"Combat Veteran" Goes Ape Sh*t And Slaps The Fire Out Of A Guy He Claims Wouldn't Let Him Pass On The Road!

"Combat Veteran" Goes Ape Sh*t And Slaps The Fire Out Of A Guy He Claims Wouldn't Let Him Pass On The Road!

His name is Chad Huntsinger

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Well, good. If you are driving down the road and some needs past, let them pass you. Slow drivers are cunts. Slow drivers that think its their place to hold up other drivers are subhuman and should be dragged from their cars and beaten.

Oh Really? Where Is The Video? And Do You Need To Capitalize The First Letter Of Everything You Type Like A Middle-School English Student?

if ur going to make a thread at least post the video


nice video fag

no video faggot


The video was alright. Dude got slapped a few times and chin checked. I would have just shot the soulless ginger nigger.

Here's the real question. Who gives a fuck?

The guy's dog is a pussy too. That said, you should let people pass. Many locales, including my own, have laws saying so.

If you're trying to cock block people from passing safely you may deserve to be smacked.

Usmc Vet here myself i would of gotten out and knocked that fat fuck out, then proceed to litterally piss on him, specifically his face this is the only way that their kind learns their lesson

that chick has more balls then her own bf.
what a cuck

He didn't even see combat. lol

>I would assault someone and piss on their face

You're a credit to the service.

hes never even seen combat. how can he be a combat vet? does he mean combat as in slapping lil cucks around on the road?

so get the fuck out of the way you dumb bitch

he deserved to get slapped for having a wrx

>totally normal reaction

>Combat Vet
>Fat as Fuck

How do you know when you've met a marine? Don't worry they will tell you.

Yeah that relationship will be ending soon. Over something "unrelated" of course, but this is the real reason. He was a complete pussy, dude ran up on his girl and shouted in her face and he just sat in his car sweating it out.

Gingers have no souls

>Yeah that relationship will be ending soon

Or not. Ya know, cuz people are different and stuff


But why would I want to see this?

>the weak should fear the strong