Friend zone breaker finally revealed!

friend zone breaker finally revealed!
now that you know the why, you can escape!
put that bitch OUT on her ass!

***Mind Blown***
The scales are falling from mine eyes.
This makes perfect sense.
Thank you, user!

what sort of fucking faggot are you anyway

let us betas finally have our day

Honestly we would LOVE more than anything to get rid of you "bff"s. Most of you are self-proclaimed bbfs. We want you to go away because you keep pestering us about getting out of the friendzone. But we are just way too nice to kick you guys to the curb..
If you get rid of us, trust me, youll be doing us a favor getting out of our lives.

glad to here it, cunt

Where are you betas?
This is your penis's salvation!


fucking pathetic samefagging

so what? it's still legit info

who cares if a guy is in the friend zone he wanted to be treated that way to get there, it's not like there are any lack of signs that what he is doing doesn't work if he wanted something else.
if he didnt want to be there why'd he waste his time going?

not even worthy of a bait pic
and if ur a fem, good god learn about men

I'm a guy in my 30's. Just because hearing something upsets you doesn't mean it's bait.

He chose to stay around being treated that way. If he had a problem with it, why would he let it go that far? He wouldn't. Why should he get sympathy for having friends, is somehow people wanting you around is mistreatment? If they were mistreating him he could just simple cut contact it's not like they wanna fucking marry him or anything, they're not going to call the cops and file a missing person report if he doesn't contact them anymore.

actually, i did't aim for friendzone.
but the purpose of this thread is about cutting ties.
realize she is just using us for free shit she should get from her so-called man.
stop letting her suck you dry. slap the skeeter and only give her the time of day when she starts treating you like you deserve.

You got confidence scammed by an individual. What makes you think it wasn't because of her race instead of her gender that she did it? You understand how stupid that all sounds. Oh right Sup Forums you unironically wouldn't understand those two things probably arnt a factor.

>her race
explain yourself, cuz ur in left field with this shit

You're saying she does that shit because she's a woman. That's basically the same thing as saying she does scams like that because she is white.

women say they get fucked and left cuz men are men.
i'm saying women use nice guys for the shit they crave from their bf/husbands

Stfu about friendzone. Im a slightly overweight, poor complected pale dude with a receding hairline and a below average penis. I get laid regularly and at the times i do want a steady relationship, it's not that hard to start one.

Let this maxim ere be thine:

Nice guys finish last.

So you'd like me to believe two wrongs make a right? If all you're doing is making wrongs, how does this equation get a right as an answer, ask yourself that.

getting mad over the internet? what is this tumblr

>Let this maxim ere be thine:

no. i'm saying to stop letting the whores steal your heart goodies.
just like the whores should stop letting non-committal men get free pussy

"Nice guys" aren't nice generally, and I've know girls who genuinely thought a guy was being honest when he said to her face 5 billion times that he was happy as a friend. Buying something for someone or being a push over doesn't make you nice. Kindness makes you nice. A lot of guys that "nice guys" think are shitbags cause the chick they want are kind. Shit I'm always called an asshole by pretty much every guy who has wanted to fuck girls I've dated, and trust me when I say that the girl your orbiting will tell her boyfriend if he's a kind person and they will both roll their eyes then feel bad for you

Kind people don't always finish last friend, they tend to just care less that others know they won

Women are known to manipulate men for favors using their sexuality, are you denying that? If not, then is it not alright to then try and help those who fall prey to their scheme?
No one is saying all women, but a significant enough majority do it for it to be a problem. Do you friend zone people? No? Have you asked a straight male "friend" for a rewardless favor? You probably friendzoned some dudes, assuming you don't look like a swamp monster.

Have you ever been in a relationship? What others see is rarely indicative of what happens in the actual relationship

How is it exploitation if he does it willingly, they're not twisting his arm in any way.

they're not stealing it, guy gave it away voluntarily. so at the same time you got a problem with free pussy? you're kind of running in opposite directions there.

Not really, they care less about winning, which makes them finish last. Close tho.

oh boy, you'd be surprised

Different person but I have friendzoned girls and guys before, and yeah doing favors for your friends and asking them sometimes is just part of being friends... You sound like a terrible angry person

Ok man whatever helps you feel good about yourself let me know if you need a pat on your back

Friend zone isn't sexuality induced manipulation. He already knows he's not going to get more than friendship and chooses to be in a friendship that he contributes more to. He chose that.

