Ask a heroin addict anything. also dont say "degenerate, kys, loser...

ask a heroin addict anything. also dont say "degenerate, kys, loser, waste of space" your intellectual originality is rather lacking.

Other urls found in this thread:

are you at the point where you're eating ass for drug money yet?

degenerate, kys, loser, waste of space

do you function in society at all?

thoughts on this?

what about human turd?

Good goy

Beat me to it user. Seriously though op, you're a literal waste of space cock sucker. Kys

What do you fell when heroin yourself? Does it better than computer games?

Do you like the movie trainspotting? And if so, do you plan to see the sequel?

also how does it feel to be playing russian roulette with all the fentanyl-laced heroin out there?


Do yuo leik oinion rangs?

>dont say "degenerate, kys, loser, waste of space"
Fine you miserable, self-destructive profligate.

I can tell you what its like to be russian.
**russian bear**

So are you actively trying to kill yourself or are you just retarded

So um... why did you start?

Greentext story plox.

I don't think we're gonna get any answers guys, sounds like OP's nodding

I hope you can get clean and become a productive, happy and useful leader in society. Until then my hopes for you are slim, for I know your chances of death are very high. Unless your synthesizing your own Opium and extracting from poppy plants to make your own heroine then you're chances of dying from carfentanyl fentanyl are really high. Sucks for your family that you chose to be this way they worked their whole lives and you just throw away all of that work.

Why did you start shooting when you could snort / plug it.

How far does 100 dollars go for you.

Have you ever tried to quit.

Have you met any heroin QTs

What's the cosiest you've ever gotten.

Have you tried kratom or any psychedelic that helps with addiction?
Does it affect friends/family?

How do i invest in heroin?

Hold long until you get aids?

Have you tried buying h on dnms with bitcoin? Much safer and cheaper.

What happens if you microwave a microwave


Have you got any jays of coffee 'razors or make up for sale
This seems the standard occupation for smack rats in my area

Why do you do it to yourself?
Are you happy?
Did you see yourself like this as a child

Best way to ruin your whole life! Never touch heroin~

I actually don't care what you do, infact I don't judge you at all for doing heroin, for some reason there seems to be such a big stigma around it, mention to someone that you do diluadid or oxycotin, both of which are great, and people are okay with that, but to most people, do heroin and in most people's eyes you're the equivalent of a child rapist. I think as long as you can support your habit and you aren't harming others, do what you want.

Sorry for the faggot rant, anyways, here's your question. As a iv user, how do you find clean needles daily? Or do you just reuse one multiple times for a couple of days?

I used to have a sister like you. Godspeed user

OP is a sleeping faggot

I saw the power of heroin when a co-worker was telling me about it. When I asked him "would you do it again if it was in front of you?" he stopped me before I finished the sentence with "IN A FUCKING HEARTBEAT." He then went into length about how incredible it feels. I asked "should I?" Him "no. fucking. way. Don't you dare. I'm fucked but you don't have to be."

Holy shittt. Try it once, and you're probably boned. That's the scary part for me.

I want to add: You can do whatever the hell you want, you're a free human being. I believe that OD deaths will plummet if US policy focused on providing SAFE, FREE needle exchange with no strings attached, and marijuana descheduling.

lmao OP just got high and nodded out instead of replying to anyone

Try smoking it off tin foil. Doing it once isn't enough to get you addicted physically, so you're not going to go all cold turkey wanting to do it again.

You may like it and want to do it again though, and again until you feel sick when you don't have it and have to blow niggers for quarters.

Why would I tell you to kill yourself if you're doing it already?

Where do you live op

>heroin addict
>your intellectual originality is rather lacking.

I would say kys, but you're en route

>Heroin Addict
>"your intellectual originality is rather lacking."

degenerate, kys, loser, waste of space"

If this isn't bait then I don't know how one person could be so fucking stupid.

>Heroin user
>Tries to come off as smart.
>Says kys etc is stupid
>OP is killing self

Jesus. It's just so much stupid rolled into one post.

Here's my question OP: why haven't you just accepted that your life is over and you've squandered it on something like heroin?

Aye idk where OP went but i been shooting dope almost two years. And From the needle clinic not alot of people realize that they give you like 3 boxes of 300 or 100? I dont remember either way but its enough to last you a long ass time. But i still reuse mine every now and then just because why use a new one if the one you got is still good you know?

This is OP and it's my first itme posting in here since my OP, i have had some technical difficultes due to weather, Im sorry, pls give me a second to go through some of your questions.

>Starts a filthy junkie thread, please don't say negative things because will ruin my high

really op......
I am also for this!

Do the world a favor and od.

kys degenerate loser waste of space

I'm surprised a peice of shit like you remained sober long enough to find a smart way to call people stupid. Did you use a Thesaurus from the library because you can't afford a computer?

Are you fucking retarded?

>used to
10/10 Smite

>Not OP.
>Addicted to heroin.
>Actively trying to kill myself... albeit poorly.

Here is proof that it's me, again im sorry about this, I will startffrom the bottom, working up, then i will come back down

No it wont ruin my high, Its just that i've heard it before. seriously please come up with something orignal if you're going to diss me

dude, where's your cotton?

