Faces of Sup Forums r8

Faces of Sup Forums r8



2/10 lose some weight

6/10 I'm bored just looking at your face

7/10 lose the emo hair


0/10 Overdone normie Fuckboi



-You're cute, and you seem to have a good mind.

you're the kind of kid I used to bully in high school

which was what? Last year?

not bad, faggot

you're cute.


blurry pic/10



land of teh fagets b u have become.

The glasses just give the illusion


idiots have been making these posts for like a decade now, it's always been pissing in an ocean of piss.


this thread is so fuckin bleak

Nice girl mate, and good lookin face. give it 7/10

Sideways as fuck


post pic of you by yourself?

Nice trips. And yeah, same here.

Be harsh. I need some amusement.

you look like a fat lumber jack

Yyyyoure gay

Lol fat

You look like the police captain guy in the sherlock holmes movies with a beard

Rate me.

>you're ugly as fuck
I know.


ethnicity? post dick?


Cut yo hair


Show ass

Make me dad

Ty, you got a first name? I get that it's anonymous, but whatever

I'm mediterranean.

aryan race in US soil ?
are you there to start a new reich ?


Did your dad have your dick cut?

James ^^

That made my day there.


Guess my age


Yeah but I'm hiding my true colors until the right time, hence the flag


I don't know, retard, tell me.

Are you a bartender in Ohio? You look really familiar



Nah lol

i don't even post on Sup Forums

fucking oklahoman


noones gonna rate me ?


think even more methed out


2 year old picture. From when I lived at my parents when I was 18


Your name isn't Ross Potter by any chance, is it?

idk, kentucky?

No lol

Would smash into the ground with my dick


You have a doppelganger in south England.



please fuck me


How many kids are in here...

Oh right well I'm in north west England so ain't me haha

You're a beaner mexican.

Show us your dick first, trap

Probably Arkansas

Did ya leave? Never told me your first name : P


It's a trap

thanks. Oh wait :/

I'll take that as a compliment, thanks

Just took this


If you ever go to Milton Keynes (why would you), watch out. If you see him, you will die. I hear that's how doppelgangers work.

Or is it a touchy subject?

It's Taylor. : )


The white knight begins his courtship.

You're retard and ugly.

AZ. Trashy, but not that trashy.

Eyebrow game weak.

Ok i'll keep that in mind thanks lol


It can be touchy if you want it too ;)

I'm cut you massive faggot

you mean this one?

Hah. That's the least of my worries. Not here to impress anyone.

Gotcha. Then are you happy for it? And were you also left with a thin brownish ring as a result?