?
Every time I have that much free time, I get bored quickly too. But then I start filling my time with actually productive things, like working out and learning an instrument or language. Then when I have to get back to no free time, I have to ditch those again. Kinda sad that I don't have time for both.

Where's he from?

Prunus Girl

College, to be exact. Couldn't find a job for the summer, so I'm just sitting on my ass doing nothing until August.

That's exactly why I've been wanting to start writing again, but once my studies continue I'm afraid I won't have the time anymore.

Have you watched the anime

What the fuck is this image I just posted, I don't even have that saved on my hard drive.

Is an image swap, you goofball.
It happens when two images are posted at the exact same time.

There's no anime.
Yeah I did the same once I think.
I had about 2 month to pass, so I got FFXIV and planned to play it so much until I get sick of it.
After the 2 month I had like 800 gameplay hours and my desire to play video games was pretty much 0, which meant I was able to fully concentrate on my studies, It worked well.
The image can sometimes happen if you post at the same microsecond as another poster, because Sup Forums names the files in unix time, so if post at the same microsecond it gets the same name and gets switched up.
You'll probably see something interested in the next or previous post:

That's pretty gay


TBH, she was objectively best girl

I want to fuck Aikawa so bad

Who are you?

Nobody o:

Why are you even here?
Trash should stay in /trash/.


So the red haired girl with the star hairpin?

no o:


You can never fuck if you don't show who you are.

Hail Satan
You don't stalk me anymore
