Homeless chan is back because I can't sleep

Homeless chan is back because I can't sleep

Ask me questions or whatever so I can sleep.

>Homeless chan is back
I didn't realise you were here in the first place.

what the backstory I've missed?

>internet connection

Basically I'm homeless and a trans faggot and im answering questions.


Are you people this retarded?

Thanks for bumping mate.


Are you cute?

oh ok
where are you at the moment?


Do you go into the store and steal groceries?

Meh I guess user
Proof of what user?

>> 735672793

Do you by chance reside in West Los Angeles?

How is it being a hobbo?

How long have you been homeless?
Why are you homeless?
Can you protect yourself?
Whats your location?
How have you been caring for yourself?

If i do anything that's against the law is go straight to prison.

>Meh I guess
you willing to provide succ for a place to spend the night?

that it's you.

Don't be a trans faggot
Problem solved

>How long have you been homeless?
Probably almost two years now
>Why are you homeless?
Stole a phone and was already fucked thought it would pay for my bills but all it did was give me a felony
>Can you protect yourself?
Hell no
>Whats your location?
>How have you been caring for yourself?
I haven't I been sucking sick for a place to sleep

What state?
Are you just drifting or trying to get back on your feet or what?
What's it all like?

that's relatively better depending on your situation and your country etc

Well i would love to get back on my feet but it's been difficult and probably won't happen anytime soon

You gotta learn to protect yourself or learn how to deal with being touched.

>in male prison
>thinking this will be better

Homeless but you have a computer/internet connection??


Its like you don't even know what a phone is user! Are you a nigger or a a Islamic fuck?

free wifi everywhere bro

I know a different homeless guy. Uses a phone to keep in touch and stay connected where its important. Ether use a wifi Hotspot or use a data connection if the phone still has one.

There's a high chance I'll find myself on the street soon. I have a bag already packed with some essentials just in case.

You mind giving me some advice? I've never been homeless before.

>inb4 don't go homeless

You don't have family or friends to turn to?

Thank you user it's usually the only thing we have that helps us connect with people.

Do you...look...more like a male ...or more like a female?

Learn how to protect yourself because people will try to touch you or try to get you to do drugs

Do NOT take drugs from anyone you will regret it.

>Has a commodity worth hundreds in his pocket

Sell it and buy a $5 phone that just makes calls you fucktard, get something to eat with the spare money

Its better to have a smart phone so you can ahold of people in multiple ways


Post a pic of yourself, user

Is their any way to contact you? Would love to talk to you about what got you here.

>worth hundreds
You can buy a smartphone for like $30 now, retard. There are plenty of ways to get a decent phone that doesn't cost much or is worthless to sell

I don't think you've ever sold stolen goods before...
And if you don't understand the usefulness of a smartphone, well.... let's just hope your dick is big at least.

Kik is tomok0

If you can get ahold of people, get ahold of a friend with a couch


She lives in Missouri. Chances are they're a bunch of rednecks who hate her for being trans.

smartphone is a lifeline. on the internet you have access to all the same shit as everyone else.

Are you attractive? Do you want to come live with a wealthy guy? All you have to do is cook and clean for me.


My family is from Texas but I haven't seen my family in two years.


user. Please. Tucking your dick in some panties and taking girl hormones does not make you female.


I been offered that before but I'm afraid I'll get sold into sex trafficking

Its pretty common here.

Yeah, smartphones are great for connections to others, weather and GPS for travel.

how do you charge your apparatuses?

You can believe whatever you want user I love freedom of speech

But don't be a faggot.

Power sockets at McDonalds for instance

How is it that as a hobo you can afford an internet?
Priorities bro, food and shelter first, internet second.

Please be retarded somewhere else user

Time for you to hitchhike to Cali

Say hi to Harry Perry for me, will ya?

do you like men or women op?

Is your penis feminine?

Wifi is free often in places.
And pawning a possession will not benefit OP. Especially when its this useful.

I enjoy men alot more but I'm open for anything.

I use WiFi of public places.

>don't be a faggot

But that's exactly what any man is if he willingly has sex with someone who was born with a dick.

Your mom was okay with it

doesn't that make you a fag too :^)

Public places that are open at 2 am?

Something happened guys someone is trying to come in.

is your dick small/large? did that affect your decision?

please stop enabling the liar, instead tell him he doesnt need validation from attention by randoms online.

I always prefer cuming in too, but my waifu doesnt let me often

ohh boy...

hey, if you find this phone after robbing and murdering its owner, say hi at least

And take plenty of photos of the body and what you do with it when you do please.

I was wondering how he was connecting to the internet, go be autistic somewhere else.

With timestamps to prove their authenticity

>timestamping your own murder
Thats just great thinking user...

Hang in the Sup Forumsro. I used to be homeless, sell some drugs. If you sell enough you got enough for a car. Keep selling, and you got enough for motel, use shower and transportation to get a job.
Stop selling drugs, and go to work.
Tbh how I got off the streets.

>Doesn't think you can get good money for stolen goods.

Oh user I think you're the one that's never stolen goods before.

An actual smartphone for $30 isn't too common, yet alone the data plans with it.

So how does OP first get drugs? Sucking dick? They gotta start somewhere.
And how do they find someone?

I have, but why does that matter?

tldr; some faggot using "mental illnesss to seem unique" instead of developing a personality or working understanding of the world around him is homeless because he steals shit.

Tbh I hope OP is still alive. Even if they just end up raped by whoever breaks in.
OP got fucked trying to pay bills, and was only asking for lube.

I mean. Define drugs. I lived out of my car for 6 months and smoked alot of weed with good people.

Well I got started off two things,
1 sold fake shit as drugs to licks.
two waited in the parking lot of a gas station for some nervous highshcoolers, approached them and said I will buy you beer I keep the change. They agreed, got their # they hooked me up with their friends, soon I was the hookup for beer.

in the process of this I made a lot of contacts with the party crowd in the local highshcool/underage but in college crowd. Used my new friends too get invites to party's where I could sell weed to people there and further network.

have you sucked cock this past week? if not when was the last time?

thats Sup Forumstards for you user

Dunkin Donuts and Subway also have Wi-Fi and power outlets. Public Libraries too

314 here, where at in Missouri? 636? 573?