Fluffy bread

fluffy bread

dead fluffy thread...again

This subfandom is dead. Even over a year ago when i started drawing amd posting i could see it was dying. Nothing new or refreshing is has happened in a long time. Only autism.

That being said i do have a huge collection

What's a fluffy?


Subliminal pony posting. Good job mawds.

What is it?
Something like a furby?

Who the fuck is Hugbox enough to have a fluffy, but abusive enough to let it rape little babies?

let's revive it

fluffy is an artificially engineered biotoy that escaped labs before it was complete. it was meant to be the perfect toy for children but happens to be a problematic pest



then post some of the older stuff. i've discovered fluffies just around the end of last year and when i'm lucky enough, i stumble upon some old gems like wolfgang spanks


This is why we enjoy watching fluffies suffer. Because they deserve it.

I gotta comic I've only seen once but I don't have it completed







this is a classic. get posted quite often. the author abandoned it and disappeared without trace





That's all I got of this



Jesus Christ did your mummah give birth on a minefield ?


Post Mord litterpal


it's a pity litterpals were generally abandoned. it feels like there's still room for improvement in this topic



When you heard about inst-watch

spam on Sup Forums? are we suffering these captchas for nothing?

As macabre as fluffy abuse is, I find literpals to top it. You have sadbox, abuse and just all around a horrific fate for the fluffy. Even more so when the other 'normal' fluffy converse about poopie fluffy. You have those I like in
that see the terrible fate but there are also fluffies that complain about literpals having their bestehs mummies everyday, while they have to resort to kibble.

Litterpal comics also differ a lot from the normal schematic of fluffy comics. The usual abusers pen is becoming dull, all fluffies are scared etc, but here you have a broken fluffy in a normal bunch of happy, hugging fluffy. Quite the contrast, its what makes them so appealing. Take the insane shit that is fluffy and top it of with horror.

Litterpals are the culmination of various different types of abuse.
>Cutting off their legs
>Torturing them into mental submission
>Forcing them to eat shit
>Breaking what little agency they have by turning them into a piece of furniture that other fluffies barely acknowledge as even being fluffies

They encapsulate both physical and psychological torture without simply resorting to over the top levels of gore. Not many people could imagine a fate worse than having your arms and legs severed, and then being forced to eat shit out of somebody's asshole for the rest of your life, under threat of repeated whipping if you refuse.

Plot twist: gas mask guy is actually 7 fluffies

Kek, that would explain his bad English. Also you mean pig hamster?

well for one he is russian.
for two summer is here.

This is some of the best written stuff I've seen in this morally and ethically bankrupt arena. We must find moar.

What, I can't make a shitty joke?

its basically an autistic power fantasy for 14 year olds



More fluffies porn, I want to jack off.




Pt 1

Pretty sure it is.



keep telling yourself that


How fucking ignorant are you?


>not a fetish







samefag kek



die unterfluffs

if it exists...
>rule 34


Oh boy here we go again

