Hello Sup Forums what is this

Hello Sup Forums what is this



ingrown hair



A boil. Pop it and drain it. It's going to fucking hurt

Lance it, you motherfucker.
How the fuck did you even let it get this big? That shit's gotta make walking around a living hell considering how hairy you are.

Ingrown hair, ive gotten them before. treat it like a zit, pop it, pull the hair out with tweezers, and disinfect it since it looks a little infectted

blood blister, pop it nigga


confirmed, webm while you squeeze it

Has OP been in the Outdoors recently? From this angle it looks like a tick

It's obviously not a tick.
Whatever it is, it's melded with the skin. So it grew out of the leg.


this was posted a few days ago. fuck you all for falling for this stale ass shit.

pop it dude

get a needle and syringe and draw whats in it out into the syringe. post it

Oh wow Mr. Oldfag. So this was posted a couple of days ago in some obscure thread that maybe 30 people visited?
And now people 'fall' for a repost? Unbelieveable.

Looks like a tick bro. if you pull it out make sure you get it all or enjoy lyme disease

you'll get more if you don't lose weight i would get them a lot when i was 20, make sure when you shower you washed the area well, also when your sitting down wear some shorts make sure the area can breather.

Maybe a cyst.

Ingrown hair causing an abscess. Lance it, drain it, pull the hair out. I get one every few years in nearly the exact some spot, I'm just as hairy as you are. Nice side-dick.

Clearly a jug of nerve gas.

Medfag here. It's a classical tick bite. You should immediately remove it by draw and turn it out. Then disinfect the bite. The danger is to get a borreliosis or FSME from these fuckers. If You see red inflammated circles after a time of one or two weeks, ask a physician for antibiotic treatment or visit a physician now. Don't wait for that this falls down from itself (they eat blood up to a max. diameter of more than 1 cm) and You could risk a new bite by one of her siblings


bubonic plague you're going to see more of them

This is what they look like when they are engorged

they still retain their markings and sort of dimples. This is not a tick.

Go to a fucking dermatologist, man. The last place you want medical advice is Sup Forums

Sorry OP, I had the same thing 2 years ago and i died.

looks like a purple grape.. eat it


I am a dermatologist. And without a doubt this is skin cancer.

that fucked man, like i came here to jerk off not see some fucked shit like this. 4can now days

you must be new here

>being this new
>guess summer really is here

>Get transparent pen
>Remove the inside parts
>put the hollow part on the thing so it gets covered by the pen
>start recording video
>press down the pen to the skin with some force

It means your dick is gonna fall off op


Cut it off with a knife and eat it with Nutella