Should I fuck this girl, Sup Forums?

Should I fuck this girl, Sup Forums?

Met her online, got flirty, she's supposed to come over tonight. She only sent face pics and told me about her B-cup tits until sending me this full body pic to make sure I'm down to meet her.

TBH I kinda just wanna play with a new pair of it worth it?

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fuck it, why not

holy shit no

Fuck it. Go for it. Take pics.

Two extremely polarized responses.

The tummy fat and arm hair seem like a big downside, but I get the feeling she doesn't get laid much (duh) and she's down to really get it out of her system tonight.

I'd get drunk first so I was super horny and eat that pussy

As long as noone knows let her come suck you cock. Fat girls give great head. Its like a another popcicle for the fatty. Just dont fuck her. Prolly smells like hot garbage.

Fuck yea man,
and fat chicks almost always do anal.

Fat girls are usually gracious with the blow jobs. Let her eat your ass and do some freaky shit you would be too nervous to ask a hot girl to do. Get a rim job and put it in her pooper

Good tip, I do have vodka and wine at the house. She's driving over here.

Yeh, I definitely wouldn't want anyone else to know. Luckily she agreed to wait to drive over at 11pm tonight.

fat chicks also have buckets of burger shit in their asses.

I'd say slam that pig then order a pizza and hang out. fuck knows but she maaaay have a personality and yu could end up with a slam pig for when you're bored.

You better hope she showered


Interestingly, I met another fat chick on tinder last year and she's been one of my steady lays ever since, but she was never very good at giving head. She mostly just wants to get fucked....and yes, she smells pretty bad :/

It's really turned me off from the whole situation. She's been texting me a lot lately saying we need to bang more. But if I'm not getting head, and have to wear a jimmie to fuck someone who doesn't smell good down there...idk man...Hope this girl does better in that department.

>eating the pussy of a complete stranger


^ order the pizza, make her pay and eat more than her. gotta up the alpha after poking a porker like that. no need to wear a rubber either, no way she's had enough dong to be infected.

Yeah, I'm 100% NOT going to eat the monkey tonight, but hoping to test out her head skills and play with those titties. We have an inside joke going on about that.

She told me her favorite position is doggy style.

90% she's my ex. A fucking whore. Will cheat on you and the sex won't be worth it

do the nasty stuff with that ol' sow. get her to play with your ass n stuff. get all that stuff done n dusted so you don't terrify a real lady!

It is pretty tempting.

I recently got a buttplug and haven't tried it with anyone yet. Could be nice to get blown with that in or have her play with it.

Also not worried about her cheating, this is established just for fun.

As a guy into chubby chicks, she has a fucking cute tummy on her, that's usually how it'd look AFTER they just pigged out. But I'm assuming she would try to show you her "thinnest", unless she was trying to attract a fellow chub-admirer. Anyway, don't let her pass you by. Fuck that porker good.

dont do it

Be careful sailor, we have a big one here

I dunno... Her butt is prolly gonna stinky like 2 dead fish having sex.

It's making my dick soft looking at it

To each their own OP, if you can pull it off go for it

you only live once homie. after this you'd have something to tell your grand kids.

Take flour so you can roll her in it to find the wet spot


Tell them what? I harpooned the great white whale?

eating her pussy would show respect and attraction. this piggy needs to understand her place. she is for fucking when the actual women are elsewhere.

Just fuck her for practice. FOR PRACTICE.
That way you'll be better when you bang who you really want, like my mom.
Seriously there is NOTHING wrong with a fuck piggy.


fuck dude, NO PLEASE

Just take her to an All-You-Can-Eat buffet and she'll be yours forever.

Don't listen to these neckbeard virgins. Hit that pussy with the force of a thousand suns, OP. I've fucked fatties most all my life and have found them to be among the best lays I've ever had. So yes, WORTH it. The beauty of fatties is that you can fuck them as hard as you want and they can take it. Big girls are built for it. Take advantage of that extra padding, TAKE ADVANTAGE! :)

Nah! Why not use your right hand instead of some fat chick's titties?

You're good to go, those ain't B cups bro

why the fuck should i care, OP.
do it or don't

Fuck it, just speaking from experience, fat chicks can have great pussies. Never know until you try OP

I bet she smells terrible

they really can. chubby girls can take very good care of their twats.

She said: "I'm a 40B" but I don't really know anything about bra sizes. I just fucking love tits.

Fuck it op bend her fat ass over and pound her as hard as you can. Make sure you wear a condom though good lord.

ready your harpoon and dust off the industrial grade newton metre for when you land the mighty beast!

