Tell me what you'd do to her

Tell me what you'd do to her



Post moar

Teach her how to take pics that aren't upside down.

Cum on those tits


take her to dinner and ask her how her day was


eat ass




She is totally cute, I would love to see more

Dick is diamonds

yo whats the deal here? is she in thread or are we just dropping pics?


You can drop pics homie but I don't think she's here

I was going to make my standard "I'd buy her a quarter chicken dinner" joke but it looks like she's already eaten all the chicken.

if you're the one who started the thread I assume she is not

Just found a full body shot boner lost

Where you born retarded or did it just develop over time?

I'm not usually into chubby chicks but holy shit is she cute!

Post it

Numb nuts how did you not notice

Force her to go to the gym.

Kek... also checked

Have you even seen a gym

I think it's a side effect of Sup Forums. I was smarter a decade ago when I first discovered this place.

She's actually lost weight since I've first seen her and got a bigger ass

That face is perf though

Postem Negro...

Yea, plenty. Why?


you take that back she is a fucking angel

Old or new ?



Bigger but see

And smaller legs

Her face is amazing, he body isn't. Still fapfap

make sex w hre

vid u fucking the shit out of her.

would give head pats

If you like fat girls she's a 10/10


Would be a 10 out of 10 stunner if she didnt look like she was made out of cottage cheese. Get back to me when she's at a human weight.

Buy her Snapchat...oh wait

This girl have a name?

Summer ray


>Summer ray
I can't find anything on her name? Source?


you know how people joke about putting a paper bag over some ones head before banging. Well this is the opposite of that.