Hey b tards, 2004 oldfag here. Just been getting started using bitcoin and made a wallet earlier...

Hey b tards, 2004 oldfag here. Just been getting started using bitcoin and made a wallet earlier, but I desperately need a way to make some faster than just surveys and watching ads and shit, way too much effort for minimal payout. Any advice would be great, I need this.

Heres an OC picture of a legitimately retarded girl I used as a fuckhorse for about a year.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bamp, I have more pictures like this if it will help

How about learn a skill and/or get a real fucking job? Surveys will get you nowhere.

I have a real job idiot, I need surplus income so I can get a house with my gal. Not this potato though, this was years ago.

If getting money was easy, we wouldn't have poor people.

This is the end of the Sup Forums I liked.
>Makes a thread about cartoon cats fucking each other, max out replies

>Try to get advice and posts pics/has much more OC of a hot tard and you get nothing.

wtf mate

Youre all missing my point. Im not trying to make a fast buck, but there has to be a better option than earning 1000 bits for an hour and a half of time...

That fat cow is meh even for 3DPD standards.
There isn't really a way of making money online you don't know about. Can you and are you willing to do anything worth ad revenue/Patreon? If the answer is no might as well give up now.

Probably not, I just wish I knew more about the concept and how to use it. Been meaning too for a while now.

Offering more OC for any more advice. Anyone interested?

op you're actually retarded. the money in bitcoin isn't from 'earning' it, and hardly even from mining it any more. if you want to make money off bitcoins, you buy them, hold them until they're worth more, and sell. its that simple. otherwise don't waste your time.

thats good because this ones ugly as fuck

I always appreciate a domesticated retard.
Try ewhoring, OP.

I admit to being a beginner yet get called retarded when asking for advice. You were just born a fucking genius weren't you? Time for bed, kiddo.

The money isn't in mining anymore, unless you have access to a data center and don't have to pay for power consumption. The people making money are long term holders and those doing arbitrage.

More potato OC, she's one fine ass retard.

Any advice on bitcoin?

Potato it is, glad you like. I came inside her all the time, every time, it was great. Believe it or not though hanging out with a retard for over a year all the time CAN be annoying haha

>I have a real job idiot, I need surplus income so I can get a house with my gal.

Then work another job. Or go to school so you can get a better one. Nothing in life is easy.

Tell that to car boosters. But you need lots of coconspirators to iron that out.

Any of her in panties or lingerie?

Ive started a detailing business, and run a part-time ebay store and STILL can't seem to scrape it together. So this was my next venture.

Would be quite the adrenaline rush but all the cars around here are shit.

What the fuck are you talking about?

No panties, sorry user. I have 2 videos of her: one fingering herself, and the other giving me a blowjob but seems like a pain to convert it.

Those things don't pay well. go to college and get a higher paying job?

How did you meet this retard?

How do I domesticate own retard to be my fucktoy?

Tips appreciated

my assessment based on you fucking fat retards and asking idiotic bitcoin questions is that you are also a fat retard.

My assessment is you're just a loser with nothing better to do.

Happened by accident, I just thought she was partially deaf in a bar i met her at at first for a week or two and by then it was too late...it worked out well though I basically had her under control.

This should be your angle, op. Hook people up with fine, fuckable, potato babes.

Im sure I could find a market somehow, somewhere.

I feel kinda bad that you used her as a fucktoy. She seems kinda nice.

She was harmless at first, then went from happy potato to rotten potato. Had to weigh the pros and cons.

teach yourself programming

how often did you guys have sex?

why did you end it?

Did she ever complain about sex


Retards have he best fuckinng pussy

I used to make mine think she had done something wrong, so she was always trying to make it up to me

Virtually everyday, but if the periods were too heavy she'd just give me bjs. She complained the first time I put it in her butt... but after the third try or so she accepted the D with grace....and a clean poop chute at that

I ended it because after a while she started invading my privacy and ruining some of my friendships with other females by acting like a whackjob.

How retarted are we talking here? Most that i have met are terribly unattractive but she is making my dock herd

The key is to find one that is really slow and has some kinda win on their body. Easy to manipulate, can train to think extremely rough sex is just sex and it's normal to hurt

Well on a scale from 1-10, 1 being drooling in the corner...and 10 being the casual lurkers on here.....she was about a 5 or 6. Talked kinda weird, said really weird shit at inappropriate times, and never fully got ny concept past a ten year olds understanding.

Just to add to that statement, she was in the county's special Olympics for several years swimming and went to a special school lol

Good man.

Any ass penetration content?

This set is fantastic. Dump the whole thing.

Working on it friend, I figured 3 years was long enough to wait before sharing.

Unfortunately not, just the doggy style pic above and some of the low res captures of her spreading her hole for me on cam.

Bumping gold set

All these pics and no video?

Anyone still interested in a few more? Ive also got a bunch of those webcam caps as well.

Also, this is now a bangable retard thread I guess lol

Like I said earlier, I have two vids of her, both about 2 mins long. One fingering herself to porn and another giving me head. They are avi

This is great op got any vids?

Oh you are wormers?

As in not webms or whatever Im too lazy for that shit

Gettin sleepy over here

Appreciate you op :)

Just buy a GPU and start mining ethereum like every other fucker is doing.

Yes, definitely interested


I have a decent GPU, but have no clue how to start mining coins or Ethereum or that other one.

sell all your bitcoin and buy ethereum, don't be a retard

Read, in 2 days your card will be making you money. Around 150 to 200 bucks a month for a rx 480

ethereum will overtake bitcoin before the end of the year

bitcoin will hit a major correction while ethereum goes mainstream and continues its rocket trajectory

there's a reason the GPUs for ethereum mining are sold-out everywhere

ethereum has a real-world use whereas bitcoin is just a currency. its real-world use is based on its value, which is all based on its perceived value. think of it like this: bitcoin is gold, ethereum is oil.

I'll definitely be looking into the command prompts for this, seems like a decent opportunity. Thanks user

All I have left are cam caps now


Post all you have!

Wonder if the GeForce 840M is decent enough, Ive seen statistics of it used but have no idea how to read them.

Dude, we needs these vids. Post them on mega?

have you tried trading?
forex trading?
indices trading?

stocks are more annoying but you could daytrade CFDs

you are so fucking dense.... typical faggot that believes in the hype


all of this crypto shit is short term

look who that's written by lmfao


bitcoin is a currency that'll be around for awhile, it already has been

the fuck does that have to do with anything? Literally OP's retarded girlfriend could write that but is this person wrong?

I chuckled at the comment about her.

Would totally jippa that dippa


Glad you're keeping up op still loving the set would you posdibly post the vids else where?

they didn't make any actual comment of value or substance, so yes, they're wrong.

the entire article is them trying to explain why the current ethereum surge doesn't necessarily mean their previous pessimistic predictions were wrong (they were)

Holy Effing the Wal? Elaborate...

Idc how you knew i liked feet.

Nice soles/10
She could make feet wine for me anytime

You can join the affiliate program on cryptopackage. Ive made 0.5 bitcoin referring my friends to the website so far


Yeah what is that site, got me curious...

can confirm this website is legit. Bought a laptop anonymously, super easy 2

Good tip, thanks

Maybe sometime in the future, but I'm about to crash soon. Sorry user


You have more autism than tthe land.whale of op. Mining is the best way to go because it.combines holding and.fabricating

This is another set I will be dumping soon, fun times when this girl got shitfaced and passed out in my place.