Let's get a general hack thread. Post any related infogtaphics, websites or forums

Let's get a general hack thread. Post any related infogtaphics, websites or forums.

hahahahaha nice try newfag

welcome! fucking newfag!

Come at me bro

lol learning how to hack is literally the easiest thing, forums and everything else is just good for dumping your finds

L33T H4X0R

Downloading a program or script isn't hacking fam

>implying everyone is a skiddie
Sorry n00b, I write my own code, also there is more to hacking then "programs" seeing how you went there proves how much of a fag you are lol! Also social engineering is 90% of the good finds which doesnt require any download

>Script faggot
Choose one :^)

>oh no
>he actually knows what he is talking about
>Just pretend you were b8ing maybe he won't catch on
:^) ebin

Implying SE is 90% while it is merely a fraction. Smh

Here is another (You)

there is several people posting in the thread just fucking kys newfag, but let me make it easy for you just google it and stop being a silly

Here's a pastebin to some learning resources from pastbin.com/UY7RxEqp
/\ typo to get around spam filter

Sup Forums

FBI CJIS, very funny .-.

Post your own IP faggot, see what happens

If you ask for an IP people are going to bait you into hacking the country's defense computers or something.

>Implying I don't research my target before I do something

>edgy hack faggot
kid you're clearly a newfag Minecraft retard with a PayPal booter.no one cares

What do you base this on?

Woah everyone calm the fuck down you've all got small dicks stop trying to assert the opposite.

I'm not asserting anything yet my dear sir

Just asking what user bases his conclusions on