Post a more American pic than this

Post a more American pic than this.

Los estados judios hispanos de latinoamerica.








the father took the picture


that's all you got? showing a ~50 year old picture. how boring


>the father took the picture

Studies show that there's a 97% chance that he didn't.


>literally made his face jewish to make him ugly

Black + Asian makes for the worst looking kids.

Black + anything is ugly, but black asian is the worst.





the guy who does this is from reddit.

mods love him because all the mods on Sup Forums are faggles


you're saying that you find regular trump attractive?



Look at her expression. She looks uncomfortable and sad. She doesn't even have her hand on him. She's pulling away in fear it feels like. This picture wreaks of shocking realizations and hidden displeasure. She's looking at her life in that mirror and it just hit her how fucked she really is. It's taking everything in her not bread down in tears. Knowing that she'll have to raise that child without a father just struck her like a bolt of lightning. She's going to have to explain to a her child one day why it's a half nigger. Feels fuckin bad man.



Compared to your ugly face, yes.




Which father?



Watches at $ 0





>projecting this hard

That's the UK mate





I like this one


She's actually retarded.

>GF is a rich Norwegian bitch
>Hates america
>Extremely Liberal
>Family owns several homes and companies
>Loves my american dick
>Has to go to a college in america because Norway is shit
>Everything she enjoys is american

feels good man




Gg boys


Doesn't even have McDonalds or Burger King... That is not the American Flag.


The location looks european.



That's Britain fag, look at her face and the buildings.



He's not even ripped though




clementine from the walking dead is a hot loli




Dumb niggers and women mistake layers of fat for muscles. That's why people think black boy rappers are tough, when in reality they're just fat or wearing baggy clothes.



Every watch sold on your site comes from a Chinese manufacturer. They are always extremely low quality and aren't even worth the wholesale cost you pay for them.



>I have the right to bare arms



Idiocracy all the way.


>American pics thread
>posts a false pic



>post pic of u.k.
>ask people to post pic of americans
>people take the bait un-ironically
>it was a good day

>there are people on this board who will never admit how much better and safer it was back then just because they don't want to admit that their $200,000 sociology degree wasn't a complete waste of time.




Mfw they're at diagon alley at universal orlando

Wasn't life good before niggers were people?




> most people posting here live in countries that can't even make it to outer space



Brown dad + white mom = ugly baby
White dad + any race = cute baby
