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Parents who allow kids to make a decision like that should have a visit from child protective services at the very least.

they should have a visit from the RWDS

I have raised anot autistic child, it is kind loving brave and more true to itself than any animal I have ever met. Your hatred is triggering my autism juice

Seriously, what happened in our society to make this acceptable/legal

*should have a visit from the firing squad

Read the comments under the tweet. Nothing but praise... "So Courageous!"

"I wish my kid was as brave as yours!"


This guy gets it.

>Parents who allow kids to make a decision like that

You say that like the kid actually decided to do this out of nowhere by his own will


This. Parents probably encourage the shit out of their kids to do it for political agendas

and twitter likes. This guy was a nobody before this tweet. Fucking disgusting.

Parents and teachers shoving gender ideology down their throats confusing the hell out of them and they later are surprised when he/she an heros.
This is your brain on gender ideology:

"raised transgender"

>> "she"

I should get into the funeral home business they'll boom with all these mental illness shit

Yes. Kids mimic the actions/behaviors of others all the time. All it takes is seeing transgender people on tv or in public and the seed is planted. If they like it then suddenly they start acting the part. This is child psychology 101. If you haven't hit puberty then you really can't tell if a person is trans, and even then, its still a questionable thing to diagnose. Its not an exact science and there are many people who arent actually trans or gay but have been socially conditioned by either themselves or society.

I have a real hard time trying to understand how this kid is more than capable of deciding his own sexuality, but absolutely incapable of giving consent.

One would think you must understand sex before you make any decisions in regards to your sexuality, isn't it right? So if you're "mature" enough to decide for yourself what your sexuality and gender expression entail, how is it that you're still not mature enough to decide for yourself whether you want to have sex or not?

It's like claiming a blind person can differentiate what color they prefer, even though they don't understand the concept of colors.

If children can't possibly understand sex, what exactly makes anyone think they can choose their sexuality?

Also, if "transgenderism" has nothing to do with sex, then why the fuck do they all fight so much for their rights to have free "sex change" treatment, or whatever the fuck they fight for? Isn't gender just something that's in your mind? So how come the only thing I ever heard them talking about is about people dating and such?

This is very confusing. Children either DO understand sex, or they don't. You can't have a "transgender" child if the child doesn't understand sex.

I wanted to be a girl when I was a kid. Now I'm a normal guy. He'll either grow out of it or not. It's just a bad situation where the parents are using it to trigger a political debate. IMOIMOIMOIMOIMOIMO

>kid is kind of sissy
>parents and teachers push agenda onto him
>look at my kid, so brave omg, like share gib money plox
>kid is brainwashed into believing he is a demi queer trans deerkin
>puberty arrives, hormones and nature kick in
>damage control starts with hormones and all kind of shit
>kid is out of whack
>offs zirself
>omh ze killed zirself, this is because hate speech, we need to keep pushing trans agenda

Whoever educated you did a fucking awful job.

I remember seeing another case like this on here and the child was taken away

Does this mean I'm ignorant in transgenderism or consent?

It could go either way, since both are interchangeable, but what the fuck do I know about sex, right?

good grief I don't know where to start
I guess with: sex!=gender

I dare not challenge your mighty trips.

I wouldn't even call it ignorant, more misunderstood. And Transgenderism. The difference between a persons sex, and sexuality.

It will be difficult for the child to grow out of this phase since the father had his dick removed.

Holy fuck how is this real

I was a trannie kid and now I'm happy I didn't do any drugs kid are gonna grow up and kill themselves due to this lib shit

children transitioning is borderline child abuse

Did you revert back to your original gender?

He is going to get manny manny huge cocks in his ass and enjoy it.


So gender and sexuality aren't related in any way?

Ok, I can see how you might bend reality to explain that one, but aren't you supposed to at least understand the basics of "male and female" dichotomy in order to choose whether you want to "express" one or the other?

If you do understand the difference between the genders, then what exactly makes you capable able to decide whether or not you want to represent one, or the other, if not through your own sexuality? Hairstyle, and lipsticks? Clothing? That doesn't make the boy a female, that makes him a boy wearing female clothes.