True, I wanna give it a good pounding....and if her tits are big enough, want to do pic related


She may very well be a 40 but those tits look much larger than B

that's like a medium large mans chest size with a 12 year olds tits...

probably gonna be gross but still worth a shot for the lols.

also, film it!!!!!!!!!!

meh. OP if you're not a virgin do it but live with the feeling afterwards and be a man.

If you're a virgin, don't.

Shes been photoshopped to look fatter. Which is something you dont see often.

Is she under 5 feet tall or what?

Huh, I probably should ask her how tall she is. Didnt occur to me earlier.
Hope you're right user.

I will try to take pics.

sounds like someone i know user whats her name?

She keeps getting THICCC

Do it and post pics here

Hey! Fat bitches need love too.

Whoa cowboy, need and deserve are two different things...

Nicole, does that ring a bell?

fucker o ne as bih as this girl a few weeks ago still wont jerk off thinking of it because it was awful too much fat and loose skin

But they gotta pay. OH!!!!

Meh, if you can't do any better, swing for it bud, no one will know. Sex is good and her pussy is probably shaved, wet and tight.

Trips of truth

nah mine was some bitch name chelsea hated sucking cock but always wanted dick and had a very fishy smelling twat


Frank can't poop

Fucking fat girls is like riding a moped, user. It's a lot of fucking fun, as long as none of your friends ever find evidence you did it.

Hope so.

UPDATE: she texted me just now saying "So excited!" for tonight.

Gonna ask her how tall she is. Should I also ask if she shaves etc?

Smells would worry me, I might let her swallow my the dark.

Post her face, you faggot. A cute face can make up for a lot.


It's growing

Not really in this case, trust me


pussy is pussy, your penis will thank you. not to mention you're a guy, biologically inclined to spread your seed


user, I think you need to find another wet cavity...

Fat girls are fine. Fun even. If you've got one with nice skin an/or a nice face, you can push boundaries and have a whole lotta fun.

This thing... eh. It's your dick, but I genuinely feel bad for you if you're so desperate that you go through with it.



You make some good points. I have a different chubby (but cuter and white) fwb i could hit up instead...but I have this craving for new pussy and sort of sheer curiosity.

OP, whatever you decide, try to be respectful to her. She is not meat. Just be nice and don't criticize her of her weight/appearance. If you are not interested in her, just tell her in a respectful manner and try to be a gentleman about it.

This world needs more gentlemen.

reminds me of black hole sun (RIP)

That's not what she wants, you want him to ruin this?

Don't. If she's coming to fuck you, or at least vaguely thinks it might possibly happen, then she has. Otherwise, maybe she is just a slob, the stomach would say so.

[tips fedora]

fat girls that have lots of sex tend to be very man like in their attitude/approach to sex.

You'll hate yourself, and never want to talk to her again.

Believe it or not, I mean no disrespect. But I gotta believe that there's something better out there that's new to you.

Hell, I'm not the greatest looking guy and I'm a manlet on top of it. But I had zero trouble finding new chubby girls almost on a weekly basis. It became like an obsession for me honestly. I had waaay more fun with the chubby girls than the fit ones by far.

None of them even came close to the level of your pic related.

If you go through with this have her stop and get soap, shaving cream, lotion and a shit load of razors so you can clean it up first. Could be fun if you did it right.

Oh, and don't be a faggot. Bring us photographic proof of your whaling adventure.

This speaks more about the women you've had sex with, rather than girls who are fat and like to fuck.

The first part of your statement may already be true, considering the size of her. The second part is a given I think.

The thing is, even ugly chicks like this feel like the world owes them something and she will probably give you blue balls


I recently banged my first fatty. I couldn't even finish. fat girls don't/can't shave and the smell was horrific. wtf fuck am I doing with my life. this was over a month ago and she still hits me up all the time although I blow her off.

You gotta clean em up first rook.

Or force them to do it on front of you...

It's more fun if you use them for only the most deep, dark and depraved fantasies in your sick mind.

In what way does it possibly suggest that? retard. Fat girls have the same ballpark odds as an average guy in terms of sex hierarchy

Just avoid the feminists and you'll be ok. Most chubbies follow the natural order of things: i.e. when dick is scarce, they'll work very hard for it.


Fat bitches get more dick than most girls.They are compensating with volume and more likely to give you the herp-herp-derp.

Post one of these weekly chubby girls that dont come close to OP's, because I bet youre full of shit

her pussy must be vile

Believe what you like.

It's not difficult if you're not picky. It's as simple as that. I never got any pics because they honestly weren't attractive enough for that. But they weren't OP's girl for sure.

dont break your peepee

Such a sad window into your life. Arguing the gross fat girls you fuck are slightly less gross and fat.