Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>keep ERP and RP in>insult other waifus
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't worry about it. I'm sure he's fine. Maybe take him to the dog park from time to time or just spend more time with him. I don't work anymore so I spend all the hours I can with my dogs. Every moment is precious because they die in 15 years or less.


Claiming my mega-class Danger Beast DestaGhoul ^^

Thank you for making the thread

She! Sheeee!
And she's too old now, going to be 18 in December. I love her so much

Wow 18. Are you gonna buy her a car?

I always do it, and they never do. Except that one girl who actually slapped me. She felt bad and hugged me afterwards

Hey everyone. Decided to get out of the bed for a bit. Some fresh air or something should help, I think.

How is everyone's morning (or night?) going? I hope you're all well!

I spoil her enough :p
I mean she sleeps on my bed every night but since she's old I have lift her up and stuff.

Did you get an instant boner? Cuz I would have gotten an instant boner.

You're that user that writes up a storm!

Ah, I'm sure she appreciates that. 18 is very long for a dog so it's good you took care of her enough to provide that kind of lifespan.

Yep yep! I have way too much to say and no where else to say it! Either that or I just have trouble actually saying what I want to!
You're the user who is cool and stuff! I'm kidding, you're all cool!
How are you doing today though?

Hi dog person! How goes your dogs today?

Hope you are too

From the slap or the hug?

Thanks Rem! Wait, does that imply that you're doing well?
I'm not super hot, still sick. I'm just tired of laying in bed for the entire day. Glad I went out Saturday at least.
But how are you? And how is your day going? Err, if you don't feel like talking much, sorry! Didn't mean to bother with the 20 questions.
Still, if nothing else, I hope you have the best day you can.


My dogs are fine and happy.

I went dumpster diving the other day and fond some beef jerky which made them happy. Why do they throw out these massive amounts of luxury food??!?!?

She has white hair now! I'm so sad!
I don't know where to bury either.
Stop writing so much!
How do you not make any typos? Tell me your secrets. And I'm very hot, that's all...

u ok?

Shoot her into space. Only $12,000 but the memory will be priceless.

Hi Alice! How are you doing? Any better than last time?

Hey, that's really great to hear! I don't know why I asked, I know that you take good care of them!
Dumpster diving?! Are you sure that you're not part dog? Well, that's good that you found them a treat, it sounds like they were ecstatic!
I never got that either! They throw away food if it's like a day old, it's like they've never heard of a fridge! But I guess health and safety stuff?

aaaaaaa I can't help it!! Sorry if it bothers you, really!
I do make quite a few typos from time to time, but spellcheck is almost always there! The problem is when I used the same word twice or spell a word right but it's the wrong one or it doesn't fit! Those are the worst! But no real secrets here!
Hot? Ah, that's terrible! No fan or anything? How hot is it?

I'm doing eh. And rest is fine, you kinda need it when you are sick, but I can't stop you from doing things. My day is going okay, got nothing better to do than play games. Thanks, I'll try to make good use of it.

No, I didn't.


What the fuck that's so much money, and I'm currently saving for my dad's funeral anyway...

I hate when that shit happens too.
Then I get in trouble at work...
Um, its very hot! But there's a cool breeze and I have some water. How is you?

She must have been a fat girl...

Which one?

She was thicc.

Hi Yui I probably may not know but may still be the one I know

Lol yeah dude I'm huge into dumpster diving. I might be part dog. My dogs and I bark at planes and eat out of dumpsters.

Yeah not only do they throw MASSIVE amounts of food, but they have the fucking nerve to lock their dumpsters. Faggots, I break into that shit like a nigger looking for a new tv. Get on my level corporate america.

I got 100+ packs of oreos and countless juice packs downstairs. I literally cannot consume this insane level of food. $500/night in terms of value average haul. Sometimes $1000, sometimes $200. It's DISGUSTING how much expensive food is thrown away. Mostly chocolates, energy drinks, expensive stuff.

I love this country but seriously fuck this god damn country. I see homeless people walk through the streets with their shopping carts next to these locked dumpsters I always hit. It's pathetic.