Your sexuality isn't what you wear, your sexuality is what drives your libido, regardless of what you decide to wear. I thought that was a given, but I guess I was wrong on that too.

Once you label someone a "transgender" you're not only dictating their sexual expression, you're ALSO making a statement about that person's sexuality. Otherwise there would be no point in bringing up their gender into question, right? You could simply say the kid wears female clothes, and get over the whole thing.

Now, if you bring their sexuality into the equation, then how the fuck can anyone possibly claim they don't understand sexuality? How can they dictate for themselves something they don't even understand about themselves?

I think you are mixing gender and attraction. While I do agree with you about a boy wanting to wear lipstick not being a girl, the opinion and stance of these people isn't that there are varying degrees of masculinity and feminity to each gender, its that there are specific levels of each that define the gender. More or less you can "feel" like the opposite gender. The grounds of what you are attracted to doesn't even begin to come into it.

Literally the opposite of what is happening here.



But where does the idea of masculinity or feminity come from?

This is the kind of shit all through that twitter feed that bugs the shit out of me. How is this something to be "proud" of? Like it's some kind of accomplishment? Should my parents be proud that I'm biologically a male and I identify as male?

Same here, I remember in grade school I wanted to be a girl and use the girl's bathroom. It was a phase that passed in a short amount of time.

Now some poor kid like that tells someone and next thing you know he gets fed hormones and is locked into what should have just been a passing curiosity. Shit is so fucked up it isn't even funny.

Fucks me. Its not ingrained in attraction though. Interesting question though.

"protect her ur family"

> (((abby cohen)))

>Should my parents be proud that I'm biologically a male and I identify as male?

Cis-gendered, heter-normative hate speech reported.

Exactly. I don't know why we can't just say you're a boy, but if you want to act and dress like a girl it's fine. You can be a feminine boy. But instead we now decide that you're gender is female, because you're thinking or acting like the typical boy. Isn't this just perpetuating gender stereotypes rather than expanding them? I thought the left was against strict gender roles?



it comes from looking at females and males, the two sexes that do exist in nature


>basically removing his genes from the gene pool.
ill allow it.

Looking at them, but not in an attracted way. More for examples, definitions, ideas.

>abby cohen
Who? I tried, but all I can find is the stock market troll. Who is this?

How can you "feel" like the opposite gender if you don't understand what being a specific gender even means?

Unless you understand attraction, and sexuality, what is the point in bringing up "gender expression" into a discussion about sexuality? Isn't gender supposed to be just a meaningless representation of how an individual sees himself? How the fuck does anyone "transgender" without knowing anything about sexuality? How can someone be a "transsexual" if they don't understand sex?

That's like a kid dressing up as a dog, and claiming to be a dog. They're not a dog, and I'm pretty sure dog isn't their "gender expression". That would be just a kid roleplaying as a dog, for fuck's sake. How the fuck is this not clear to everyone? A kid claiming he's a girl isn't a fucking "transgender", it's just a fucking kid pretending to be a girl.

Fucking hell, do people REALLY need to be told that? This is insanity.


Again, you are failing to separate attraction from gender identity. I don't agree with their ethics and approach to things, but the two are not the same and are not linked.

Atleast you are open enough to hear input though

they're saying her, shouldn't one of you tards freak out about proper pronouns and shit? come on /b be fun again!

What exactly is gender identity without attraction, then?

Clothing and tone of voice?

I don't get what point you're trying to make in your attempt to distinguish the two.

More to do with how you feel on a fem/masc scale. Your passive actions and triggers, your responses to shit based on instinct, without outside input or consideration. That stuff.

kids are ignorant, literally, and super curious. they will say they want something and then you give it to them and they decide they dont want it. either instantly.. or minutes later or weeks later.. but eventually once they really see what it is or have it figured out they loose interest.. there is no way in hell a kid knows what they are really getting into.

why put pressure on kids to point out where they are on some scale or spectrum. this just makes things more complicated. its already complicated enough growing up. kids shouldnt even be taking about sex and genitals. those things are useless till puberty

I think if they're only giving him/her hormone blockers, then what's the harm? Puberty might be delayed, but if they change their mind then they stop taking the blockers and no harm done. If it is a phase they can come out of it on their own.

