I've never been outside of Sup Forums or /gif/

I've never been outside of Sup Forums or /gif/
What are the other boards about?
Can you give me a summary?

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read the rules
lurk moar
dont get banned

Stay in Sup Forums. Don't spread your cancer elsewhere.

this make the world a favor and stay here litle bitch

Sup Forums and /m/ seem chill, but i dont post. Dont ever post.

OP, how do you feel about the truth? Are you someone who believes that ignorance is bliss? Or are you someone who prefers to face reality on reality's terms regardless of how painful it may be? If you want to know the truth, then I'd recommend spending a little time on Sup Forums. It's gone downhill over the last couple of years, but it's still relatively strong. For a little perspective, I've been on Sup Forums since 2006 and Sup Forums was the only board that mattered until Sup Forums came along. Today Sup Forums is arguably the "flagship" board on Sup Forums.


Oh god my sides

Cause jews did everything, themfucking niggers taking my jobs, right?

Oh, it goes much deeper than that.

I knew this was coming. Fucks sake.

The truth, its out there! Conspiracy, shills!

I wouldnt go to a *chan for anything serious. The other boards impress a little in content, but politics, in a weaboo site? Sup Forums is a joke except no one got the punchline...

Is this bait? Asking for a friend.

Sup Forums is basically your incompetent drunk uncle that's been working a shitty IT support job his entire life trying to talk about tech.

well 90 percent of pol is a joke but if you hang out long enough your worldview will begin to change.
>maybe WW2 was a bit more complicated than is normally portrayed in cinema and academia
>maybe there are reasons why blacks don't get ahead that have nothing to do with "systemic" racism
>the role of women in society

mostly a joke. maybe a bit of truth.

Tv is great for honest movie reviews
Asp is great if you like WWE
X is great for spooky stuff
Diy is great if you make stuff
Pol is great if you care about news
Sci is great if you are educated

Nah man. Sup Forums is incompetence and retardness at its finest. The fact that you take it serious shows you fall into the retard label. It's a joke site for 90% of the posters there but you fall into the retard 10%.

Sauce? have more?
pls op


Got it from /gif/ along with this one.

Go to /po/ and start a Sup Forums thread, they love that

More like Sup Forums is the false-flag ship.

You want the essence of Sup Forums, mate? You've grown up, you're starting to realize Sup Forums isn't actually a good board. It's essentially a porn board at this point, and not even a good one. The memes are stale, rating things is stupid, and a repost is a repost. You want actual community? Actual discussion? A sense of brotherhood not in hate or anger, but in unity of the human condition. Then come on down to /r9k/, the truest of the Sup Forums boards. Here you'll find like-minded fellows without all the nonsensical hate and "politics." /r9k/ is such a great board, that moot once DELETED it, then brought it back because it was so sorely missed from the true community. Not even those shitty boards like /adv/ or /sci/ could take away the base. Think of it as a Sup Forums that's grown up, for when Sup Forums turned into a useless board that actually makes others like /trash/ seem good.


That's why you have a mouse and a button to click on the links to explore the other boards.
You're wasting other people's time by being too damn lazy to do your own research.

>It's my first time visiting 4chans and I heard \bee\ was the darkest place on the internet, now I want to spread my filth to other boards

Ok thanks :)

The only board that still feels like Sup Forums is /lit/.

Special interest boards are overcrowded, which naturally attracts low-quality, copy-cat content and attitudes. /lit/ still has a tighter community, while still being a fast board. It's got the good jokes, the good discussion, while still being focused. And thankfully, most people don't read or care about philosophy, so there will always be that natural barrier to keep the shitty posters out.


>Today Sup Forums is arguably the "flagship" board on Sup Forums.

That's like saying that Hitler is the world's mentor.

Don't you have interests? Don't you play video games or something?

out is interesting