Yeah I want to be cremated with my dogs or something then snorted by a native american. That's how I want to go out.

the office worker cosplay one, if i had to choose

Was she cute at least?

What the fuck, user...

That's kinda cool though.

I just want to be thrown in a dumpster or... maybe donated to science, I don't really know.

You like hard-working and independent women, huh?

north Korean dating sim ftw

Eh...? I guess that's better than a lot of things, even if it's not super great. But I'm just glad that you're here, you know?
Rest is okay, and I don't mind it, but I hate not being able to do anything. I haven't had any time to come here and post, I've missed playing games, I just... it's been like a week and a half, starting to get sick of whatever this is.
Well that sounds nice! What games? I hope you enjoy yourself, that sounds like an okay day at least.
No, thank you for trying Rem. I hope that you can.

It's the worst, really! Spellcheck doesn't pick it up because it's "technically" right, but when you read it back after you post you've realized that you've made a terrible mistake. Wait, you have to do that at work? That really sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. Err, but hey, let's not talk about that if you don't want to!
Eheh, sorry, I know asking for the exact temperature was kinda a long shot, didn't mean to make you try and think of it. But I hope that it cools down soon for you!
Ah, a cool breeze sounds nice right about now...
I'm terrible! Sick, tired, and I just want to feel better, but my body is giving me a no go on that! I just want to stop coughing. But it's okay.
Any plans for today?

I wouldn't go that far, I just really like entertaining the thought of Yui developing enough to become a hard-working member of society. Kind of like Chris from Majikoi

Ahah, I never would have guessed! It seems really unsanitary for me I think, even if a lot of it is packaged! I know that there's nothing actually wrong with it, but then I think of the potential germs and I just freak out! I'm a wimp, ahah.
Wait, they lock dumpsters? Err, I can kinda get why they do it. You wouldn't want a bunch of people waiting outside of your restaurant or something like that each night, it'd be bad for business, among other things. But still, I don't get why they can't just donate it to a homeless shelter or something? I mean, if you were going to throw it out anyways, why not actually give it to someone that can use it?! It's a bad system that they have.
Whaaaaaaaat. Okay now that sounds insane! Where the heck do you get this stuff? That much?! $200 is like the limit on what we spend on food each month or 2, and you're getting that a night?! Why are they wasting so much food?
Yeah, I can imagine that would hurt to see. That's rough. Have you ever just given some food that you've found to them? Err, not that you have too, I didn't mean to imply anything, but just wondering.

Aren't they the same fucking height?

Is anyone okay?
Don't know

pic related is a more accurate representation of their heights. In the office worker picture, Ritsu is clearly much taller than she should be, and Yui's a lot smaller than she should be.

Well the only thing in some of these dumpsters is paper and plastic. I've gotten all this kind of stuff in the rain and it's all fine. Sealed in plastic after all. Even organic milk that tastes really fresh.

$200 of food and snacks is what I get on a BAD night. Try $500. The sheer quantity is what makes it worth it. I find lots of canned food too which is totally okay. You can also pick up meat when it's snowing as long as it's frozen but can't be done in the summer.

I used to be really charitable but I quickly learned that it's every man for himself. People use you when you give them stuff for some reason. They take it as a sign of weakness or something I guess? Who knows. Used to give money to this black guy when I was a kid and he would always approach me for free stuff when i went out the stor, like I was gonna give him the stuff i just bought. It was fucking annoying.

I only give spare food to my family, nobody else. They can fend for themselves

In a way I can understand why they lock it too, but that's not gonna stop me from unlocking it.

She was okay to me

It wouldn't make much of a difference if I were here or not. Being sick sucks, but I just go about my day since I'm used to the rare case I am. Unless I got the flu or something, then I gotta lay down. The sickness you have may have lasted this long because you were never really exposed to something as bad as a virus. I'm just playing some Payday or whatever that I think I need work on. Again, I'll try. Thanks again, hopefully the sickness subsides quickly.

>tfw friend never responds

I feel awful. Been a while friends

Why do you feel awful? It's nice to see you too new person.

many people seem to feel awful today
come join the fray

Hi Vampire-chan. What seems to be the problem?