If they're giving the kid female hormones or surgery, then that's fucking cruel. Locking a kid into a decision they make when they're still that young is fucked up.

>More to do with how you feel on a fem/masc scale
What is that supposed to mean? How feminine or masculine one feel? Feel? My gender identity is based on my feelings?

> Your passive actions and triggers
What passive actions? What triggers?

>your responses to shit based on instinct...
What response to what shit?
>...without outside input or consideration
Are any responses actually given without any outside input or consideration? That doesn't sound very practical.

>That stuff.
What stuff? You didn't say ANYTHING other than "it's how you feel on a femininity/masculinity scale", and that really makes fuck all sense, since it's the exact same thing as determining whether you feel like a man or a woman.

>then what's the harm?
>>Puberty might be delayed

You've answered your own question.

Kids are basically brain-wash ready though, force fed enough garbage they may never develop their own opinions on the matter, by the time they "could" it would be far too late.

Im not saying my parents were good at their job but atleast me and my siblings aren't an autistic burden on society

Copmpletely agree with you. Not going to challenge you on that. Just how these people function though. Like different religions

Fuck yeah Angela

The faggot kid is an attention whore.
The faggot father is an attention whore who uses his faggot son to get attention for himself.
The mother is an attention whore who also uses the faggot son to fill her desire to have a daughter.

>What stuff? You didn't say ANYTHING other than "it's how you feel on a femininity/masculinity scale", and that really makes fuck all sense, since it's the exact same thing as determining whether you feel like a man or a woman.

Thats pretty much all it is.


I love it
I love this same butthurt thread 10 times a day even more

Delayed puberty isn't that big of a deal, plenty of people are naturally delayed anyway, so-called 'late bloomers'.
That would be fucked up, if they led the kid in one way or another then that isn't right. I think the best way to handle it is just to say that whatever they decide is fine, it's their decision how they're gonna live after all.

and change faggot with christian and you have the exact same argument against religion


The bigger issue here is simply that parents may be projecting onto the child without really knowing it. Most children with gender dysphoria don't turn into transgender adults (though many are homosexual).

I think anyone who is upset over this has the mindset of a child still innocent to the intricacies of the world around them.

>without really knowing it
these retarded liberals know exactly what theyre doing and they dont give a fuck if they destroy this child to further the agenda

>it's their decision how they're gonna live after all.
might as well open the front door and send them on their way.

kids are blank slates.. if you show them anything they will absorb it for better or worse.

>I think the best way to handle it is just to say that whatever they decide is fine

it should have never been given to them as a choice and they wouldn't be so hung up on it. When i was growing up it was rare that someone was like i really want to be the other gender so bad that "i cant go on if im not".. today tho its a fucking epidemic.. because people are shoving it down kids throats telling them its brave and heroic and the obvious truth is kids dont even understand any of those concepts to "decide" as you say.

It's called progress. History proves that the status quo will always change.

So you're saying that your gender identity isn't determined by your attraction towards the opposite/same sex, but determined by how you feel about your own sex?

So that means I can "feel" like a woman, regardless of my attraction towards women/men, just because I like to wear high heels and lipstick? Can I simply claim to be a woman out of the blue, regardless of my actual sex just because I feel like one, and that is supposed to be irrelevant to my sexuality?

If that is the case, then what is the point in using men and women as denominations if I can simply choose whichever one I want to use depending on my mood, then? What is the point in determining my biological sex, if my biological sex has no impact on my gender expression? Should we all just be called humans from now on then, and simply abandon the labels "male/female" completely? So we all can express ourselves however the fuck we want, disregarding sex completely, since one has NOTHING to do with the other?

That sounds like a big load of shit to me, from someone who doesn't have a point in the slightest.

What exactly does it mean to be transgender? The only reason why people think that they would be the opposite gender is because of how our society teaches them that men and women should like certain things and dislike others. If a guy wants to wear a dress, then he's a guy that likes wearing dresses. There's literally nothing else to it and if you think there is then you may be a retard.

>So you're saying that your gender identity isn't determined by your attraction towards the opposite/same sex, but determined by how you feel about your own sex?

this part made sense, and was entirely on point. The rest is just rambling.

