Rate my anti-feminist gf

rate my anti-feminist gf

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I rate her Sh0eonhead out of neck yourself faggot op

Average. Maybe 6?

How's it going, Armored Skeptic? I don't watch your content, but nice get on the gf.

same as you skep. 4.

why are you even trying. fuck off.

she isn't even an anti-feminst, permavirgin.

11/10 she reminds me of bindi irwin

shut up you fucking daddykinking neanderthal with your aubry plaza looking T H I N N gf


Doesn't stop you nan from being anti-fem you fucking nerd. Better go get the tissues before more manly water falls from your eyes faggot

Fuck off Armored Skeptic.

it's true?
Watches at 0 $?

not an argument


That for real? I really really want to believe that's for real but it seems too good to be true

Nice damage control bro

She's antifeminist to get cock. Cool. Enjoy fucking your whore.

it isn't

>not knowing who that is

B8 you're not dating boxxy



Skep is a feminist shill just like her out of 10

anti-feminism is a religion.

Post her feet

she unironically likes hbomberguy's and contra point's videos. i'd hardly call her anti-feminist.

>get cock

Do whores get cock? I thought they received it for something in exchange.

Only dates fat "skeptic" socialist fedora tippers/10

If she's pretty and that's the catch, you know there's something dysfunctional with your product.

looks-wise meh/10

But because she is anti-femismell and because Hillary lost, she gets bonus points.

4 of 10 - still bang able

thats fake
this is what was stolen from her phone that one time she went to mexico with some friends

>Anti feminist

M8 if she thinks women deserve the right and not land owning white males, she is still a form of feminism. She is just more of a traditional feminist.

People need to vote of their household not if their individual for democracy to function, the "democratic" popularity contest we currently have is a mockery of the Enlightenment values that the west founded itself on in the 18th century.



kek at all these casanovas calling this 8/10- meh.

GTFO, you'd hand over a weeks pay to sniff the sharpie from her pooper if any of you had jobs.

I mean, the resolution tracks with Sh0e.

ms. whombridge?
nice, a grinch/potter crossover.
movie when?

Actuallymakes better content than her neck beard boyfriend and I'm not just saying that because of boobs, I'm saying that because Greg makes videos using"skepticism" to unironically debunk flat earthers, a belief that was first "debunked" over 2000 years ago and a majorityof people who "support" it do so ironically/10

8? Ok, to each his own. With bonus points.

And this


projecting faggot.

Are you a nigger?


Someone bit

I am very convinced about this common american door as proof.

>autistic chad
>legit 5'8/9"
>not really a manlet, their king tho
>no casanova
>have job
>would sniff sharpie from pooper
>would not pay to do so
>brutal honesty
>4.5/10, pic related (for basis)

she draws dicks weird


That's because she's 14 and has only seen Greg's weird pedo peter



I called myself an AUTISTIC chad. I'd be a royal cunt if I wasn't and also was just two inches taller. I don't get pussy but I tame some strange.

Fuck off. All of you fuck off. I don't who this bitch is but she's fucking hot and has huge titties. And fuck her queermo BF.

Upgrading to 9/10.


Gtfo new/moralfag niglet

Okay, since others seem to know, who the fuck is this?

I fucking wish. 8.3 even without makeup.

finally a fag who isn't a massive faggot



I would waifu sh0e in a nanosecond or even a subtonk

Looks 14

Thank you.

Is not 14. IDK how old she is but who the fuck doesn't want a woman of proper age to look as young as she possibly can in the face?

She's fucking hot neckbeard.

looks like fucking Cleopatra with a bunny fetish

lol but she fucked a nigger dude.

shes hot and totally my type but STILL i´d have to consider shit because she fucked a nigger.

You know she's bald right? She wears a wig.