I already like this girl.

I'm sorry, I hope that I could have helped you better a few days ago. I'm sorry, really. I hope that you can find out who you are. You can't give up, okay? I know that you're an amazing person.
Look, let's not talk about that if you don't want to. I'm sorry if I bothered you.
What's up with you today? Playing any games, watch anything, just relaxing?

No no, I know that it's actually probably fine! I just get all worked out about the thought of things, where stuff has been, you know? I'm pretty sure you wouldn't do it if it was actually as bad as my mind seems set on making me think. That's pretty good that it's safe though, I don't want to see you or anyone become sick!
That's crazy. I really don't get why they do it. How do you move all the stuff then, if there's that much? Do you have a car or something, or just like a bunch of bags? That's so insane though. Have you thought about selling it? Wait, that's a bad idea nevermind. But still. Snowing? I never actually thought about that. How long have you been doing this?
You're right, it honestly is. People do that, at least most people. But for me at least, it still hurts to see them like that, and I can't help but try and help them. That's annoying of him to do, I wish people could just see that maybe it was more of a one time thing, you know?
That's fair. I didn't mean to imply anything, sorry.
And that's also fair. I don't think it's really right to waste all that food, it seems pretty stupid to me. And even if I didn't like what you were doing, you do you, you know? You're not hurting anyone!

It matters to me. If you don't want to be here, as long as you left because it's what you wanted, I could handle that. But seeing you post and just lurk always makes me feel a little bit better.
Well you're tough as nails Rem! I wish I was like that. And i don't know what I have, it might just be really bad allergies.
I don't really ever get sick, so that could be it. The last time I was sick... a few years ago, I guess? I don't remember what it was, just that it was hell.
Hey, that's a good game! Though I wish I had got the DLC when it was on sale ;-;
Sorry, didn't mean to make you repeat yourself. And thanks Rem.

Well I'll respond to you! How are you doing today?

Hi hi Koume!! Why are you feeling like that today? Sick, or is it something else?

Way to much work over the last 5 days. Now it's just the wrap.up after everyone has left. This is what I want right now.
Will do
Answer above doggo
Relentless schedule over a few days

I'm ok I think

aaaaaaa that's terrible, I'm sorry to hear that! But at least it's almost over, right? You better get a nice big break after it's all done! I bet you worked your butt off!
I hope that you can rest soon, really.
Other than that, how are you holding up? I know it's probably rough, have you gotten any time to yourself?

Oh, I never said hi! Whoops! Hi there!
Well that's nice to hear! Wait, you think? I hope that you feel even better soon!
Any plans for the day? What do you like to do?


Hey hey, Runescape is always fun, I think? Did you ever level up... uh, runecrafting, right? Sorry, it's been a while.
How has OSRS been? I know that it was a big thing a while ago, but has it held up? Do a lot of people still play it?

Thanks, I guess. I don't even know what I want anymore, that's the problem. And what's gonna stop me from just lurking? Like, not even bother posting? Nothing, that's right. Hash, yes; truth, yes. I'm not as tough as you'd think, maybe mot physically or emotionally, who knows? I mean, it shouldn't be really hard, but you've come down to where you can't really do a lot to... Temper yourself? Is that a good term? And I don't think allergies could cause major sickness, and if you're still suffering that stomach thing then get it checked out if you can, or do some self diagnoses. Payday 2 is free for a little, so you can check that out. And it's fine, Kanna, don't worry.

That's rough, I mean I did maybe six shows in a single day once but that is kinda harsh on you.

I doubt I'd get sick except by the sheer amount of brand new unexpired chocolate I keep finding.

I have an SUV which I can pack to the brim with food. Been doing it for about a year and I would highly recommend it. CVS and Aldi supermarket are the highest yields so far. I heard of people finding xboxes (old 360s) behind walmarts.

Yeah thanks man. There's a lot more you can get than just food though so look into it. It's a great and very profitable hobby.

I'm not proud of this but at one time I even considered selling all the excess food online for spare cash, but I don't know. It seems a little dishonest. I'm sure there are people who do that though especially with non food items.

