Okay look, I know there was a thread about this sometime before, but SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY FUCKING WRONG HERE

Okay look, I know there was a thread about this sometime before, but SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY FUCKING WRONG HERE



gif unrelated

Also, actually go to the youtube video page, watching it on Sup Forums doesn't explain anything.

It was made TODAY, and it already has 50 MILL views

yeah. weird...

Well looks like you may have stumbled into the birth of an evil A.I

its from april you fucking morons

wut in hell

>April 12th


comments seem strange, no?

looks like someone needs to watch some nightmind

they do yes

Oh you're right, my bad. Still, 50 million views on this shit, with garbage comments?

want more insight about this

a bot?

Well obviously, yes, but I want more INFO on this shit.
Who is running these channels?
Who created the bot?

North Korean propaganda ?

Are you guys stupid or something? You put this shit on your phone, hand it to the baby and it shuts up for two minutes. The little trousershitter puts the phone in its mouth or taps on the screen like a retard baby does, and voila you got thousands of random comments.
That or, you know, North Korean mindwashing conspiracy

this actually makes sense

Half of his total 93 million views are from today...and hi says he is in the U.S

This is a YouTube kids app video, you give them to babies. Not sure how the comments got there but it's most likely fucking toddlers. Calm down.

Then explain the replies to some of the comments, some of them even have random words thrown in there.

Videos like this are a result of Youtube's monetization policy, they give better priority to "Family Friendly" content, and don't distinguish between fake bot comments and real ones.

>set up tripe like this,
>have bots watch them over and over and leave comments
>shit tons of ad views
>make loads of money

>it's all the other videos too

So basically, their viral leeches?

I still wonder, who's behind them? They're obviously not American.

I have known about these Finger Family videos for months now, and I still don't know how they do it, but man this one in particular really disturbs me.

Autocomplete, you might have heard of it?



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Seems like someone found a way to make money off YouTube by fucking them right in the family friendly guidelines.

Still, more info on this. This shits interesting.
Also, I hope these views are fake. Kids shouldnt be watching this toxic shit.

This a reply to the first comment of the linked video. WHAT THE FUCK

I find it infuriating how people like this make fucking bank off of this shit, but then actual videos with REAL content are getting fucked with copyright strikes, censorship, ad takedowns, etc.

I think they get away with shit like this by making their videos private after a certain amount of time, or deleting them, so they can't get detected/striked. Also, creating multiple networked channels with proxies could help get around bans.

it seems that they've essentially created an artificial community, composed of bots/kids watching their vids.

Okay, now that is fucking weird.

Also, where is the proper place for this shit? Sup Forums is more about political shit and political conspiracies, while /x/ is more about paranormal shit /alien conspiracies. This seems more like a... corporate conspiracy, with some ties to political shit.

Sup Forums is a good starting place for things like this, but I feel to get more info on this shit, there has to be a better board for it.


I feel like youtube is probably doing a silent investigation on these fucks, and will suddenly unleash a massive ban of these shit videos

Is it possible that the jibberish comments are encrypted code?

Maybe, probably not. I think whoever makes these videos, figured out that if they comment certain combinations of letters/words, it tricks youtube into thinking the video isn't spam.

Maybe copy paste?