Mfw the white race is being bred out of existence

>mfw the white race is being bred out of existence

>mfw all projections show an increase in the white population.
>mfw retards who can't read think that being out-bred is the same as being bred-out

Mfw I have no face.

I don't fucking care as long as my genetic material is in there somewhere. Other than that, not my problem. We will have american niggers, anglonigger, scandiniggers and all and they will still stay separate

Jews are biggest enemy.People must understand that.

White women have dna closer to yours. By breeding with one, your children are literally more you than if you bred with other race.

Good goyim.
Bad goyim.

MY genetic material. Mine, my parents' and our grandparents'. The rest of our race can collectively go fuck themselves.

>most white people have 1-2 kids
>most neo-Nazis have 3-7 kids

Nah, whites are just shifting. It's gonna suck to be non white several decades down the line...


I agree with this goy.

Why is it so hot to see a beautiful white woman taken by a black man?

>most white people have 1-2 kids
>most neo-Nazis/tradfags/survivalist gun nuts have 4-7 kids

Nah, white birth demographics are just shifting. It's gonna suck to be non white several decades down the line...I mean, one well trained white can kill about 50 niggers before he/she gets taken down. They have guns in America now that fire 1000 bullets a second.


It's not your's, it literally came out of your race.


Bait or shill?

Looks like he's from 8ch

This makes me want to puke. Why would you combine vanilla icing with shit? Why would you combine ANYTHING with shit?

It just makes me happy that a sweet girl is having amazing sex with a black man. We choose love over hate.

It came from the house of Man and this is my cadet branch. Gey back to breeding you little shit, you're not going to live forever

Because you are either a bestiality faggot...or a nigger


MFW people don't realize that means other races are being bred out too.

because 9/10 they're only fucking black dudes to piss off their dads.

Why do you hate them so much? Stop being so backwards.

Other races are having high birthrates on their continents with their homogenous populations.
White countries are where all of the race mixing happens and it stays there.

White dads are the biggest cucks in the universe.

Considering that The US population is mostly white, if we keep on placing in the law of averages on breeding partners around the country, eventually the entire place would be white.

The idea of there being whites bred out is mainly a Euro problem, because there are countries such as Germany that plan to create a workforce off of immigrants rather than wait for the next generation of natives to be born.

The single drop rule will eventually drive any race to extinction if they keep on believing in it.

>inb4 Racist
>inb4 Jealous
>inb4 B-But muh dick
>inb4 a picture of a jew
>inb4 cucks
>inb4 propaganda about erasing whites
>inb4"facts are lies"
>inb4 too many inb4s
>inb4 you were only pretending to be retarded

Samefag shill.
Maybe I made a mistake or two, but most of these posts are from the same guy


Low level bait, friend.
There's 11 posters in the thread and you pointed to 8 of them.

If we subtract all the race mixing supporting jokes and jew memes it's nearly impossible for one guy to be the same fag.

Do you have any more last minute cuck ups or are you just gonna pull out of the "I'm wrong so I gotta rely on ad hominem" bag.

>inb4 ay yo whatz ad homie-nyms
>inb4 pretending to be smart


You've got nothing, user.

I do, ask me what.


That's cuz you're afraid.

Why would I be scared of cornered cucks on the internet, boy?

Of the truth.

I've spoken the truth to you, user.
There's no such thing as a black out in The US.
And if you think there is you're just letting your fetish hang out in the open.
No better than furries and vore fags.


Ok, but why are black mamas so hot?

I dunno user, that ain't my kink.


why do people say BBC when its small as shit?




>You know we will take everyone out with us.
>Implying we don't have D.U.M.B.S.
>Implying we aren't on bases off the planet

so you are telling me that this small dick is a 9 inch bbc? what type of delusional world are you in?


his dicks only 7 inchs, i really dont see what youre trying to prove

Dude seriously don't insult us beastfags. Niggers are 3 steps below animals. And jews are 2 steps below rotting feces.

Are you a ponyfag nazi? Classic Sup Forums user.



posting small or average size black dicks isnt convincing anyone to take on black suitors , i still dont see whats to prove

No I fuck dogs. Niggers aren't bestiality they're like having sex with AIDS infested syringes. Animals are beautiful and don't deserve to be insulted with these nigger trash.

Jews gonna jew.



looks like poop lol

It's very fitting.


Okay I'll bite. I've been ignoring these types of threads but I'm curious.
Can you explain this to me? This might just be a meme thread but something tells me some of you are serious about this.


okay, so... like, what?