I hear you man. Work is awful. Start a business and get out of that cycle as fast as you can or it will chip away at your mind until there's nothing left.


wow that was really shitty

yes, I think

Don't be mean to Grimes.

Err, sorry if I've bad you feel worse, that wasn't my intention.
It's fine if you don't know what you want, it happens to people all the time. I never really know what I want, and tons of other people feel the same way. Sometimes you just gotta go with a gut feeling, and then deal with the decisions later. Other times, it a good idea to take a step back and listen to your brain! I hope you can find what you want though.
Nothing, I think, like you said! I didn't mean like someone or something stops you, I just meant that if you didn't want to show up anymore or something like that! Sorry, I maybe have wrote that wrong. I didn't mean to imply anything, sorry.
Well you're a deal tougher than me, so that's gotta count for something. Still, it's okay to open up sometimes though, it's only human, right? Don't worry, if something isn't supposed to be hard, I'll find a way to make it hard! Apparently that's what I'm good at! Temper yourself may not be the best term, but I think I got the point you were making, so it's good!
Ah, well maybe it's not then. I think I am, no idea. It's mainly my stomach I think, but I don't know at this point. And I'm not worried, I can't really imagine anything too bad happening if it just continues. I mean, I feel bad, but that's fine.
I have it already! Played a fair bit of it, but I missed out on the big DLC sale, only needed like 5 or more of them and I would have had them all!
I'll try not to, but I'm not good at that. Sorry again.

It's up to 49. I'm leveling magic
Still lots of people play it

it's just some underage girl trying to market her sexuality?
nothing to be fond of tbh

Well that's a pretty good way of getting sick I suppose! But yeah, I get what you mean, you're pretty smart I think anyways so you'd know what's safe and what's not, which is nothing I think! Err, apparently besides meat in the summer!
Oh, that's smart! And a year? Wow, that's a fair bit of time to be doing this! Have you ever been caught? Err, if that's too personal, I'm sorry! Aldi? I know CVS, but I've never heard of that! I'll look it up! Wow, imagine that! That would be a pretty good find!
Wait, really? Ah, that sounds pretty awesome! But I'd be too scared to even thing about it! I get nervous just thinking about talking to people, what would happen if I got caught? That sounds really nice though still.
Nah, it's super okay! As long as the food was good, you should feel okay about that, at least in my opinion. They were going to throw it out anyways, why not make a bit of money? But if you don't want to, I can respect that to! And yeah, I think I've seen some people doing stuff like that actually.

Well, why do you only think you're okay? What's wrong? Are you feeling ill, or just not feeling okay? You can talk to me, if you want of course!
No plans means you have an entire day to do whatever you want though!
...nothing? Really? I mean... well, you're posting on here, right? Do you like to do that? There's got to be something you like!

Nice! Wait, magic is a different skill? I though runes were magic? Whoops. Okay, well what does magic do?
That's pretty good to hear! I like it when games have an active community, you know? It feels like the game is more alive!

I think I'm ok but idk
its a shame I have nothing I want to do then
there are a few things I like to do I guess

You need runes to use magic. And you use spells

But she's 30 y/o and how is she even marketing her sexuality?
Her lyrics are quite diversified and don't touch any of the themes that modern pop tends to abuse over and over.

Sorry sorry, was busy for a second!

... you keep saying you don't know, and that worries me a bit. But if you say you're okay, then I'll take your word for it. Really.
Then... then we'll find something you want to do! Even if it's just relaxing, or something like that, we can find it, I know it!
So you do like to do some things? Like what? You don't have to say, I understand. But I hope that you can do those things that you like.
I'm sorry if I'm pushing you, I just want you to be happy.
Do you want to talk about something else? Err... uh, how's the weather where you are?

