My life sucks. If any of you post "Do it"

My life sucks. If any of you post "Do it"
i will an hero.

Dont make me become an hero.

pic unrelated

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do what you want

vid or didn't happen

What if im the first to post do not do it? Would you stop right then n end your game?

That's sad, but you must do what you must

U wanna be an hero for real or just as a hobbie

Don't do it, I'm not a loser who encourages people to kill themselves. I've been through hard times too OP, still here though despite a few stupid cunts saying I have no future. You'll make it

do it on live stream

Do it

I've always thought of depression as a cure for the cancer that humanity is for the world. Do yourself and the planet a favour : DO IT. MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE. YESTERDAY YOU SAID TOMORROW... SO ... JUST ... DO IT !

Not OP, but what keeps You on the line? Just askin'. I want to see that stuff

08 said do it goodbye people god is now with me.

Do it then you weak bitch

I just contradicted myself but I know you're a fucking attention whore anyways OP

I Can't. im a loser faggot who wants attention.

So long and goodbye, our hero.

Link to livestream?

I watched law and order once and now I wanna be a lawyer

You know what ? im gonna fucking do it.

Good plz do faggit asap this get 600 viewers i will an hero.

Kek, but no don't man, life is so beautifully frustrating and hideously beautiful at times, power through to it being blessed, unless you're jk Rowling hiding behind a frog face and go Kys fool.

Thats great now fucking do it pussy


What a fucking bitch we ewknew you wouldnt you fucking fag grow a pair and do what you say you will next time.

Shut up triggereed bitch you talk like a nigger and i can't stand that.