Hey, Sup Forums faggots, I have a serious question

Hey, Sup Forums faggots, I have a serious question.

Do you know how to get rid of bed bugs on your own? To summarize, both of my parents are too broke/too careless to hire an exterminator. I'm also too broke. So, I'm looking into DIY methods. Any help?

hairspray and a lighter. there is no other way. those fuckers are the spawn of satan.

burn everything and enjoy sleeping on the floor now user

use the dryer on linens, the heat kills them. if a mattress, you'd have to leave it in a truck or van on a hot day maybe

I had bedbugs, bit the shit out of my neck and legs. I washed all my blankets and pillow cases in hot water. I cleared out my room as much as I can and sprayed bug killing chemicals in corners where they usually hide. They hide just about anywhere so theres no such thing as a fucking idk... What im saying is that they could be anywhere generally somewhere thats hard to get too. Check EVERYWHERE. If theyre still alive then call a pesticide person.

diatomaceous earth. tons.

Most of the cost of an exterminator is the labor and administrative cost.

Just buy the poison yourself. Since it can just kill people instead of be used to make something else that makes you feel good, the government doesn't restrict it.

Let me also say that we've had bed bugs for nearly 2 years. We've sprayed with heavy chemicals. We've vacuumed and cleaned everything off floor. Bed bugs are usually indicative or being dirty, but we're fairly clean here. It's just that they're here and no matter what we do, they won't go away.

Try hot water and bleach. Mix together and spray your walls and bed frame. Fill that in a spray bottle

Are you that same nigga with the couch from the other thread?


This plus vacuuming everything daily

I believe the only foolproof way is to hire a nigger to scare them away, cheaper than an exterminator and works just as well. Hope that answers your question user, good luck!

Sleep outside. Throw bed away. Stop sleeping. Wear full-body latex condom to bed. Burn down house. Soak bed in urine. Sleep in neighbors bed. Sleep in neighbors daughter. Sleep in neighbor. Kill self. The list goes on OP.

TLR: You can afford internet. You can afford to save up and get an exterminator. MOST IMPORTANTLY: GOOGLE. YOU. IDIOT.

How is it cheaper than an exterminator after you factor in the cost of them stabbing you and robbing the house?

>ffs user, where do you live? Uganda?

I am not.

I want to hear from people with personal experience, right now. Sup Forums is good for that. Also, I'm a broke student. I have no fucking money at all.

this heat but it needs to be like 100+ degrees. bed bug exterminators just heat a house up for a couple days.

Vacuum first.

If you truly want to get rid of them you will have to get rid of your mattress and box spring.

Throw them out.

Vacuum AGAIN. Grab all your clothes, dirty or clean, and throw them in the wash and dryer at least 3 times. Dont bring the clothes back in until you have completely sanitized the infected rooms.

Vacuum yet again. Get rid of any pillows and sheets you had. Same with couches that are infected.

Vacuum again.

Take out all the furniture outside and remove all the knick knacks. Hand wash every piece of furniture. Use the hose and let them air dry outside.

Once the room is empty of furniture, vacuum again and use the strongest bug spray at the store. Spray the carpet and corners of the room including the walls and ceiling.

Dont sleep in this room for at least 3 days. Dont put the furniture back in.

Bed bugs are extremely hard to kill. Even exterminators have trouble killing them. Had a buddy who used to work for CATS usa, and said it was near impossible and you will have to throw most stuff away and starve the shitlings

Thou art fucked. They survive fumigation.


buy a couple of space heaters from the pawn shop/craigslist

have parents change into brand new washed/dried clothes and immediately leave to go stay at someone elses house for the day with nothing but the fresh clothes on them

crank heater up as far as it will go

put space heaters in bedrooms to help raise temperature

leave it going for a few hours

come back, run through the house with a couple cans of bed bug poison spot spraying them as they will be frantically trying to escape the heat

repeat last step again in a few hours

you wanna leave it nice and toasty for about 8 hours. time it so that you turn everything off at dusk to allow the house to cool

99% of bed bugs in the house will be dead

spray inside/outside barrier of house with barrier insect repellent

repeat this a week later and your problem will be resolved.

source: i do this for a living just with better equipment

Bed Bugs can still survive heat treatment if they find the right spot

They'll survive spray too if the spray isn't the right kind or the exterminator is shit

I got my place sprayed then I spread that silica shit while wearing a dust mask and vacuumed every day.

It took 10 months before I saw a single bug of any kind in the house. Spray and silica is super effective when done right.

Heat just wrecks pain/wallpaper/furniture etc.

The dirty thing is actually complete bullshit. You can be the cleanliest person in the world and still have bedbugs. They can and will hitch a ride on anything they can hide on, and the eggs are so tiny you won't notice if you've happened to pick some up on a trip or something.

Diatomaceous earth lining your entire room, all your furniture. Unless your bed happens to have slick metal legs, better just throw it away and even if the frame/legs is metal, invest in bedbug interceptors under the legs of your bed. Double-sided tape around the mattress, legs.

Wash and dry EVERY piece of clothing and linens and all on as hot as possible several times in a row.

Burn your house down.

Buy bed bug proof covers for mattress. there are bugs inside it that cant be reached with heat or chems. heat everything that goes on the bed in dryer. setup bed bug traps on legs of bed. usually can be made with tupper ware and talcum powder. this will prevent the bugs from climbing up the bed again. the powder makes the container walls slippery for the bugs. move bed away from wall so they cant use the wall. all this might prevent u from getting bit for a while... bed bugs can survive almost a year wihout feeding.

tape around the walls in bedroom coated with talcum powder to prevent them from climbing walls and falling on you while u sleep.

Ok so what you do is go find the absolutely biggest male bedbug in your bed. When you've found him, jerk off and cover him in cum while you howl and pound your chest. This display of dominance will show the bedbugs who's boss, and they'll never set foot on your turf again.