So I'm a complete idiot, my bad! Sorry, really, probably should have just looked up how it works, really sorry.
I think it's coming back to me now though... right, I kind of remember it a little now! I never played around with the magic sadly, I just used melee, my character had a bunch of strength! Well, I hope that you can level it fast! Oh, what's your favorite spell?

congrats on that look then i guess

>lyrics ... themes
i'd have to listen to what she says to talk about that but
>modern pop tends to abuse over and over
but it is modern pop?

i hear relatively thoughtful lyrics regularly on the normal radio channels
even so, if you wanted to tell a story with your words you'd write a story not a song, the song lives off of the sound
and the sound in this piece is very generic

I don't know how you can bad people, teach me your ways. It just irritates me sometimes, and I think you do know what you want? And most of the time when I go with my gut, it don't go well. My brain doesn't help me either. I mostly just pop out when I see some people, other than that I don't post or just lurk. And it's okay, don't worry. Why would you want to make things harder? I mean, yes, it could help you be better maybe. Well, the worst that could happen in some long term damage and you may vomit a bit, maybe even get a worse pain. I don't know what I want to do in the game anymore, but that's a shame on your end, even though they end up releasing a new DLC every month or so.

Yeah I been caught a couple times by truck drivers doing late night deliveries. Wasn't really a big deal. i just needed to move my car for them. Then when they finished I would come back and finish diving for whatever was left.

Why did we add her looks into the equation in the first place? The only visuals that should be relevant to music are album covers and that kind of thing, in fact the art that accompanies her works is quite rich.

It is, which might be one of the reasons to why it sounds so generic to you, after all that's part of what pop is.

>if you wanted to tell a story with your words you'd write a story not a song
That's not how art works, innovation and creativity is the point of it all. You write a story having in mind the device that you think it's best to express it. A book, a game, a movie, a song.

;-; That was supposed to be "made you feel bad" I'm sorry Rem.
That's fine, I can understand it irritating you. There's worse things that can make you feel that way. You should do what you want though, because that's what matters. You matter first. There's nothing wrong with caring about other people, but someone as amazing as you should put themselves first and then decide what you want to do from there. And if it doesn't go well, then you tried, right? No one can really fault you for that. People are different, they make choices, and a lot of the time there's always a better one. But we don't know that. All you can do is be yourself. Also tell your brain to start picking up the slack, it needs to be helping you!
That's fine! Don't let me tell you how to post, eheh. I didn't mean for it to come off like that! Heck, most of the time I just lurk without posting anything, I just like to watch everyone interact! Err, is that creepy?
I don't want to make things harder at all! But it's just when I try to help people, they always yell at me and tell me that I'm just making it worse. So I feel bad and stuff, but that's fine, I know that I'm just a screw up. But someday I think I'll get it right, so I'm not going to stop until I can do something right! And then I'm going to keep going beyond that!
That's fine. I don't really want to talk about it, sorry, but I don't really care anymore. Whatever happens to me, happens. I've already vomited twice, but that's just what happens when you're sick. Don't worry about it.
Ah, I know that feeling! It's a good game, but it's really only fun with some friends! We should play sometime if you want!
Believe it or not, they just released the ultimate edition, and I got the 5 remaining DLC's for 76% off about! So that was really cool! Thank you Rem, you're a lucky charm!

Whoa, they were that chill about it? I figured that you would have the cops called on you or something stupid like that! That's awesome! How often do you go? Err, sorry if this is boring, I just like hearing about people and stuff like this!

I go twice a week when I can but summer heat ruins any prospects this week so I'm skipping it this time. I don't want melted chocolate. Fuck this heat wave.

Nah I've dived in front of cameras and 4am work crews before. Nobody gives a shit. They continue throwing out their shit.

I think Aldi supermarket took the hint though when I started diving. They now throw out much less food and more actual waste. Which is good. That means less wasted food I hope. I have plenty of other dumpsters to visit.

she seemed like that other loli thing that was glorified on Sup Forums for a few weeks
but she ended up just being some flat chested old hag
which makes it an uninteresting point to discredit her, i agree

now i am not a music enthusiast by any means, but afaik pop includes literally everything that "people know"
and under that definition there is still an audible style to most songs right now
which has steadily subsided in modern pop though

>innovation and creativity
depends on who you are
as a consumer or even an individual that might be the case, but that is a badly chosen argument when talking about modern pop
modern pop thrives off of it's templates with the sole purpose to drive the economical machine behind it in all its facets
>having in mind the device you think is best to express it
and when the main focus is the story you want to tell then you should write a story?
music has a great element to convey meaning and especially emotion, but it does it in a different way than pure words
praising a song based on the lyrics when the music has no connection to them makes the music redundant

Why would that make you an idiot?
I don't really have a favourite. I've only used a couple for leveling purposes


>I just like to watch everyone interact
an ironic thing to say about a thread that is pretty much having its dying breath
>they always yell at me and tell me that I'm just making it worse
in the thread or irl?

