What is your greatest fear?

What is your greatest fear?

Humanity will spread to other planets.

That I will fail at life.

Funny enough I'm on this website, talking to you guys.

Not making it to heaven

The afterlife


Already living your fear

Google little shop of horrors plant. That shit is fucking scary. That triggered my fear of vines, big leafy plants. One look at the picture now ruins my entire week and I'm jittery to whatever I brush against.



That I'm somehow destined for some great, evil deed. That all my attempts to be civil and humane are only so that, in the end, I can see why those things were never meant for me.

Don't be a faggot user...thats base tier high school theatre horror...shit i played the lead in that a copule years back

gonna sound like I have pizza but I don't
Being Jailed, any government official, most police officers, any unmarked vehicle, literally anyone in a suit and sunglasses.
ever since I've been to a psyche ward, every police officer has always stopped me when i'm out walking, or if they pull me over they always ask me the same questions.
'do you know where you are? what day it is/what's the date, who's the president of the united states? and are you alright? '
If I answer any of these wrong i'll be taken back there and i'm over 18 now, I'll be lumped in with the truly crazy and not just a bunch of psycho toddlers and depressed teens.

also losing my job, which they're on the fence on whether they want to let me go or not.

Being brazen bulled or somehow otherwise confined in a hot small space, getting hotter by the second.
I have an abnormal fear of heat and burns.

Are you a jew by any chance?


Nope, not really.
Also, jews there gassed before they got burned, so besides the memes, I don't see the relation.

Why tho?

Fuck you.

Just bumpin with bantz. iirc jews were put in hot boxes also, could be mistaken.

They are really creepy+ can fly

Failing to achieve success/greatness in spite of the gifts and proficiencies I've been given in my life.

They are not fucking Hansel and Grettel, m8.
Do you really think that they were stuffed in an oven? Sounds like a really ineffective way of mass murder.

loosing someone i care

Mine just came true. Fell in love with a girl, moved in together, were planning the rest of our lives, and she became a raging heroin addict and no one, including her family has seen her in a month.

Same. It's crippling.

As far as life is concerned, I was given a silver spoon. I pissed on it. It hurts.

that sounds like my situation except for the heroin problem... Hope my girl doesn't do that.
Are you me?

Never really got it.
If you had a pretty good life, enjoyed it and generally had fun, who gives a fuck what you achieved or not achieved?
Although, if your whole life you was working for that delayed reward, and never got it...I see how that can be terrible.

Dying alone. Probably gonna happen, too.

Tough luck.
Was she using heroin when your relationships have just began?

Same guy, funny enough. I'm dead inside. Im drinking the pain away at the moment. Fuck man.

>Don't be a faggot
>i played the lead in that a couple years back

No. She pretty much sober when we met, so was I. We drank and smoked weed on occasion. She got in a horrific skiing accident and was prescribed oxy. Then her prescription ran out. That started it I think.

too poor to do that honestly and one can only play so much vidya or throw yourself into work to distract yourself without truly numbing yourself.

I should have graduated in college by now... I barely have three credits, and am on academic suspension for the second time... probably perma b& from school.

Kek. I believe it was a small iron box used for torture and interrogations, not for killing.

the unknown

Every second is agony.

Im 26 dude. Failed out of 3 schools before getting my degree at 24. Seriously, just keep at it man. Honestly, If you're youre young enough, go for computer science or teach yourself programming or app development. that's where the future is. I'm a sales guy because I have a good voice and can pretend to be charismatic for long enough to convince people of things. But learn python, C++ and HTML. that shit is the future.

/x/, /sci/, religious/after life, the future
or just in general?

I already do IT for a job, Learning how to code shouldn't be too difficult. I did do hello world on Java. but that's as far as I got.

Thats a sold foundation man, seriously. Just take an hour or two every night to use the plethora of free online courses for coding, while working, and you'll have a great resume in a year. Baby steps. Just chip away dude.

Be scared fag

in general

solid*. Fuck.

I fear nothing, don't give a flying fuck about myself or anyone/anything around me

day by day dude, day by day. don't fear taking some risks, take some baby steps. it'll be alright my man

go skydiving, bungee jumping. Quit your job and go backpacking then

should i smoke the weed?


I've done all three and I recommend it!

you don't care about your life? why should you care if you do or don't
go for it if you want.

5 things were presented

will my anus be safe?

unless you're gay? then yea
you don't go berserk with weed and want to instantly get buttfucked unless that's something you want to do normally

I'd start with hallucinogens first actually. They're much better at helping you develop a sense of subconscious identity, which helps you understand fear as a necessity in life.

Uhhh.... Yea. Unless you pass out at a gay nightclub after proclaiming "I LOVE DICK"

will you protect my anus?

I'm smart. I fear never living up to my parents' expectations, my own, and those of everyone around me. Whatever the fuck that means.

fucking slugs. i'm fucking terrified of something that can never hurt me in any way.

That was done by the japs in their camps.
They stuffed people into these small metal boxes and left them out in the sun to roast when prisoners would fuck up or in another way deserve punishment.

My greatest fear is that a very close friend/loved one will kill herself because she's always been a really depressed person and she's in a really shitty situation again, has been getting increasingly suicidal.
This fear has been keeping me up at night and gives me night terrors lately.


The terror, that is boredom.

that when i kill myself, i will be put into the afterlife in which i will not be able to kill myself
endless existence full of suffering
i dont want

getting dubs


My greatest fear is to be abducted by candleja-

Race mixing

my parents hating me

i never knew grasshoppers could fly...

Black people

speaking of coding, you wanna know what else i'm really fucking afraid of? my ex-friend coming back to me and my heart folds over again. he was really into coding and since i had a crush on him i tried to get into it as well (and i also had an interest in it before that). now i can't do it anymore because of him. i can't. i'll never be good enough for him, and it kills me. i'm sorry i have to get this off my chest

>that pumpkin man

you scared me, op

Prison rape with a side of AIDS.

ops a faggot fuck niggers

Water sux I agree

You're a fucking paranoid idiot and are not at all important....stop worrying

but mexicans

being old and in my death bed, not able to move or feel happiness or remedy my pain