Homeless chan is back answering questions and honestly looking for help tonight

Homeless chan is back answering questions and honestly looking for help tonight.

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People who want to directly get ahold of me add me on kik tomok0

By homeless, do you mean you live in a halfway house. Or are you literally on the streets right now bumming the fuck out of someone's wifi?

Bumming so fucking hard mate.

What city

Currently I'm in Missouri


I hope things get better for you user.
Stay safe, best of luck and may god be with you x

Have you gotten used to the homeless life?

OP are you drunk right now?

St louis is good lots of safe spaces but if you can come to chicago its so easy for bums in summer sleep on rooftops go to cheap bars lots of tourists to get money from you can survive in the hood parts or under viaducts

Nah im still suffering because I'm hungry but thats about it

God has left me a long time ago!


Even better if you speak spanish or polish in chicago all the mexican and eastern european shit is as cheap as change

Never been on the streets but I did have to live out of my car for 3 months. What happened to you OP, how did you get to this point? Any plans for getting out of it? Every time I see two homeless come into my job they instantly notice each other and start chatting, its like they have a sonar that detects their own kind. Do you find that homeless have a secret bond they share? How do you spend your days? How much do you make begging? Good luck and don't give up, until you take your last breath you can still change your life for the better.

Are you the tranny that was came all over while sleeping one time? Also you are having legal issues so you can't leave the state?

man I fucking hate being homeless.. I'd rather be in jail tbh.. im too broke to help you or I would.

godspeed user, just remember there are anons worried for you

if you can afford a gym membership, get one so that you can shower or kill time by working out.

Is op a cute grill? Or a dude? What city? These are important questions

>Are you the tranny that was came all over while sleeping one time? Also you are having legal issues so you can't leave the state?

Thats me

Don't go the money for it

>implying its possible for cute girls to be homeless

Sucks to be u

Dude has to been fucking me for a place to stay for now but I'm still not always allowed here.

I remember your thread from a couple weeks ago.

Hey have you tried to ask for advice on /out/. A lot of people will give you shit but it might give you a couple of resources or connections to establish. At least you can find a couple like minded people.

A couple questions though:

Are you looking to remain homeless? Or Are you hoping to get out of the situation you are in and looking to rebuild your life.

I feel like I have no purpose. I am not good at anything. not good at math. not creative, not good at writing, drawing, or playing an instrument (as much as I've been trying on the piano). I am clumsy and forgetful and just generally stupid, on top of that, unlike most idiots, I have no chance of breeding due to bad genetics. I see no reason to end my life right now, unless you see something I don't.

I would love to get out of this situation and be able to be happy.

If you haven't already, look into homeless programs and social agencies that deal with domestic abuse. They have subsets that help with people in your situation. Be honest, they'll have sympathy. If they can't shack you up, look into tent cities. They'll mostly be in the woods but if you hook up with the right type of people you'll be safe in numbers. Collect cans, panhandle, hell shoplift from walmart if you can. You're surviving so the moral ambiguity isn't much of a concern right now.

Also, go to churches. Despite your beliefs they'll help you get clothes and hopefully some food. The pastor and church goers there will be sympathetic to your cause and some may even help you get out of this rut.

Collect cans and go to recycling centers for some extra cash. Check craigslist for manual labor. If you can see if there are some construction jobs or contracting jobs that pay under the table.

Part 2 coming up

It sound like youre not good at life... you need to work on that first. Push yourself into being uncomfortable. Work hard and suck it up. Life is hard work and you are born in a blessed time. Be a human and figure it out.

>enabling the mentally ill and homeless addicts
look at this cuckfag over here
i cant wait for the day of the rope

Going back to jobs I know the one I work at hires homeless people from time to time. Most haven't worked out but one guy is still there with his pregnant wife and now they have an apartment. Try places like burger king, chain restaurants and chain delis like O'Charleys.

If you haven't already, dumpster dive in the nicer parts of the city. People throw away good shit all the time. Do it at night.

Always bring something to defend yourself as well. I remember one part of your story that was damn brutal. A favorite of the biker gans is a padlock in the backpocket of their pants. String a bandana through the lock but dont tie it. When you need to club someone you have a makeshift flail.