Germans are so anal when it comes to music discussion. I said that her lyrics avoided the themes that pop tends to abuse, not that it includes a complex story.

I do agree with most of your post, sadly I need to peace it for now.

>praising a song based on the lyrics when the music has no connection to them makes the music redundant
What if this dissonance was intended by the artist? Like a happy song with sad lyrics representing how he is talking about something from his past that he doesn't mind anymore? That was the fastest example I could think off.

Sorry sorry, slowing donw. My bad.

That's as lot more often then I would have figured! Sucks about this week though, melted chocolate sounds terrible. How hot has it gotten there?
Wow. That's not what I expected at all. Well, I'm glad that you've never really gotten in trouble.
Wait, you actually changed what they throw out? That's pretty awesome, at least in my opinion. You're like the Robin Hood of dumpsters, except you give to your family instead!

Because I should have looked it up, instead of just assuming. It was my mistake, and I wasted both of our time.
Oh, sorry then. Well, uh... do you do melee, ranged, or what? Or are you just trying to level first?

Hi! How are you doing today?

Eheh, I guess that's true. But even just interaction between a few people is nice to watch. Plus it'll pick up soon!
In real life! Everyone here is pretty nice to me and everyone else. It's nice.


I'm just trying to get a bunch of things to 60, honestly. Magic and Ranged are the next set I'm doing

>germans are so anal when it comes to music discussion
well i am not the other 80 million people but i dislike music discussion for the simple fact that it's impossible to do right, which doesn't allow me to not try to get it right though

i might try to listen to it later but i don't see myself doing that tbh

have fun

how old are you?
>It's nice
it's a hugbox after all

It's over 90 degrees easily right now and will be until tomorrow.

Lol yeah dude I try to make use of everything I find and now I have excess which is always nice.

Do you have your own car? WHy don't you try it?


hello doing ok , yourself ?

hello hello I love you all


Good to see friends on here.

>Misaki Claimed

They are all on almost all the time, retard

hello hello Misaki

You don't love me though


Hi Rory! How the day treating you?

Hey, that's fine! Nothing wrong with leveling everything so you can get the full experience when you start doing other stuff! Err, like you can use all the things and find your favorite one, you know?
Oh, so you've got a bit to got! Not like a lot, but still working on it is what I meant. Sorry, that may have made me sounds kinda rude.
Have you done prayer yet? That's the last thing I remember leveling!

I'm 21, birthday was a few weeks ago!
I don't think the thread is necessarily a hugbox! People are nice, but sometimes a few can be kinda mean. That's fine, you don't have to act nice around here, it's just how I like to be, you know?
How are you doing today?

Uuugh that sounds terrible! I hope that it'll cool down to a little more comfortable level for you and stay that way past tomorrow!
That's smart! I wish I did something like that, but I'm far too lazy I think!
I don't! Use my families stuff, but the only vehicle I can use is broken down I think! And I'd be way way way too scared to try something like that!

Hi Tomo!! How goes it?

Hey, that's great to hear!
I'm in a rough shape, can't get over this sickness. It's fine though!
Any plans for today?

Hi loveanon!

This tbh

Misaki is a shit and a slut


My prayer is 43. I want to do more woodcutting. I like that one the most

cyкa Блять

Ehh just sitting.

That sucks man I feel you.

Hi Tomoko. I was here before you for once.

I'm doing okay

Disgusting cow

I woke up and am waiting to leave home to head to work. And Im going to regret a lot of things because I dont have a medication.
