Are traps gay?

Are traps gay?


What do you remember yourself preferring before porn? girl or boys? have you ever had a gf? like to have sex with girls? you're straight. you've now discovered trap porn and it makes your dick diamonds. don't worry. you're straight. had you have been gay you'd like DUDES. not tiny little cute grills with perfectly feminine penises.

its gay bro accept it

I completely agree

"feminine penis".
lol,i'll never end laughing when someone use this words together.

well that depends, are homosexuals gay?
>the answer is yes

if they like dudes, otherwise no.

what's gay about wanting to suck a penis ATTACHED TO A GIRL? It's like wanting to suck your own dick, perfectly healthy.

By traps you mean crossdressing. No.
What you wear does not equal what your sexual preference is.


using your logic
>penises are gay
>men have a penis
>men masturbate
>men jack off a penis until i cums
you are gay if you masturbate.
but yes traps are fucking gay
>makes your dick diamonds
no it doesnt, it makes my dick want to kill itself

Not if you are a Muslim (look up "bacha bereesh")

Yes, it's simple logic.

Obviously, man on man is gay, both men have penises. Thus, a trap (which has a penis) dating a male (which also has a penis) Is the same thing as a guy dating another guy. Thus, traps are gay.

>whats gay about wanting to suck a penis
i realize autism is plentiful, but come on man, leave sum for the rest of us

no, kys

>no it doesnt, it makes my dick want to kill itself
simply because you're close minded. shed all previous notions of what you consider right and wrong for one fapping sessh and tell me you don't enjoy fantasizing about those luscious girly penises.
It's like you haven't read the rest of my post

Rules for men having sex with boys:

Man-boy sex is institutionalised to the extent that the Islamic rulebook specifies who should and should not be the object of a man's amorous attentions. Apart from the requirement that the boy should be beardless (bacha bereesh), there are also some restrictions regarding family members.

2414. * If a baligh person commits sodomy with a boy , the mother, sister and daughter of the boy become haraam for him. And the same law applies when the person on whom sodomy is committed is an adult male, or when the person committing sodomy is na-baligh. But if one suspects or doubts whether penetration occurred or not, then the said woman would not become haraam.

2415. * If a person marries the mother or sister of a boy, and commits sodomy with the boy after the marriage, as a precaution, they will become haraam for him.

In other words, if a Muslim dates a woman and finds her kid brother or son attractive, he must choose one or the other. He can't have both.

New Scenario:

If a guy fucks a trap that he thinks is a girl and doesn't notice it's a trap until after is it gay?

Pretty little boys (catamites)

In Muslim societies women are kept covered in burkhas, so the prettiest things that most unmarried Muslim men ever see are beardless pre-pubescent boys. Beardless boys are not regarded as male, so sex with them is not considered as homosexuality as it is between adult men. Being beardless means that they're classed as female ('catamites') under sharia law.

Consequently, in traditional Muslim societies completely clean shaving is frowned upon, as it sends the wrong messages about sexual availability. If full beards (Taliban-style) are not worn, then moustaches are required.

Muslim clerics are especially fond of little boys, and enjoying them sexually is one of the perks of the job. Muslims get very annoyed if kuffars interfere with their rightful privileges.

If a boy refuses to have sex with an Imam, he can expect severe punishment.

>closeted homosexual
dood your a faggot, go to /lgbt/ theres plenty of traps on there, oh and no, girl penises are not a thing

how could you not notice the fucking meat noodle between their legs?


Yes. Traps are 100% gay. That's fine, you guys can like what you like, I don't judge. But if you find a dick attractive that is a homosexual quality. Don't even try to use the "but you touch your own dick, why can't you find another one attractive". I have never once in my life looked down at my dick and thought, damn I would love to suck that, what a nice cock. You tug it out of basic human necessity, not because you find your own dick hot.

No matter what way you cut it, finding a penis attractive is gay. Which is fine, but it's the most assanine thing ever to argue other wise.


who gives a shit, its fucking islam, its the religion of autism, its fine to fuck a goat in islam

traps are for straight men only. read a book. no homosexual man is attracted to traps.

