>first to get dubs or better each turn decides the fate of our main character
>any dubs or better after this will be ignored untill the next turn; so sorry.
>If there is already a winner, wait for OP's next post then try to get dubs--check'em and don't waste your dubs
>the game ends when i say it ends
Dan is back, but this time something terrible has happened. The cruse ship Dan was vacationing on sunk and now Dan is stranded on a deserted island. How will Dan get himself out of this pickle? Dubs or better decides Dan's fate.

see that palm tree?
up the butt.

A breifcase of lady's clothes washes up ashore from the wreakcage. Dan starts cross dressing.

Dan has a wank

Dan climbs the palm tree


Something washes up ashore. Dan goes to investigate. Its a case full of lady clothes. Dan always had a fetish for wearing panties and a bra, but was afraid of someone accidentally seeing him if he actualy wore something like that. But Dan is all by himself and has nothing to worry about! He puts on a pink thong and bra. Dan's moral is high right now, and he is energized to think of ways to escape this island

He masturbates to enhance his focus

A rescue boat drifts by and sees dan in lady's underwear. They laugh at him and pass him by because Dan is a sissy

Dan thought it was safe to indulge in his fetish, but then a rescue boat arrives. The rescuers laugh at what a freak Dan is and decide not to help Dan. You fucked up Dan, I hope you feel bad.

Dan uses his bra as a sling to hurl coconuts at the sailors he knockes them out and commandeers their ship

Dan gets addicted to masturbating

Dan masturbates furiously.


Dan pulls out his cock and starts masturbating to make himself feel better about missing a perfect opportunity to escape the island. It doesn't work. Dan needs to come up with a scheme to make it back to civilization--what will he come up with?

Dan pulls out his cock and starts masturbating to make himself feel better about missing a perfect opportunity to escape the island. It doesn't work. Dan needs to come up with a scheme to make it back to civilization--what will he come up with?

Forgot picture

Dan cums in his mouth

Dan takes a bite out of the tree bark.

Dan climaxes, and his jizz jumps straight into his mouth. Dan sure looks satisfied, but he SERIOUSLY needs to start planning his escape before he dies of starvation or dehydration.

Dan puts himself in the suitcase and attempts to use it as a boat


reroll 2x

reroll 3x

reroll 4x


reroll 5x (last time)

Dan uses his fucked up beaver teeth to cut down the palm tree and build a raft.

Fuck it, I'll roll for this.

I'll roll for you too

reroll 6x since others are rolling too I guess lol

No, this

This, but make sure Dan locks himself in the suitcase so it doesn't instantly sink.

I'll roll for this one.


Dan pulls the palm tree back, gets on top of it, and releases it to catapult off the island.

Rerolling again

Dan wipes off his jizz with a pair of panties, then loads it into one of the bras, pulling it back like a giant slingshot. He aims for the boat that recently left, hoping to hit Chad in the back of his head and make him turn around in anger.

Rerolling once again




Dan begins to convert to Islam

One more time?

This this this this


Pretty please with a cherry on top?


This rolling

Dan decides to meet his maker. He fashions a noose out of lingerie, then hangs himself from the palm tree.

rolling for this instead of retarded tranny shit

Dan takes a messy diarrhea shit

Reroll (watch me fail to get dubs)

We need to get Dan off this island.

Goddamn it! Way to break the goddamn pattern...


dan decides to marry the palm tree. later, dan cucks himself when his wife asked for a fish.


Dan finds An old, non-inert nuclear bomb from world War two, the bomb has the following characters on it : 操泥马!!!
Dan decides to take a closer look. He opens a wiring compartiment of the bomb. He sees a blue wire, a red wire, and a LGBT colored wire. Our man doesn't know that the red wire will trigger a thermonuclear detonation. He decides to cut one anyway...


>Chinese nuke
Learn your history

Huh, that's really interesting.

OK I see hmm interesting hmm

In an attempt to fly, Dan flaps his arms furiously, and creates enough friction to generate a vortex, creating a tsunami.

Dan shoves the non inert warhead up his anus.

Dan wipes the cum of his face with some spare panties, then uses a spare bra as a slingshot to fire the cum stained panties at the rescue boat. From the distance Dan sees that the boat is turning around. It's comming back--huzza! Dan jumps for joy. Hey may still have a chance at being saved

Dan smears his shit all over his body to scare sharks away



This rolling n

Unaware of the massive ordnance located in his sphincter, our hero decides to climb the tree. On the three our hero finds an EPIRB. It's functional


Dan implants nazi fascist ideals on his boat partners and becomes the leader of the new Island Fascist Party

Reroll lol


Dan waits for the Chad's to come ashore to kick his ass, then let's loose the loudest, most autistic screech he can muster while charging past them to steal their boat.



Dan catapult into harambes ass

Dan blinks out of existence, and this thread ceases to exist.


Dan climbs the palm tree to escape from the Chads.

The two resucers disembarke their ship. For some reason they look mad, and one has a crowbar. Suddenly sharks show up in the water--those men are in danger! Dan remembers from watching Animal Planet that sharks hate human shit, so Dan drops a duce in his palm and smears it down his panties, and on his face. He jumps in the water and scares the sharks away, rescuing the men. They are thankfull and allow dan passage on their ship



I dubs. kek. also roll

Dan hops in the boat, and sets off for the mainland.

Dan kills both men and takes the boat, keeps dead men on as food

Dan steals their ship!

Off by one error

Dan then begins share beers around the campfire as night falls, the sailors tell tales of their mostly boring voyages



Kaboom time

O shit

Oh God, triple dubs and still I feel bad for what I did.


Dan gets fund med by his saviors via brutal gAng rape. gigga nigga makes an appearance

Dan the nazi, kek, roll

I want him to trample me, I want him to vomit in my mouth, I want him to piss shit and snot in my mouth, I want put my tongue in his ass and all!!!!!! I would let him kill me!!I would hang myself for him!Cuz i get insane so he is beautyfull.

Nah, man, they were homophobic, and they were going to leave him to die. They only came back to kick Dan's ass. They deserve it.

Dan realizes that the two men intended to beat him up when they got off their boat. Fuck them! Dan steals their boat and sails off into the distance. He can hear the men screams grow fainter and fainter. While at sea Dan comes across a dingy adrift full of refugees. Looks like their vessile is taking on water. Uou gotta do something to help them Dan!

Dan kills a shark and eats it, gaining it strength.