>Do you friend zone people?
Yes I friendzone girls sometimes.

yes. i have. several.

What does that even mean? I'd be surprised how many people thought I was an abusive boyfriend (i have been the one abused before but never the other way around)? Or how many relationships you've been in?

And you think that it's "free pussy"? I'm sorry for the ones you've dated man, I hope you find happiness tho

>Yes I friendzone girls sometimes.

actually i don't friendzone girls anymore, I use to do that a lot so my initial thought is, yes I do that. Girls don't wanna be my friend anymore though, and haven't for years. So no technically I don't do that. If they wanted sex from me favors would go quite a bit of ways toward making it happen though.

Well it is a form of emotional abuse


What the fuck are you talking about. Some women don't like nice guys. It doesn't matter if you're kind or not. A lot of people just think everyone else is a piece of shit. A lot of people won't date someone they think is too good for them. If someone think's you're a good guy and they're not a good gal then she's going to go for guys she thinks are more on her level.

We aren't arguing the mild cases where the guy is actually your friend. If you're buddies you're buddies. I'm saying there are women that prey on guys insecurities and that shouldn't be seen as alright.
>:( I'll have you know i'm very nice! god does none use " " anymore

How is that emotional abuse. If he's simply doing these things and keeps coming back for it. If you walked up to a guy and told him you're a faggot and wanna suck his dick, then he tells you "gimme money for bus fare you faggot, and then go away", and you keep doing that every day at the bus stop, is that guy emotionally abusing you?

Really then why do girls whine when the guy finally cuts her off and goes no contact?
I was an orbiter to a girl in high school,I dropped her about two years ago (32 years old now) and she still sends me messages that she misses me and has dreams about me and shit, of course now she is fat with a child who the father wants nothing to do with now does she miss me. Fuck your emotional abuse nobody deserves that

more like if you want to ride the 6:30 bus but you know the driver is a real B, and every time you walk in he calls you a faggot. You could always take the 7:00 bus and avoid the driver, but then you'd be late for work.

>I'm talking girls who prey on weak men to fulfill what they want, and only take but never give.
Then you're talking about a specific individual? Do you want someone to give her a job to buy her own shit, and tell everyone to not hang out with her? I don't really understand what you think you're accomplishing. I've been in relationships where I was being manipulated and lead on sexually without much satisfaction for myself. That was my fault for going back near daily. It got a hell of a lot worse when she started turning that manipulation on other people to target me for leaving her but I was pretty stupid for letting her get close enough for it all, it really shouldn't of been a surprise she'd get all nuts about how great I am while I sat around reinforcing that she can treat me that way for as long as I did.

There is your problem, you think that bus is gonna take you somewhere. You think you understand the route it goes and the driver is deciding it. That's not how that's working.

withholding of sex is a form of emotional manipulation, as is moving goalposts, and guilt tripping, creating a relationship with someone and then not letting it progress in order to get free shit or take up more of their time is one sided that power inbalance isn't common in friendships it is very common in abusive relationships though not all forms of abuse are physical you should read up on some psychology 101

but that doesn't sound like a toxic relationship to use or in anyway abusive?? gaslighting you and isolating you for leaving that is my point people like to ignore what these types of relationships really are because women can't possibly be abusive in any way it is pussy pass plain and simple

My BFF is also my FWB.
But I want her to be my wife.
But she won't permanently leave the douchebag.
Thanks to this thread, I realize she's just taking all my loving.
Cutting her off as of right now.
I'll get with a trap before I get friend zoned again.

No I understand my relationship was fucked up. It's not the same thing though. It might have the same tactics employed but what I'm saying is it was fundamentally different where the arrangement wasn't friendship. Escaping from contact with them wasn't a simple thing like a friendship.
Like this. You're begging someone to have contact with you. They're not manipulating you, you started the interaction, they gave you some conditions that they'll even be interested in that level of interaction, clearly it's not a good interaction but you're the one trying to make it more involved with bribes and stuff so technically you're being the manipulative one there. Some people are fine with that kind of manipulation but if you're in a friendship and see they're not okay with it having a fit over it is fucking ridiculous.

The problem is that the bus sign says its going downtown, then it takes me upstate.

so it's ok to prey on people's mistakes?