*cough* transgender *cough*

But if it has a penis it is BIOLOGICALLY a male you fuck wit. Mental psychosis aside. You can't fight science you demented snowflakes. There's nothing wrong with being gay now. You don't have to embarrass yourself with this stupidity anymore. Sucking a penis ( a MALE sexual organ) is gay af dude. The penis is the identifier. Not if the dude is wearing a wig or taking hormones.

oh yeah and
>feminine penises

boys have a penis, girls have a vagina.

so attaching a cock to a mentally retarded woman makes it a man?

Jesus christ.


If by definition sucking a penis makes one gay then yes, I agree. But being homosexual constitutes a romantic attraction to the same sex, that look and behave like the same sex. All straight men are attracted to traps sexually and want nothing to do with men romantically. They are simply excited by the exotic combination of a juicy looking penis on a perfectly feminine body.

False. I litterally just asks my flatmate who is openly homosexual and he says he would never date a trap but he would fuck them silly. He likes his boys submissive and feminine because he likes being the 'man' out of the two. Days every cross dresser he has met acts way to girls for his preference. Also added just because they act girly doesn't mate them a girl and it's still a man.

Tldr; My gay friend just confirmed he thinks traps are gay.

Dressing up in woman's clothing does not make you a woman.

and I had three gay friends that confirmed otherwise, so?

it makes you a faggot


>i love to suck cocks all day!
>im not gay!

[zalgo] Nezperdian hive-mind [/zalgo

code for this
> [zalgo] Nezperdian hive-mind [/zalgo]

I've never sucked a cock in my life. I've sucked plenty of clits tho and am currently dating a grill. In my private time I do fap to traps tho.

[zalgo] Nezperdian hive-mind [/zalgo]

doin it wrong
N͚e̟zp͢e̳r̙̗̻͡ḓ̰i̩a̮͚n͎͓̩͚ ̛̳h̘̯̱̭̞̀i̷͕̦̰͇̬v̞̘̝̪̞̫͝e̛-̶͇̟m̗͍í̻ṋd̖̠͢

number of this girl?

Which makes you a closet faggot. Which by the way is much more respectable than being a raging flamboyant colorful faggot.

hmm wtf how its the fucking code
am i newfagging this up?


how does that make me a closeted homosexual? I have no desire to date men and I enjoy being romantically involved and having sex with women perfectly fine.

they're like girls, except they just have a dick.
> i dont want a girl, i want something that's like a girl... just with a dick
means you want the dick
how is wanting a dick not gay?
it's the fucking gayest thing ever, if you didnt want a dick, you'd like girls, not faggots, you faggot.

don't you wanna suck your own cock tho?

You have a desire to fuck a man disguised as a womyn.

The semantics about romance and platonic bullshit can be put aside, you are gay. Or Bi at the very least.

>debating whether being a homosexual makes you gay

nah dat ain't me. your definition of being gay is wrong

No. Who the fuck does?

You see? The problem from fucking with traps so much is that you feel nuts all the time.

really? no.
why would i.
i'd rather stick it in a vagooo.
vagooos are nice.

Apparently some people are in denial

It's fucking gay, get over yourselves!
I like it if I'm high on speed, you might like it under any circumstance, but the fact that you need the affirmation of other people to justify that you're not gay just goes to show how gay you really are.

You can be happy with your masculinity and do whatever, you just don't have the self respect to,

TL;DR it's gay, kill yourself.

look, you kids are what, 18? maybe. probably even underage. when I was your age, girl with no cocks were all I needed. I don't blame you for not seeing eye to eye with me on this. but just so you know, after you've been out there fucking and jerking on them for as long as I have, you'd long for some variety. and that won't be gayness. it will be progress.

>you feel nuts
>All pun intended

theyre mentally ill men who wanna keep their dick but live as a pseudo woman. youre either born with a cock or a vag, if youre fucking a trap youre fucking a man

>after you've been out there fucking and jerking on them for as long as I have, you'd long for some variety
That's why there is BDSM, Pizza and a lot more of pretty dope shit that includes biological females.

