


fuckin bitch tricked the fuck outta me. Probably found fuckin chad. And she got pissed when I didnt send her money. Like damn im sorry ur broke but dont fucking beg ppl u met online for money

I'll leave this here for you, newfag.

Let's see the nudes.
Don't care if she's a cow.

Sup Forums is not your personal army, retard. You banged a whale, gg now move on with your life.

Dump the noodles in a dropbox

Rofl, neckbearded loser

yah i fucking know.

do you know how POF works? Enough reports and the system automatically shuts the acc down. If she gets banned tonight i post her nudes.

Thats where the dumb slut fucked up, why would u send nudes and then ditch the guy what an idiot

Give us the noodles, so we can stroke our doodles.

i dont have any other options my man and yes im a neckbeard

u would willingly stroke urself to a fat slob cow? Ill post nudes after she gets banned



yes im a neckbeard loser, thats why i had to go after a fat cow and now i want revenge

post the fucking nudes goddamnit.

[x] Approved

wait till she gets banned god dammit

Nudes or die newfag nigger

No nudes no help. see ya.

not until she gets banned my man

This guy gets it.

fuck no. Payment UP FRONT.

Dude, if I wanted to see pics of girls I could realistically fuck I would get them from the girl. There's not a huge market for fat girl nudes outside of niggers and the chubby thread.

fine b a nigger about it.

I wont post a nude until i kno shes been reported, then ill post the rest wen she banned

Moo, moo.

So wtf should i post so 1 of u fags will help me. She sent me a bunch of nudes b4 she went to run off with chad

K then no

Double nigger newfags get off your fat fucking asses do your own dirty work

tits and pussy and ass, duh.

fuck off pick 1

fuck off thn


You can gtfo not now but right now

Just put all into one image, then it's one. Fuck man, do you know where you are? You gotta pay the piper.

nah im posting 1 first get ready



Do not want

i fuckin told u guys, wtf else do u expect from a fatty


wtf man what kinda potato camera did you take that with.

she took it not me. Go fuckin ask her ghetto ass urself

>went after a fat cow
>still gets rejected
fucking kek, you're done
you're gonna die a virgin just end it now

plz help me brother