This fucking slut fuck her fucking midget

This fucking slut fuck her fucking midget

Cute, who is she?

Totally hot. Hope you're not butthurt OP.

Christ op is fucking retarded. Also if you are wondering her name is Dodger/PressHeartToContinue.

She's like 30 and still plays games kek. What a man child.

So....Dodger thread?






Dodger has the best armpits/underarms.


Dodger is quite the qt 3.14

I'd press her heart to continue.



Instantly dropped her when she started dating an unfunny, untalented british "man".

Glad I did too. Apparently her lazy nature has been taken to the extreme these days.


Don't be jelly of strippin bruh.


Trust me, I'm not. The whole thing just showed me what a dumb cunt she actually is.

Praise the sun

such rustled jimmies over strippin.


>practically begging someone to respond to your gay waifu thread

not my thead. I'm just posting dodger because its rare to have a dodger thread show up on Sup Forums.


>dropped her
That's when you know youve went too far down the rabbit hole m8.
If you start dropping internet e celebs because they date another internet e celeb. Hope you get well soon man.



why so tiny.


Didn't notice that till now my bad user

Damn, I get it, bitch. You really, really love Gwen Stefani.


all is well user.

dodger needs nudes.



>Dodger when she sees this thread.