Why fap to cocksucking and huge veiny dicks? You can have variety without being a faggot.

(of a person, especially a man) homosexual.
light-hearted and carefree.
"Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face"
synonyms: cheerful, cheery, merry, jolly, light-hearted, mirthful, jovial, glad, happy, bright, in good spirits, in high spirits, joyful, elated, exuberant, animated, lively, sprightly, vivacious, buoyant, bouncy, bubbly, perky, effervescent, playful, frolicsome; More
a homosexual, especially a man.
synonyms: homosexual, lesbian, trap(s), gay person, lesbigay

>Are traps gay?

1. Traps are gay
2. You're a faggot

id suck my dick if i could

>Arguing about faggotry with an actual dictionary definition

Never change Sup Forums, never change.

Only gays and bisexuals browse Sup Forums.

It's just my preferable fetish.
that simply states that gay==homosex

It's in the word, trap, as in it looks like a woman, but is not, and if it got a penis, it's gay.

hey have you heard of CP? if you want variety THATS PRETTY FUCKING VARIED!

if ya look at the synonyms traps are mentioned

can i just add, its called A TRAP, like it looks like a woman but OH NO ITS GOT A PENIS, its literally given that name as an insult, would you willingly walk into a trap?

>Scientist who specialize in sex and sexuality tested a sample of men using a device that measures the reaction of a mans privates to various visual stimuli. Men who are attracted to transgender women were not turned on by porn featuring two gay men, but they were turned on by porn featuring women only, and three kinds of “shemale” porn (“Man on Shemale”, “Shemale on Female”, and “Shemale on Shemale”). So a man who likes transgender women (people born essentially biologically male who are sociologically more like women) does not have to be “at least” bisexual, or really gay but hiding it, or any such thing. What studies like this hi-lite is the sparse vocabulary most of us have in the USA. Words for people who are into anything other than straight, heteronormative relationships but are not gay exist. Most people don’t use them. The reason for this is a deep need in US culture to have everything follow a nice neat binary classification. (Consider our "two party system".)

There are tens of such studies

only newfags, regularfags, and oldfags browse Sup Forums (regularfags being homosex)

hey, shut up, we were having fun

My nigga.

Sure, if walking into the trap got me off

I'm still getting a lot of (You)'s



They look like girls so its definitely not a gay thing

I only came for the pic of the birds fuggin'

How is being into tomboys any different. If being gay or lesbian is based on genitals then it has nothing to do with romantic attraction.

I however believe that how people are identified the only viable means of determining an answer.

I.E: it looks like a girl, acts like a girl, smells like a girl, it's a girl, regardless of it's genitals. Even her hormonal balance is more a valid argument than genitals at that point which further compells me to say if she fits the bill, she's a girl.

Likewise, I for example would never like a butch "girl" because I don't want a man, I want a girl. A Butch "girl" by definition is a girl who subsequently acts like a man, but has girl parts.

TL,DR There's a distinction between romantic attraction (physical appearance) and sexual attraction (genitals). If you're attracted to femininity, it's not gay. At the least or most, a gray area.

same thing can be said about rape
>she looked like a whore so its definitely not rape

I'm not attracted to women or penises

because tomboys have vaginas


then you're a straight man that's into buck angel aye?

Wtf i love islam now

no, im into chicks w/out dicks

Faggots like to pretend that all straight men are a little gay. They're twisted like that.

its dudes with dicks. gay.

not if you say, no homo first

I'm completely str8 and like trap penises. FIGHT ME

no homo but... i like semen soaked hairy balls and 13 inch cocks down my throat, i attend gay pride parades with my black fuck toy estaban GOD WHERE IS HE WHEN YOU NEED HIM TO FUCK YOU!

>im completely straight
>i like cock

If you fuck one, yes, you're gay.

fucking the same sex is gay

>feminine penises

Well all men start out as women as some point, we just get triggered to become the most outy of outy-vaginas there can be(plus a few more pounds), so you're still sort of gay for fucking a woman too in my books.