/nzg/ - The New Zealand General

/nzg/ - The New Zealand General

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Dunedin here gonna see if tonight's thread is any better.

Dunners reporting.

Finished going off the rails and fixed my comp too, so we back in business. What's happening?
>protip: it won't be

Colour me surprised lad.

Fuck Amber

Why are IDs even gone?


Yeah, right. Probably because it's fucking miserable outside so we all feel like shite.
wow rude
'sup mang?


Not a lot, just been working etc. Have a date tomorrow though which is neat.

We live in Dunedin, we feel like shit most times.

Reminder that we fucking love this guy

If you loved him why isn't he here posting with the people who "love" him?

West Auckland here

You making that bank yet? And good shit, you got plans?
>just for you
Preach, brother user. But with that said, it's kind of a nice shithole. That probably rings true for most of the country, come to think of it.
>two years mandatory service
>he left like everyone else good who once came here
Take your pick.

Yeah making good money, have some good commission pay coming soon too

Have got plans which should be good but I guess we'll see.

>That blue Subaru with gold rims
Always annoys me how much I see this in real life. So generic

>tfw no pic

If you fags want IDs so badly just get namesync.

Maybe he just grew up. It's kinda embarrassing still posting here when you're over 20

its just a meme, chill. kek.

Oh. Oh ok then.

Sorry. I'm in a bad mood.

Need this?

Sounds pretty good all round, good shit! Hopefully tomorrow is a good one for ya.
>So generic
It was the official colours for what, fifteen years? You're not wrong but I'm also not surprised every bogan and his dog is doing it here lel
>not staying here forevermore with the only real family you've ever known
pleb boi

Honestly? I'd welcome it but I can't do it because it would devastate my parents.
As soon as they die I'll probably be right behind them.

If you insist. What's her number?

I feel you real hard on this

Did something happen?

So I just filled out my tax refund. When will I get the money?

Plenty happened, I'm sure user is the same.
I just agree, once my dad goes I'll be free of guilt to kick the chair.

Or maybe next month idk. Did you do it yourself or go through an agency?

hawkes bay nudes

Shouldn't be long. AFAIK they send them all out in June. Got mine already but I applied months ago.
That's a decent refund.
For me I've just been emotionally unstable lately and one big thing happened in the last week. I can't really talk about it right now in case someone sees my post.

Fuck no I'm not giving some Indian cunt 10% for something I can do easily myself.
Hmm, hopefully only a few days. I need a new fridge.

I've just kinda levelled out after feeling pretty unstable so I feel you. I won't force the point but know that you're not alone in this bullshit. If a time comes where you can talk about it, know that user will listen. In the meantime, take it easy.
You got up to anything nice recently or has shit just been hectic?
Fair enough, too. I think the IRD said they'd process them next month.

Work is slow at the moment.
I enjoy talking about my problems with people I don't know but my problem is in another thread right now and they may be scrolling through Sup Forums.

somebody was mentioning dunners nudes on soc... archive?


got megan mcallum or maddy keighly?

yeah both, what you have for them?

>tfw you're at a chicks house for the first time and you take a shit in her toilet but it doesn't all flush and you don't want her to know so you don't wait for the tank to refill and give it another flush and have to fish your shit out the toilet and chuck it out the window and hope she has a dog you can blame it on.


oh daddy hitler-kun fill up my concentration camp with your jews UGUUUUU~~~~

very funny

Fucking kek, this gets me every time

think these two are from hb but not too sure

Owner of a white subaru with gold rims.
Want to paint car blue.

Anyone in auckland know a spot to find magical mushrooms? Any help would be fantastic.

Faggot Zealand

That's why New Zealand is garbage


I miss him...

If you're going to attempt to banter at least try. I have scraped better bants off my nutsack after a week in the bush.

anything else?


thats not been on here

Yes, it has

do you have anything thats not been on here

any christchurch nudes?

who /cold/ here?


Yes, but I am not sharing because I am a gentleman.


if you want to trade and they're good. ill send good ones too

Not I.
>Electric Blanket
>One Duvet

Nope. Yours will be shit because they didn't send them to you directly.


Christchurch/ turn the oven on for heater / one towel as blanket.

i have some that they did. ones only i have and dont send

All you are talking about is complete garbage.

This is where you belong

I am a sea men.


Hello, I'm from chch. What do y'all think of NZ rock music


Moar ?



Boats and hoes, kez

You called?


wassup monicas







who needs bantz when you've got tankz

I bet you can't tank spam to 300. There's no way you have that many tanks


The greatest.

my folder has 8000 files, the only reason that i may or may not get to 300 is because of low patience levels

plus i'm being picky about my images atm


proof of tank folder please

so when's the next dunediin meet

Blenheim here, my mate left me hanging for some chick he can't fuck, wat do?

Mr. 300

Back-up reporting
This weekend, I think

here, proof