If i don't make it this time i'll an hero

if i don't make it this time i'll an hero
anxiety and stress witholds me from getting good grades and i'm about to fail this year
anons what should i do

Kill yourself, then. What is keeping you from doing it?

i need to try one last time

What's funny OP is that even though you're a faggot and aren't gonna do it. Even if you did. Your an hero will waste away into nothingness once the board 404's. Just like tears....in...rain...

yea..i guess

Blaze the weed up.

Perhaps rather than killing yourself, you need to kill some of your goals.

Stop worrying so much about what'll happen if you fail or succeed.

Instead, just focus on trying your best and understand that failure can just be a learning experience.

If you know you've done your best, you can be proud of that. And after all, what more can you do than your best?

Blah blah blah. Shut up nigger

Cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness meditation, those are the things you should do.

Damn, is it summer already?

Well it is June....

i can't this is out of my control
even if i don't feel it I KNOW IT'S THERE and i stop thinking even though i'm not feeling anything
but thank you ! i'll try this tomorrow


If you don't have anything to contribute stfu nignog.

OP you can try fucking next year, you can't undo killing yourself, so. BTW killing yourself over grades is fucking stupid. Sack that shit up, learn from it and try again.

Get off Sup Forums and study. Nothing in life will be handed to you; because it would have by now if it were.


As long as your not obese join the military. My brother did not get good grades in school but instead of an hero he is going to serve our country and get free college education afterwards. Point is you still got options

thank you
i am
been studying for so long
it's not about hard work;i don't mind hard work
it's the a n x i e t y
i think i'll get some stress pills or idk

thank you anons!

Dude, do what I said here Getting into those things got me from being so anxious that I had to use 8 hours to psych myself up to go grocery shopping, to being able to just go shopping if I need to.

This the first time you use that word newfag? How does it feel?

ITT: Newfag White Knights who think they belong to this community

what grade
what subjects
what do you have difficulty with (tests, homework, projects)
what is the anxiety or stress about
why are you in school, or what is your plan beyond school

>This is my special treehouse and you're not edgy enough to join.

i'm in univ
second grade
i don't have any difficulties; everything is so dumb and easy ; it's just i can't control my emotion, i'm afraid of failing ; i repeated a year in univ before ; it's h e l l ; especially with family;like at you like you're some kind of a burden retarded piece of shit
and i have no plans beside school

bullshit excuse for not trying in school. take meds, try harder, or dropout and be a loser


No u!