This is Kristen Beck. She's the first Navy SEAL to ever come out as transgender

This is Kristen Beck. She's the first Navy SEAL to ever come out as transgender.

She's spent decades overseas doing covert shit and sustaining countless injuries. After she retired in 2011, she came out about her gender.


Four years later, Bruce Jenner comes out as a woman after he realizes that he's done after his divorce and acwuires titles of bravery along with 5 additional minutes of fame.

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Fuck off faggot


pretty sure if she is a navy seal she has received several awards.

I can't even imagine how fucked up in the head someone has to be to make them want to be the other gender.
You want your dick gone? Fine, pay a doctor to cut it off, but I'm not calling you a woman.

I would call the person on the right a woman, I dont check people's genitals.

I dont pretend to be mentally ill to placate sickos

"She" has a fucking bronze star. If you want a pat on the back for fucking black guys you need to be a kardashian.

Do some fucking research faggot

I miss Bruce

There is a bronze star in your op dumbass

you wouldnt know that she used to be a man if she was some stranger on the street. get over yourself.

and a purple heart.

Uhh, looking at the face, I can tell that ain't a woman.

Holy fuck, faggot she's not going to fucking wear every single fucking award she's ever earned on her civilian clothing now is she?

I know you would because you seem like the kind of guy whose such a shitbag that he's lucky to even get whatever award the military gives you to not kill yyourself because they feel bad about because youre such a waste of oxygen.

no you cant. have you ever left your house before? there are women who are more masculine looking than her.

you wouldnt have the balls to call someone that looks like that a man.

so edgy. you should open for amy schumer.

These are all of her awards you idiot, more than youll ever recieve in your lifetime because youre just a little bitch

i said IT was mentally ill not disabled

Who wouldnt be a little mentally ill if they were a SEAL for 21 years? Do you think that shit's easy?

is this bait

some pf that shit is not awards

Out of curiosity, what makes you have such a vehement response to what someone else does with their own life? Why would you even care. I have never understood your kind of response. Unless maybe you don't realize that your closeted. Is that it?

My point was " he has received fucking awards" and your dumbass doesn't seem to catch the meaning. He has received one of the highest commendations the US hands out.

he retired than transitioned. So no he didn't do that shit when he was a man.

there is no excuse for not understanding biological sex.

the term gender is a non scientific mearxist term created by dr john money who's patients killed themselves after his treatment while he refused to report any of the negative effects
no one gives a fuck about that, but ill be damned if you try to force me to agree with you

he probably plays way too many online fps video games and talks to 14 year olds with one of those telemarketer headsets.

If you think being a SEAL is so easy, why dont you unhook your mouth from your mother's cucumber titty and step up to the plate

ptsd gave him a mental illness. End of story.

Some deep psychological problems. Hope he gets help.

still a man

because they wouldnt bother letting someone as emotionally unstable as him even try to join.

You don't get the purple heart as a civilian m80.

unless youre trump.

No, faggot stop trying to spin this shit around to make it seem like you were never belittling their decoration. You were onlly against her until i put that picture there and instead of saying you made a mistake, you tried to blame me for not "understanding" what you meant before?

Fuck off, man. Go crawl back in your mother's asshole where its nice and safe for you.

>if you dont think men can give birth then you dont respect the national defense of your nation
go fuck your own face with that lazy ass response

what the fuck are you even talking about? you sound like a 16 year old who still cares what other people choose to do with their life.

Yeah and to hide it for 21 years and going through special ops shit must have been hell for them on the inside

But marrying Kris Kardashian must have been even worse. Oh fuck! No, youre right, bruce jenner had it worse

You are arguing against

Hey man, i could care less what someone chooses to do with their bodies. Shes a woman, yet shes more of a man than most of these idiots on this thread. Thats sad.

Yeah but are you blind? I mean, look at that face. It looks like a fucking watermelon got smashed with a god-damned super sledge from Fallout nigga.

>You wouldn't have the balls to call someone that looks like that a man.

If they were born with a penis, yes I would.

And a seal device

That watermelon could crush your little neckbeard with her bare hands.

how would you know they were born with a penis? do you ask everyone you meet if they have a penis?

you wouldnt have the balls to call a man-like woman a man to her face. if you did you wouldnt be here on Sup Forums.

Lol you sound like someone whose parents gave them enigmas and made them hold them in during piano lessons or some other fucked up shit

I know HE was born with a penis, so I will call HIM a HE.

I don't doubt it, but I'm just saying that no matter what you do, unless you go back in time and manually turn one of your chromosomes to an X, then you are still a man.

