No Peri thread...lets get it hot

No Peri thread...lets get it hot

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discord. shes live right now...

Dang we missed it

lol Barron

Shes back

Yall left early man

She got crazy



She gone?

It's not working for us user what's her name?

She's back

Send the link here

Shes back haha

this bitch on some drugs?

What'd you do to the whore bros?


she´s crying atm

DOnt even know...she wasn't like this 5 minutes ago

ah, typical crazy sluts.

Might be regretting showing her pussy but probably might do it again soon hahaha

It was crazy she was using a knife to fuck her self with

Nah man shes been banned 3 times today

Shits down

Gets naked, masturbated with a knife
Tells you to look at her social media (in her bio)

IG yaniispamhoe & luvyaniii
Snapchat wdf.yanira
phhhoto com/yaniraprado

Starts crying

Still watching her right now.

The bitch is fucking crazy

anyone record the sessions?


Shes alive!!

she just get banned again?

no she logged off
but hey anyone got them Webm?

So anyone taped that?


Hope some one did. I was too late when i got there

B/ros I got screenshots and that aint going to be my whole night of posting

Can this app be downloaded for Microsoft phones?

How many screenshots did you take?

any other periscopes we can watch?

Ehh...21 had that knife handle going like a jack hammer hahah

Hold up let me check

Post some moar screenshots boi.She is damn hot.Im so fucking sad that i missed the show...

Too bad i was late. Fuck

She was on earlier getting wasted on patron damnit can't believe i missed it

Some darky with a roast beef pussy tries to cut it with a knife. I missed nothing lol.

Is there a way to filter to girls only?

r/peri on Vola thank me later

any other good scopes ??


Kek bless you!

Put some more sc please man

There aint no need go to the vola r/peri you got everything you need there

Thank you Sup Forumsro.

Im kinda new here,tell me how to get there please

Volafile. 0rg/r/peri

Many Blesses to you

Anytime guys

fuk u


Why i can't find her on pscp? Her username is Yaniii right?