Need some help here

Need some help here.
WTF is wrong? Beyond the fact I have a hand full of my own spunk, of course.

Been having these clumps occasionally, and seems only when whackin the kraken. Seen something like this before on this board, but it was a few years ago.

tl;dr: why is my gravy lumpy?

I get these too sometimes, bumping for knowledge


Lol gross

Instead of asking on some shitty imageboard how about you goto the doctors you pathetic cretin.

>got chunky instead of creamy

Your sperm is so potent it's fertilizing itself. Those are your children OP.

Gross mate

Sure let me just go up to my family doctor with freshly squeezed nut butter in hand.

That shit won't be embarrassing at all.

In all honesty, not just being stupid, I believe it is a possible sign of testicular cancer. Can't remember why the cancer causes clumping though. Go to the doctor soon.

go out of town if you're that much of a pussy.

You dont goto a doctor with the sperm in your fucking hand you moron. You goto the doctor and tell them what is happening and they may or may not ask for a sample. WOW it was that easy huh

member when b was actually helpful or useful?
i member...

So far we have:
1. Cancer. Which is highly unlikely being that clumping isn't a symptom and would have other symptoms none of which I have.
2. Go to the doctor. Which no shit.. really? I post a spunk filled hand on the internet and you don't think that I might be trying to avoid said doctor?

help i'm a braindead retard who cant goto a doctor waaaaaaahhh why wont people help me on the internet wwwaaaahhhhhh

>Why is my gravy lumpy

Top fucking kek

Drink at least 72oz of water each day. You're very dehydrated.

It could be dehydration, but it could also be that you're consuming too much protein.

What is your diet like?

I should have known asking this during summer would lead to this kind of shit.

A. Doctor costs time and money and won't even get in to see him for weeks.
B. Doctor will do shit all and refer to specialist.
C. Specialists costs even more and probably scheduled a month out.
D. Likely result is probably what these Anons are saying.

So summer off, "bro"

help i'm a poor retard who cant pay for his medical care so i resort to using a really shitty imageboard for help and instead of trusting people who have trained for seven years to help him he trusts people who jack off to hentai all day wwwaaaaaahhhhh

This is a real possibility. It's been hot and drenched in sweat recently. So dehydration is something to work on.

Diet: Honestly not the best recently. Too much protein in diet could be another thing. On low carb diet so protein intake is higher these last few months.

So any medical diagnosis I could research? Noticed my liquid is pretty thick and was thinking dehydration. Really didn't know protein could have such effects.

after a quick google search, could be dehydration.. excess protein. just be familiar with your body. if its been super hot recently, thats like the culprit. regardless, if it wasn't hot, i wouldn't be alarmed anyway.


Those are tonsil stones, you lying stank breath faggot

Lol thats what i thought

It came from dick and haven't had a blow job in days. Not sure the magic that would require.

My cum blast was so powerful that it created a suction which caused pressures required to instantly create tonsil stones and suck them through my balls and out my dick?

Gone and curdled your jizz mate

You cant bullshit an entire website of bullshitters, faggot, even if some of these anons are new. You spit them out in your hand and thought you'd make a cute little thread but failed.

Those clumps can happen occasionally. I had them too although not as much as in your pic.

Drink lots of water (no weird shakes or energy drinks) and eat healthy. Also, try to cum more regularly and it should go away.

As well as dehydration and diet, not cumming for a few days can cause it to go kind of clumpy. When my wife's on the rag I don't cum all week, the next time I do it's got almost like jelly lumps in it.

I went to the doctor about it, and he said it was pretty normal. He still checked my balls though.

Those are just semen clots, it is normal for this to happen. There is nothing wrong with you so don't worry

what you have is generally dehydration combined with over the top wanking.
If you get clear gel like lumps it is mostly caused from to much masturbation.
if you jerk it everyday at least once then have a day or 2 in between you get these clear gel type lumps.
its due to you body being used to you jerk so much so it get into a routine of producing sperm at a quicker rate.
If you dont jerk, it still makes it but the excess protein "gels" together, you will often fell like a small discomfort or passing when you cum if its been a couple of days.

fucking uncut pleb tier

Here's what you do.
If you have insurance, call and make an appointment. Put the chunks in a bag or something, go to the appointment. Find out what it is. Insurance then pays, because that's what the fuck insurance does.

If he sends you to a specialist, if you don't want to go, then don't go, keep whacking with chunks, and find out its some sort of cancer or something and die.

Or if you're not retarded, you'll go.
And guess what will pay for all of this.

If you don't have insurance? Well go fuck yourself and get an actual job you fucking nigger.

Thank you helpful anons.
This is why I come here.

For the rest, I can't wait for fall. HerpDerp insurance pays, get a job hrrrrrr, must be nigger even though white hand hrrrr.

If you don't have a copay it means you are on medicaid and therefore literally retarded or a poorfag.

been here since 2006 faggot.
>if you don't have X then that means you have X and you're retarded
Nigger you come in here, asking for help, then whine "summer" when you get real advice.
You're the most retarded person i've seen on this site in 11 fucking years.
Go kill yourself you monstrous shit-sucking faggot.

i've been here since the start back in '96 faggot
become an hero kek