I think you mean enemas, not enigmas. And no, my parents didn't make me do horrid shit as a kid. I don't even like the piano.

>I will call HIM a HE
and this is why you will not be successful in the real world once you finish high school

Maybe the ENIGMAS werent as horrid for you but you throw that red herring out there thinking it's going to throw me off. Cute but thats not going to work today

Seals are fucking attention whore scrubs. Every day a seal write a book about their sekrit misshuns or cuts off their own dick for attention. Eventually people stop giving a fuck.

tldr seals suck ass

Did they shove a riddler up your ass?

What? So, I call people by the gender they were born as. It;s not like every single fucking human being is a fucking tranny.

You DID mean enigmas? Then, I think you should research what enigma means because how you used it makes no fucking sense. Unless you are suggesting I'm stupid and can't handle basic thoughts.

>she came out
stupid faggot its a he

How about this one?

That's what I'm saying.

no, but you clearly dont respect other people.

I do respect other people, to an extent. If you go shoving my face with, "Oh b-but my p-p-pref-er-ered pronou-oun is ______" I won't give half of a wet shit about you. I will call you by what your original gender is, and you can't make me call you anything else.

Traumatic. Brain. Injury.


me hopes she doesnt break my dick off

So how bout that enigma?

More like a paradix

that isnt how it works. nobody says "my preferred pronoun..." like people on this site make you think they do.

The only enigma I'm pondering is how you think you used enigma correctly in your post.

I've encountered many people who have said that to me unironically.

no you havent.

Who gives a shit how they used it? I just laughed 10 minutes straight while reading that. My fucking sides

>>wearing a bronze star and purple heart
>>two of the most revered medals presented to the US military

You're right, HE was given awards.

Ok, I get you're a troll, but in all seriousness, our society has what I call "participation trophy syndrome" when mediocrity is being so awarded. Bruce Jenner got a sex change? Who fucking cares? Why is this news?

Homeboy was an Olympic skier 1,000 years ago. I mean, good job bringing home some medals for the USA, but seriously... That's one of the pussiest sports around.

Let me make 4 things clear: 1) "Coming out" is not brave. 2) There are only 2 genders. 3) gender is an evolutionary construct, not a social construct. 4) Prove me wrong or you'll never get a gf

They do actually. I've never heard anybody be asked to be called xer tho, but I don't doubt that they're out there.

What a fucking disgrace
Am butthurt this faggot turned then went overboard

Yes, I actually have. Back when I was a senior in high school (About two years ago) I encountered MANY people who said that. I was actually a friend of one of them, although, they didn't give a shit when I called them a girl even when she said she preferred to be called a he.

you cant force me to believe in your life choices, and you cant force me to accept them, you want to be called queen cunt? sure why the fuck not ill , but you want to force me to give you special privileges and hire you bc "muh" diversity? fuck no

user im on your side but the only way but read up on dr john money he created the term genders, and has since been discredited but leftists just ignore that and use his terminology anyway. the only and proper term is sex and youre right there are only two of them

>muh whatever
dude stop. you sound like the guy from that libertarian convention video on youtube that said "muh roads." video related:

sorry, not that hilarious video, this hilarious video:

you sound like someone who ignores content.

yea, when you use a cringey Sup Forums term like that.

by the way, did you know bears can play ice hockey?

No I did not, it was so majestic.

you aren't so good at this


Fuck off, "Kristen".

you mean getting dubs twice in a row? is that sarcasm? did you know bears play ice hockey?

Asking the real questions in life.

Take this to tumblr OP. No one gives a fuck about either of those faggots

>ITT; do what makes you happy. it's the point of the internet, so why not life

fucking this

i'm not going to let less than 1% of the population dictate how i speak. fuck your pronouns.

But those don't count anymore. Those were earned when He/she/it was a man and had balls of fucking Titanium.


It's bullshit when people pull the, "But there are so many people that are gay and trans" card. There's not enough to deter me from using my language.


I had an enigma in my paradix once

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Because Obama wanted positive media attention and what better to get that from mindless drones that tv are obsessed with reality tv.

thread dead

Who cares?


First, you aren't supposed to talk about your ops.

Secondly, why do all the fucking military what so much attention for basically doing the job they signed up to do? "OH BUT I WAS IN DANGER" really? that's what soldiers fucking do, you whiny bitch.

yeah we all know the military brainwashes people

That is a nice rack. I have eight of those that I got in 4 years. I also have a couple more that "she" doesn't.

She literally has medals on her jacket in the picture

Exactly....I would know in about 3 minutes that this was not a woman when her mother pushed it out

But I'm a fuckin horn pic related