Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums,
Today is my birthday. 24 years of wasted life. Wish me a happy birthday 'cause no one else will other than you beautiful bastards. Thank you.

Other urls found in this thread:


>assuming this is real

Happy birthday you degenerate fuck.

Happy bday faggot

Happy Bday Sup Forumsro

Have some top-shelf Indian pussy

Happy Birthday 'tard

happy birthday

Happy birthday lad. Don't let your memes be dreams. x

Happy birthday

I wish you a happy Birthday and send you all the Love I can! No Homo ;) Also Born in '93

hap b day d00d

parabéns ópê

Kys dumb fuck

happy B day
Now tell us what your plans are?
Even if you stay home, what are you gonna do?

I want trips

Hally birthday my brother. You deserve this

happy b-day man

I'd love some, haven't had one for a while, thank you user.

Thank you all Sup Forumsros, now I seriously feel not as lonely as before. This is why you're all my only friends.

Thank you user. Not sure what to do, guess staying in my apartment as usual watching porn probabily. Still better than nothing right?

happy b-day my dude

Happy birthdag OP

happy bday, u marvelous dumbfuck

i was u a sea of dicks

Happy Birthday bro

Happy birthday user

Happy birthday, OP!
Who wants to spice things up and play a game?
Reply to this post and the last two digits are the age you will die.
Hopefully I'm not too long for this gay world.

i feel you
i wish you a happy b-day if you are even able to have one

just kill me already

happy birthday user

Rolling for 24 I guess.

Sup Forums's birthday party is best party after all.

ffs just kill me in the past already

Thats Valerie Kay shes latina

Happy HAPPY Birthday OP!
I hope you'll someday find true happiness!

We might all be faggots, but we still are here for you to jerk you off any day of the week!

Happy birthday motherfucker!

Congrats you have traveled around the sun 24 times. That's 14,016,000,000 Miles traveled.

Happy birthday mate

At least I've accomplished something in my life, thanks for the tip user!

(thanks for the name mate'o)
>Both check'd

Have a good one OP

Well shit I messed up the posts, whatever, you understand what I ment


I'm too much of a pussy to off myself, paint bucket.

Feel ya, OP.
I can't imagine any fate worse than a botched suicide.

Happy bday fagget

Happy birthday user.

congratulations to you from cold mather russia.



Happy birthday dude


Happy birthday dude!
From: Another dude in Brazil.

¡Feliz cumpleaños!

Happy birthday user.


Check out this guy doing a birthday dance just for you OP

Thank you user. I think a name would be a nice birthday present!

What are your hobbies, OP? (besides watching porn) And hey, happy birthday! Stay strong!

Got a request, thought your might like it too.

happy birthday, bro

Joyeux anniversaire

I used to be a pro League of Legends player here where I am, but I lost passion for it like a year ago. Now I just pretty much live off my earned money during my golden years and realizing I accomplished pretty much nothing since I dropped school to follow my dream and failed.


happy bday.

happy birthday Sup Forumsro here's a nice gif of a cat hugging a dog

happy birthday cunt

Happy birthday Sup Forumsrother, make sure to treat yourself today. Get wasted or high if that's your thing, eat a tub of ice cream, shit in a bag and leave it on somebody's doorstep, whatever you want.


happy birthday congrats on not being dead here have some sweet tits bro