A popular item to shoplift are batteries. If you're going through that route there is an infographic floating somewhere that best describes where and when to do it. Have an escape plan and try to blend in. The employees can't legally restrain you but there's usually a cop near by.

If you're in the good parts of the neighborhood people will buy you food. Try asking if they want their leftover meals. At the very worst they'll get one of the employees to shoo you away.

I'll try to think of more advice to give but I hope this reaches to you. Feels bad when one of ours is struggling in the streets.

you'll be the first to swing turner faggot

post pictures

I'm pretty close to killing myself I just don't know when yet.

Have you fought anyone yet also do you shit anywhere?

No but I been beaten so I guess that's close.

Post Pictures OP!

Lol you suck as a bum

Take down them notes. If you're serious then get out of this rut so you wont be beaten and abused anymore. People here care about you one way or another. You have to do this by yourself unfortunately, but you're not alone.

I don't know about that.

Go find an artfag warehouse.

found the libtard

I think when the rope comes it coming for the elite. Google French Revolution.

someone smells of summerfag here

>Google French Revolution
are you 12?

the coastal elite kek

lol fucking newfags from freerepublic

Drop the gibsmedats attitude and swallow the redpill.

lol out touch mid westerner with a inferiority complexe spotted.

kill yourself faggot

I love you rednecks that pretend you're "elite" or potentially "part of the elite".. you're worm food. At least some of us can recognize the enemy.

Why is red pill shit going on in my thread?

Just kill all blacks and Jews and get it over with already.

go back to fisting your boipussy to your bitch getting blacked you degenerate racist cuck

at least we can agree on one thing trapfag
always knew the homeless were shitskins, crazies and gays

lol spoots racist rhetoric and the accuses me of racism.

I guess I got you summed up pretty well.

GTFO Sup Forums and go back to sucking Gov Brownbacks cock

Do you have a paypal?

Add me on kik tomok0

aww did I hurt your fee fees snowflake

not my fault most of midwest is a shit hole of far right ing nut jobs

I hope you got my message I'm so fucking hungry

>right wing nut jobs
is this 2006?
you lost
you're the nut jobs now faggot
enjoy your $20 coffee and avacados while your sister gets blacked by tyrone

Why do you constantly worry about black penises? What has a black penis ever done to you?

I liked you until you said that. Now I'm glad ur homeless.

I bet to differ. perhaps out in the boones ye, but in the metropolitan areas theyre quite liberal. See Chicago. you call that a right wing haven? lol fuckin moron

People can't take a joke? I'm not Sup Forums and never will agree with killing anyone because you have a issue with them.

now i like you even more.

looks like somebody supports miscegenation and genocide

>I'll say anything to please you pls gibs me moneys

You'll understand when you're older, betacuck.

Basically, I'm being the best Jew I can just because im hungry.

man I live right next to chicago... that place is a fucking mess


Ill give you a $20 and some Listerine if you wish to work

Are you asking for a blow job?

not askin for you to mow my lawn thats for sure

op sounds like a roastie

Sure whatever I'll mow some lawns if you promise not to call me a Mexican

do u have any account, i have 50 bucks?, and are u mex?

Op what do you look like?

For $50 im sure they can be islamic and mexican if you'd want

I'm white but sure I'll do it for money as long as you kill me or rape me for bringing Islamic
Like a faggot user but a cute faggot

ne can u get to lincon 344?

I wouldnt, if I had the intentions too I'd give you a bag of Oranges and have you sell them.

post a pick op!

Of course user but I would want you to beat me with the oranges

Do old photos work?



10/10 would bang

Post a pic of you op!
Also what's the worst thing you've done out there?

but of course, the product you don't sell has to go to some sort of use

Jesus I'm not even good looking anons



Must remember that Sup Forums is full of virgin that will fuck anything that has tits

you have tits user im willing

so this explains fembois ?

So could you not post we wuzzzz on my thread?

why would you bang a dude?

show us your man tities

tits? so i dont feel so bad for the chub

Why wouldn't you?