Feel thread

feel thread

if you masturbate there's probably like a 20% chance that you'll feel better.

20% chance only? im not trying that

Bump, feeling shitty

Every time I wake up in the morning I'm disappointed... just end this shit.

I'm not fat, not overly ugly IMO probably (6-7/10) white, early 20's wondering why I'm so utterly alone, I mean no one, not a family or friend. I'm more confused than any other "feel" I'm only posting this because I'm drunk enough to forget saying this faggotry

I have a loving family and gf and i feel so very alone and scared and angry and worthless. Thereapy is a waste of 20 bucks every week. The ladys nice and can control my anger, but so can i if i try. Idk what to do. My smile is painted on alot of the times

I'm on trial for DUI manslaughter tomorrow.

What happened?

I'm pleading not guilty.

Atta boy
How was it to look at afterwards?

Can't remember..tbh. But I have one of the best defense attorneys money can buy... Thanks mom

Its because you don't really want anyone in your life, you're selfish and the only time you want to talk to anyone is when you're drunk, you cannot relate to anyone and everyone you ever liked fucked you over so you got them back twice as bad, you don't like anyone but yourself. You're borderline sociopath and don't have a high enough interest in sex to pursue a sexual relationship.

hope you go to jail you worthless trash

I'm facing life. Should of taken the plea deal that was offered..20 yrs

Go to the gym, buy gold and silver. Just holding that shit in your hands makes you happy. And when the economy collapses in a year or two, you'll thank me.

Where's the pic from? That's David Mitchell

I can bump w/ a story from my high school years
>be me
>junior year of hs
>I live 20 mins from my hs, so i spend alot of money on gas
>live in the country, so private schools basically don't exist, thus all the rich kids go to school with the rest of us
>have anxiety, not crippling but social interactions suck
>start second semester
>walk into my african american history class
>see 2 qts talking, one tall, and the other is on the golden boundary of skinny and chubby
>take out my rubik's cube because it distracts me from the social situation of school
>4 mins pass
>"wow i could never do that, i don't have the patience"
>The Cube (Scene).wav

Peep Show, its a really good series. Funny as fuck. Watch it if you haven't seen it bro I highly recommend.

Been looking for something after Bruiser and Mitchell & Webb Look. Thanks

>2 classes later
>thick qt in the class
>know everyone in this class pretty well, save for qt, so my anxiety isn't so bad
>crack jokes every now and then, goes well
>month of this passes
>talk to a friend about buying my sister flowers because she has a dance recital that night
>qt over hears
>"aw, that so sweet user!"
>heart in my chest, play it cool tho
>qt follows me on twitter

As much as I loved those two I liked peep show heaps more, I hope you enjoy it you faggot cunt CYA FAG!!!! XD LOL!!! XD

>next day in class
>qt asks me about the flowers i got for my sister
>im a retard so i actually talk about the species of flower
>"I wish someone gave a shit about me enough to buy me flowers."
>o shit
>"would you buy me flowers user?
>heart going crazy
>"y-yeah sure"
>realize its valentine's day tomorrow
>am broke fag, no job because its soccer season
>go into store tomorrow anyways, decide to take a pic of the flowers on display and DM it to her as a joke because i'm a comedy genius
>actually works
>we DM for a while and she eventually gives me the digits

This is a feels thread, not a "beta fags pulling fat chicks thread"

Plz leave.

Thanks sempai

beta fag detected
>we start talking
>she's talks about prom and shit
>ask her who she's going with
>"oh no one right now, but i'm hoping i'll find a date soon"
>don't pick this up because i'm an idiot
>couple weeks later she straight up tells me i'm going to prom w/ her
>we talk more
>she works a shitty job @ the theater, managers are shit and they treat the employees like shit
>know her fave candy from convos
>drive to theater and leave sour patch kids on her car because she told me the managers were being bitchy
>"user, you're the sweetest guy ever."
>ok it was just candy but whatever
>she apparently tells her friends about it
>friends like me, tell her she should date me
>we date
>start thinking about how to *officially* ask her to prom because she wants to post a picture
>don't want to do overused unfunny shit because i'm not a normie
>while all this happens i get attached to this chick, idk why
>maybe its because she listens to my problems w/ anxiety and depression and shit
>weeks go by
>finally set a day to ask her
>she texts me
>"user, i don't think this is gonna work."
>"I just need someone who is happy with themselves, and i can't deal with the negativity you bring into my life"
>2 days later, she posts pic with other guy asking her to prom
>tfw you get attached to a girl that was using you as a last resort prom date
>tfw someone you cared about was only pretending to care about your problems
>tfw you couldn't realize when someone was lying to your face
4 years later and i'm still addicted to adderall. just wanted to type this out.

You... need a hug my friend

I am a blossom falling from the tree like many before me. When I hit the ground I start to die where I lie. An unheard sigh.

Damn son. Sorry to hear. It's tough to gauge how much to share. Too much and you're a sad sack. Not enough and you just feel like shit. I did the latter. It sucks both ways. Hang in there bro

>I'm beta as fuck

Reminds me of my dating life. Hang in there bro and try to be less of a fag

>rejected by fatty
>gets upset

Being this beta



dont die thread

ill throw in some feels

i legitimately have no real reason to live

i only live because i dont want to be a burden to the guy who has to clean my brain matter off the walls and floor

sounds like you're a coward.

live for yourself, be selfish

keeping the feels alive