There is an easy way to tell wether or not a person is trans: They are not.
A man calling himself a woman is biologically equal to other men, nothing, absolutely nothing indicates anything else.

You know back at school when you spent hours thinking about how unfair it is was that the shitty faggot of your class had that pokemon card you always wanted?

Trans people are people that never snapped out of it.
It starts as a spark. "Man, I wish I was a woman, that way even I would get to play with a pussy..." and from there they go on crying how unfair it is until they are completely trapped in their deluded mindest.

That's also how people become gay, they are either ugly, awkward or of low confidence for any other reason.
This leads to them not getting pussy.
Some people deal with that the easy way, going to a hooker, others try to find an excuse.
What would be a better excuse than "oh, wow, I could of had pussy if I wanted but turns out I dont like pussy, that's why im virgin"
And now that they are "gay" they find someone like them, with the same shattered selfesteem and therefore low standards who fucks them.
And this justifies their excuses. "as soon as I accepted myself I had sex"

I legitimately think society needs to get rid of these abominations, people always justify them by saying they dont harm anyone, but they do.

Them going public with their cobstruct of excuses makes it easier for others to come to the same conclusion.
Plus society can't trust or profit from people who spend all their life lying to themselfes and others.

If your gender means how you "feel", then what the fuck is the point in having "genders" at all, if it doesn't influence in your sexuality anyway?

You're trying REALLY HARD to make some obscure point out of nothing here, pal.

Jesus, do you actually think people are shoving the transgender issue down kids' throats so much that they're saying they are just to be 'cool' or whatever? It's still a rough life and these kids realize that when they start showing up for school dressed as the opposite gender and they get bullied and realize not everyone is like their parents. Whether or not people's parents 'give it to them as a choice' or not, they live in the same world we do. With Caitlyn Jenner and Laverne Cox, they're gonna see it and 'absorb it' and make the choice on their own, I'd rather my kids know I support them no matter what


kek proved our collective point. now fuck off back to tumblr

its called brainwashing. people are getting weaker. population is exploding but progress is slowing. we are running out of space and resources. and this is what people are spending their time teaching their kids about..

oh you like pink billy? i bet youd rather be a girl. ok lets go make you a girl. kid has no concept what will actually be done to make this happen or what the results really are.

these kids are being mutilated before they even have the mental capacity to know any better. no wonder youth suicides are going up.

Check the latest comment

No, I'm just simplifying. Because it is that simple. Gender is separate to sexuality.

Gender is how you feel, sexuality is what you are attracted to.

>Gender is how you feel
No. Gender is what you are biologically born with.
What you feel neither is relevant, nor changes your gender.

Is that why they changed the name "transsexual" to "transgender"? So it's no longer a sexuality?

Does that mean you can be straight AND transgender?

Re-read that post, you're a retard if you think he was being a Tumblr SJW. I think he was saying the idiot parents fed the kid the idea, which also proves our collective point. Don't be a dumbass

Thats where your opinion differs from the opinion of transgender. I am inclined to agree with you, but their opinion is that gender is how you feel.I was explaining that.

>a rough life
being 8 or 9 aint hard.. when i was that old if we got sad we were told to tough up or we wont make it.

now a days if your emotional they put you in a dress and call you a hero.

I don't know why the name changed, But yes, you can be straight and transgender.

no. if you are biologically a man and "identify" as a female, fucking a man doesn't make you straight, you're still gay af.

>you can be straight and transgender
I guess I ran out of arguments then. I really can't argue with that. It's just too much stupidity in one sentence for me to handle.

Being 8 or 9 on it's own isn't hard, but being that age and showing up for school in a dress when you were born a boy, that's a rough life. Like, getting the shit beaten out of you constantly, even some of the teachers thinking you're a freak, it's gotta be hard.


you know...I really couldn't give a shit about it. In no way does this person affect my life in any way, shape or form. I think if you faggots stopped worrying about how other people are living theirs lives and started focusing on your own you'd all be a lot happier or at least a little less pathetic.

Just the opinions of their community. If you are biologically a Man and identify as a Woman, and are attracted to Men, you are a straight transgender person.

no thats the opposite of straight.

just because you hear that shit from some tranny on tv doesnt make it logical.