Intelligent girls

Intelligent girls.

Other urls found in this thread:

>literally a used up whore

it's bait

>elsa jean

glasses on face != intelligent
bitches can be nearsighted and stupid


Why is she so perfect?

INT + 2

! = =/= does not equal

Man I hope there is a live stream when that girl grows up and first sees mommies movies.

wonder how this girl will turn out when mommy is like

They'll probably have a threesome. classic.

wait for Elsa's daughter's debut

she's so intelligent, like your mom OP

Hey honey how was work today?

Good, I got fucked up the ass by a nigger

This looks shopped. I can tell from some of the pixels and from seeing quite a few shops in my time.

they just emphasized her ugly traits and probably made nigger dicks bigger, but it's based on a real pictures probably, she's a wasted mudshark

You don't program, do you?

>being this fucking new

Asia Carrera MENSA member IQ 156

>did I ever tell you kids about the time grandma got BLACKED

elsa jean is fuckin hot and shes got the pussy of a much bigger woman.

carry on

she's ugly though

she looks like an ogre

smart and sucks good

What are you doing in my swamp!

Big deal, mines 148 and I work and Long John Silvers, IQ is potential, doesn't actually mean dick about your choices.

she's a genius i swear


yer mum

I wish.

slut from my uni


>Dem meat curtains though
Pic related


The thread is titled intelligent girls not intelligent fast food workers you mental migit. Try to view content without being a edgelord.

she has asperger's

>literally autistic

Might be, but if you wouldn't fuck thst pussy piercing regardless you're a faggot. Or maybe you're just a faggot all together.

Out on a date with Cuck and daughter

or maybe you're just into fucking retards

Nope. Yet more frail attempts to be edgy.

I'm always getting so triggered by people using "=/=" instead of the more proper "!="


wat is up with those feet


suck on this, nigger lover:


From what you told me you told me you have bigger fish to fry down at the Long John Silvers bro.

"I actually find that I respond like a male to almost every situation."

basically not only are you into fucking retards but you're psychologically a fag too

If you've ever seen this girl in an interview you'd know she's dumber than a box of oatmeal. Like...seriously vapid stupid. In 10 years she'll be washed up and on the streets.


hmmm, sure OP....


!= is technical
=/= is intuitive

Mexican whore.

Sure bro tell me all about it.


Is that fair to say, or absolute true to say about guys married to porn stars.

https ://

All the time. Proven the whole myth about once you go black is bullshit. 90% off all these so called nigga loving porn sluts end up with a WHITE husband.

as you wish, mr. gaytard fucker

Link is broken, can you link again with a not broken link?

O wow man you and your 148 IQ cant control yourselves.

This is actually very disappointing, she sounds fake the whole way through and you can tell the guy isn't enjoying it

so true...


Out loud keks

he's a cuck for marrying her

he's a cuck for marrying her
actually he probably is only there to pay for the daughter

Pick ONE.


>being this new

This thread is indicative on how incompetent the janitors are.

he bred with that? what a dumb ass.

not as useless as Starlight glimmer

Am I doing it right?

yet she was dumb enough to get fake tits

says the nigger posting mlp

Every blacked video ever. I don't mind the odd IR vid but I can't watch blacked they are awful

the girls look really hot with the light and all, i always stop the video when the niggers appear
