YLYL Thread

YLYL Thread

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Chinman Chronicles 1/5

Enjoy this gold.







Holy shit I haven't seen this in years. Lost horribly.

Mom's Spaghetti


9gag tier, sage goes in all fields

Yeah, still got some old school folders although that doesn't feel like too long ago. Glad you liked it, never see it in these shit threads.




These are so good





Just noticed the bit mark on the dog's rump





Fuck i love Vsauce memes


>mfw I think all of those except kool-aid are delicious but I'm white
>niggers know how to eat


That's old school Sup Forums shit. I remember seeing that in high school and I'm 25. I lost my shit at the 2nd one by the garbage can


I couldn't finish this. Each line makes the situation so much worse.

Last line is the best tho

I always lose when I see him whistling at the stove.

kool-aid is fine if its anything but grape...
and fried chicken is ok if its not greasy-kfc-nigger chicken




get out fag

Obviously not that shit tier chicken. Likes like comparing real burgers to McDonalds fuckin play-doh with sauce burgers


Oy vey, we all know the hall of cost happened guy, calm down..

I don't understand this pic, how is it funny?

Because that fucking nigger is in a cage.

Only the black one is locked up. They steal.

Fuck i lost

that's true, but when most people thing chicken they thing KFC...


Oh now I get it, thanks anons



dude wtf

wait, do you not have a pubic hair collection?

Of course i do. Im not a savage.

punishment bag?



Pop eyes is the best chicken in the world fam


as do I



I chuckled

More VSAUCE siht

>when it's obvious these are the Andy Sixx faggots


I would ffffffuck tgat car.



so much this.

maybe thats how it started but it probably isnt and I actually find it funny, and if you dont you should just think about the psychology behind jokes and then reconsider your mentally handicapped life


She's the one with cancer


damn i fucking lost it
check em


>not reading chinman chronicles
>hello summer newfriend




You're missing out, learn to read


Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee back on the boat Pedro


>sensible HURR-HURR-HURR


I love these

The joke is - I don't even like Sour Patch Kids.





if its supposed to be funny
then why does it get me hard?

sissification thread?

any more of these in Sup Forums?