Um, actually no. I can afford a computer. I actually do infosec work. Mainly web app penetration testing

degenerate, kys, loser, waste of space

I know a lot of kids that died from a bad batch last year. Seniors in High School.. Don't put people through that man, it isn't fair to them.

Dude, im not edgy and a teen, im almost 40. Please, get help if this is ruining your life. But, if youre functional and managing it, carry on and Godspeed :)

ok, your dumb question made me go out of order. albeit it is blurry, you can see it in the spoon.....

Be that as it may, you are still a degenerate.

>inspect element

Tbh, even if it isn't, people hate junkies enough to back me up? So I mean, you kind of lose either way.

Tfw 'addict' has more l33t skillz that u do :(


oops, my bad haha I didn't see the water in the spoon so I just assumed it was uncooked junk waiting around BUT WHAT KIND OF DOPE ENTHUSIAST WOULD PLAN AHEAD LIKE THAT am I right? pic related, it's me planning my addiction and stocking up for years at a time

Well, you do know, that there is a thing called, responsible use. My life is actully pretty good. And it isn't squandered away.

Responsible use, is not using everyday, which I don't also testing every batch for potentcy, you can always do more, you cant do less.

So i am in fact not kms. the only down side to heroin is that of ODing, other than that, the only other down side to it, is dependence, and withdrawl

did you just have a stroke?

What pills are those

yeesh i dont see how you like benzos THAT MUCH

If ya don't know, ya won't know.

How does it make you feel that you're gonna be a constant drain on the society and those close to you until the day you finally gives in to the part of your brain that hates you and commit suicide?

actually no, I've already covered this aspect of heroin here

Looks like an assload of xanny bars

heh, same as anyone else with a problem I guess. I got into 'em because everyone around me was casually using them and it was quite profitable. 5 years down the road, with unlimited access to free benzos, I was using more than any of my customers lol

How would you be addicted to this? I dont even like needles?

>rather lacking
>im a heroin addict, im edgy and smart
>degenerate, kys, loser, waste of space

kidding but like, stop being a faggot and realize your place user. also stop doing heroin, just make the fucking jump and get over it already faggot. drug addiction is so awful man, doesnt matter what youre a slave to if youre a slave

What are you implying is inspect element here? OH I get it, you have no clue what you are talking about so you're using a buzzword you've heard before in some one elses conersation about "hacking" but here, a scrot of IE for you so you know what it actually is

functional, and managing for the last 10 years my dude, appreciatethe understanding on your end.

Smack rats. I like it.

I know what inspect element is dumbass, I was implying that that is what you were using. It's not just a function on IE either. It actually much more accessible on Chrome anyway.

actually no, I had a internet outage due to weather.. nice try though


OP here, this one way to get heroin induced luekoencalapathy Which is elevated lactate levels in the brain. Which basically there is no cure for, and te symptoms you dow start getting are permanent. And if you don't get help right away after noticing the symptons you WILL die, they aren't sure if its the H its self or a cut, being used in it. and if it is the H, its a specific method that its being made with, they do know thats within heating it, because it only happens from smokers, there is some chemical change while its heated. iv users, the solution is cooled by the time they use it, obviously snorters never heat it, so its only smokers

symptoms include a fucked up equilibrium. slurred speech, loss of speech, paralysis, decreased motor functions. and it takes a week to manifest, meaning you could smoke some, be fine then a week later your life is fucked

Man they have to sell them to you, there are no laws regarding it, walmart will sell a box of 100 for 13 bucks and some change

Oh ya man, cause everyone does, ya know 8 years old playing N64 going MAN I CANT WAIT TO GROW UP AND STICK NEEDLES IN MY ARM ALL THE TIME ADDCTED TO A DEVIL DRUG...seriously

>insulting people's intelligence and originality while doing one of the most self-destructive things you can to yourself
gg OP, really showed those guys, knocked 'em dead.

better yet, what happens if you microwave a microwave, that microwaving something..

Do this world a favor and kys

degenerate, kys, loser, waste of space

Have you ever sucked dick for smack?

Are traps gay?

How? I work, pay taxes and contribute to society through my work. so please faggot explain to me how I am.. you know not all "junkies" are lying theifs. everyone is different man..

Have you caught that fucking dragon?

>Heroin addict


>your intellectual originality is rather lacking

Some lofty words for a degenerate junkie. When are you going to rehab?

>muh linux
You're not only addicted to heroin, you're also a virgin.

thoughts on this?


O shit I'm in the wrong thread

The use it once and you're hooked forever meme sounds kinda stupid tbh, I bet people would be saying the same shit about alcohol and cigs if those were illegal.

Ya your tolerance to them, is probably like mine with opiates. The amount of heroin I do in one shot would kill you, and me doing 1mg of xan would legit knock my ass out for the next 12 hours.

Well I'm not you...that should be pretty clear....

This sort of addiction sneaks up on you. Also it's fast acting, and long lasting. Nothing like tobacco or alcohol. Seen a lot of strong willed people fall victim to it. For a short time me included. Been about two years, and I still have a special place in my heart for heroin.

Not OP but former heroin addict who uses kratom. It's a miracle drug if you are trying to be off real opiates. I would say there is close to no negative side effects and allows you to be a normal functioning person. Also you can get kratom from the store and you arent waiting in a parking lot for an hours withdrawing

How do I get started with heroin? First time dose, what kind to look for, etc. Don't want to overdose.