As a dude who realized he was gay after years of bullshit, and having been through the "friendzone" stuff
I can tell you that the freindzone doesn't fucking exist.
Its a magic little place guys put themselves because they don't have the balls and confidence to just move on with their lives.
Chick leads you on and acts like you might be worth it, only to constantly turn you down and call you her friend?
Fucking move on, find another person, make real friends, and hang out with some bros.
Or just be gay and never have to worry about it again.
If you ever complain about the friendzone, 100% chance you put yourself there or you let her keep you there. So guess what?
Man up, grow some balls, and move on, faggots.

Completely okay.
They fucked up, make profit off that.
Business is business.

Then get off the bus, faggot.

How do they know it's a mistake for you to do that?
Yeah a friend would have some of your interest in mind wouldn't they, maybe pick your friends better. I've had friends fuck me over before, even put up with it for a long time. Sometimes you just figure out it's not worth it and just start dumping people like that. They're not going to have any shortage of friends ever if you already seen first hand how much shit you'll put up with. Get over it.

How many times do you gotta end up going upstate before you try a different bus? Are all bus' like that ? You're only ever taking that one bus so it seems like you actually want to go where it keeps taking you.

Then by that logic, I can do anything I want providing I feel as if someone showed me weakness?

>How many times do you gotta end up going upstate before you try a different bus? Are all bus' like that ? You're only ever taking that one bus so it seems like you actually want to go where it keeps taking you.
You know I get it, you don't like where the bus is going. You tell the driver you want to go a different route. They tell you "nope" and keep taking the same route. Ending up in the same place. They got their own life and prerogatives where you're going isn't their problem. Trying to bribe them to drive some where else isn't working, then you start boycotting bus drivers and throwing tantrums about it. How does this make any sense to you?

Get on the bus faggot.

I'm not sayign not get over it, I'm saying they don't get a free pass. If they are entitled to do what they want to do what they want you, you can do what you want to them.

it's the driver the focus, not the bus

It doesn't. More like the driver promises to take you where you want, charges you the fare, and goes rogue.

>If they are entitled to do what they want to do what they want you, you can do what you want to them.
Yeah being a good person is harder than not being a selfish piece of shit, why should you do it if other people don't? I honestly question if I'm a fucking idiot for not being a piece of shit either sometimes but whatever you make a choice.

>it's the driver the focus, not the bus
Yeah that's your problem, the bus is a factor whether you think it is or not.

>It doesn't. More like the driver promises to take you where you want, charges you the fare, and goes rogue.
So you're saying they're holding you hostage and won't let you go?

amen to that brother

the bus is an automobile

Yes :)

not that they are holding you hostage but it certainly feels that way because that is how abuse feels, it is faggots like you that tell women they deserve to be beaten if they take back a guy that sent them to the ER

>, it is faggots like you that tell women they deserve to be beaten if they take back a guy that sent them to the ER
I don't tell it to them.

>OP posts pic from today
>his own post which he samefagged
>thinks he found some way out of being beta

>Maximum cringe beta level reached

I don't even think suicide can help you at this point OP.

As a guy in a relationship, I hear this constantly. My friend zone friends are always trying to score with my female friends and my gf's friends and they've got legit mad at me for even leaving the room with just them together.

Imagine if you had a gay dude following you around for months
>he always wants to fuck you in the ass. >He's an alright guy and decent to hang out with, but he always drops hints that he wants to fuck you in the ass in weird ways that are just subtle enough that when you try to tell him nicely you're not too huge on getting assreamed, he pretends he never wanted to fuck you in the ass
>talks to his friends and sometimes even your friends about how he wants/plans to fuck you in the ass
>some of your friends kind of like him and are sometimes even saying "dude just let him plow your hole" so if you ever just broke down and told him to fuck off it would ruin your friendship with your other friends
>he's also way bigger than you so you better pray neither of you get too drunk and he decides that boipussi is his
>if you ever actually break down and let him fuck your ass, he immediately expects that he will always be allowed to and if you tell him no afterwards you're thr one in the wrong

Why would you stay friends with people helping someone try to butt fuck you?

Is this is a trick question?

Well I mean if they're okay with helping someone try to butt fuck you... I don't see why you wouldn't find something else to do, which doesn't involve a bunch of people being involved with butt fucking you.

Im in friendzone right now but i fucked this girl and she constantly telling me she love me but i cant be with her couse she just ended 3 years relationship in the ago of 18. And u think she wants to drop me off coue i wanna fuck her? But she dont want to loose her other friends?

ITT ...