Legitimate complaints thread

legitimate complaints thread

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i hate that ur a fag

I used to hate that fact too but then I found true love.

Thank you.

I hate that you won't come out of the closet, nor extract your melanine, nigglet.


I want to sniff Chopper's undies :3

Wow, what a sexual tyrannosaurus.


Replacing dodd-frank will open the us economy up to the same huge moral hazard pitfalls that caused the 2008 great recession and won't be worth it in the long run

I hate when people spam these threads with unrelated shit or diapers

>but I love cub, which most people hate




I hate dramatic fags, cut the shit and pull out the dick, niggers.



one of the only true furries I've rarely to never seen porn of

kinda glad too One Piece is shit.

I hate that everyone refuses to use the bidets I installed in my house


Viable and factual complaint.

like the series or not, Chopper's fucking based


I hate that there are no 24 hour paint shops and that finding canvas the size I need is damn near impossible unless I want to shell out a hell of a lot of money.








Snuggles, how are my children doing?



I hate diaperfags









>legit complain
The lack of gfur porn.

butt holes are also viable and factual

they still smell like shit, and so does your opinion
very well, quite safe

More zeiro please


And you have yet to give a picture of where the framed one is hanging.



Got your back, fag




I will call you and harass you daily until you provide said image. Also I'll ask Squishface to help.


NIGGERS youtu.be/xP5MfjW9TuU

>This thread will revive until the end of times if digits


Tanks bruv

Clearly it isn't.



It is being loved

why can't you accept and trust my love is true

Yes that is what I was referencing.

He spent money on that drawing, it would be a shame if he didn't hang it.

I want to see where it is hung.

Fucking mudslimes, good video, got the kek's out of it



Havent seen you in awhile badg.


Yeah, haven't really felt like coming here, so much other shit going on.

Probably for the best.

hiya badj how its going





a wild zary appeared

heya snuffles, not bad I guess. Right now I'm just frustrated to no end. what about you?

I don't know. I've lurked a couple of times, but there's really not much that I've had to say.



cute pic

Well, alright then.

how's you


why are you frustrated?

I'm currently hiding and praying and trying to take a breather while a certain someone naps

I imagined youve gotten beyond this lonely and deprived place.

Absolutely not.

n-not all that much...

It's unbearably hot in my room, I've got a constant 300+ ping so I can't play games and there's a single fly that annoys me until I get up to hunt it, then it just disappears and immediately starts harassing me once I get back down.

A certain someone? I'm gonna need details.



No no, not you.

How depressingly finnish of you.

Is...is that Clayton and Kerchek from Disney's Tarzan?

But then who?

I'm generally a pretty depressing character.

Maybe idk.


to protect the privacy of my family I will decline the request for details

cool, wanna touch tails?

of course, how inconsiderate of me. how ya been otherwise?

Whoever. It doesn't matter. I'm going to leave now.

I thought everyone in these threads was Finnish.

Maybe it's just me.

No one in particular then. Bye.

Are you Finnish?

snuffles pls

take another look~

snuffles pls answer*

pressed enter too early

No not really.