If snakes had the sentience and morality of humans (they could think and feel like a person)...

If snakes had the sentience and morality of humans (they could think and feel like a person), would you date one or let them slither alone in isolation?

how is this even a question?

What kind of drugs are you on right now

it has a question mark

cinnamon vodka mixed with rc cola

id date a cute snake if we had enough in common

i would totally date a snek

Put the bong away Jimothy

made me laugh for some reason

I have a thing for fangs, I like snakes, and I have a tendenci to do thing that sosiety dosent like.

So yeah, i'll take 3.

No I would not. You think the opposite sex of humans are venomous and vile, just wait until you get a snake bitch mad. You'll be a pile of bones in no time flat. No thanks.

>opposite sex
just get a gay constrictor then

What would even do with a snake girlfriend, OP?

"He'd fuck a snake if someone held its head."

I feel this old saying applies to you.

Take her to the movies in my pocket?
Cuddle in bed?
Eat meaty meals in front of the fireplace?
Listen to music?
Anything else that people in a relationship do just modified for a snek if needed?

it'd be cool to have a nerdy snake that studied up on human biology and knew how to pleasure someone in a way no bipedal mammal could

otherwise not sure, maybe go hunting or cuddle

>"why do you find something with a penis body and vagina mouth attractive? god you're so weird"

snakes are sentient, all complex animals are

If one ever asked me out
>Sorry I don't date Jews

>inb4 someone posts the guy fucking the snake gif


>implying mammal bois can even compete


I think OP meant if Sneks had the ability to reason

nice try, Satan

What's wrong with wanting to get down with the Dark Lord? Don't tell me you're one of those "Christ" Elitist

i would maybe befriend some of them if we got along but i couldn't see myself dating a snake. our anatomy and the way we live our lives would just be too different

I would actually fuck a snake-man don't go there


Can somebody post the .gif of the guy fucking his snake? I need to show my friend it


Yeah like if i was in love with a girl and she became a snake i totes get off on that ride orlikeifi became a snake and she carried me around her shouldet and i could kiss her all the time and crawl around her feet like dirt that would be legit

Post more sexy sneks
I need to fill folder

Try Pepsi fire with gin. Its similar.

>boi constrictor
Missed opportunity

The female man-serpents from dark souls 1, hnnng top waifu.

agree, though the male one's aren't too bad either

>inserts monstermusume joke here

They went from ight cool design in ds1 to freaky rogue dexers in ds3. And the females now have the creepy masks and cannot be waifu'd easily cuz they summon knight bros. To defend them.

I would kill them before they could run for office.

I like how it connected the nameless king to sens fortress. I wish they weren't wrapped up and bloodborne-y though

Uhhhmm to me the dragonbro lair seems more like the ds2 dragon eerie and the undead asylum from ds1 but that's just me. In my head sens fortress is closer to the Carthus Catacombs

I'm not saying it is sen's fortress, just the extra tie in that gwyn's first born had something to do with sen's (leader of the knight's or some shit) then fucked off and did the something similar on this own

They do. They're called kikes

Yes this

In my head the
> u come, I forge
Guy built sen's. But that made it succ more to see he died in his forge. Probly waiting for more bros to
> forge your weapons?