Would you like to work in woman milk factory?

Would you like to work in woman milk factory?
Also would you buy girl milk?

Other urls found in this thread:

xvideos.com/?k=Kelly Hart lactation

yes, and yes i would it tastes pretty good

Do black girls lactate chocolate milk?

No, but I would enjoy having my own lactating whore, who moans sexy when I milk her udders, and fuck her anytime I want to.


I want to work there and be milked everyday.
Although, i have heard from other women that breastfeeding is painful. So idk how being hooked up to a machine or being handmilked would feel.

No, they lactate liquid shit.

Only direct from the source


Somebody has to keep them bred to keep producing milk. I'm up for that particular job.

is not needed, read about induced lactation

Fucking savage man

I dunno who you been talking to but breastfeeding hurts immediately postpartum. A couple weeks in and it's practically orgasmic. Plus if you have a husband/partner who's down for it, getting your clit sucked while you feed the baby is the most deeply satisfying come you will ever have.

I would very much like to be milked, please. Also I would buy girlmilk if it tasted good and had a good shelf life.

post em?

this girl was trying to produce milk, i wonder if she succeeded

she has beautiful breasts

Ofc I would work there.
Wouldn't consume it though. Growth hormones, Estrogen, reduces testosterone...

Interesting. Thank you clarifying that user.
I am definitely interested in breastfeeding then but kids are 100% a no go for me. I hate children with a passion and just dont ever have plans on getting pregnant.

I heard you can massage the breasts for a long time and it can induce lactation but it would have to be for like at least 2 hours each day for a whole month or longer

My boyfriend already sucks and plays with my tits but i wish i could take it to a higher level, you know?

timestamp those tits user

i'll never understand women who dont post tits on a 100% anonymous anime breastfeeding board. literally no reason not to

Because we dont fucking want to. Its late at night, i dont want to take my sweater off, break my camera or phone out, write on a piece of paper, and post it on here for no reason

Also quit samefagging cuz its not gonna happen

you dont need a piece of paper

blue board pls ban everyone in this thread moot

I'm you might aswell considering you'd take the time to type that out.

Lift that sweater up and timestamp those tits femanon

I'm a male-looking person. Tiny nipples.

No, but I'd try it once

Androgyny isn't bad femanon go for it

sorry, my request is for based females, not flat chested sluts with entitlement syndrome

Maleanon, user. I am a person with a dick. Pre hormones tranny. And ugly besides!

>Also would you buy girl milk?
Why would I buy it if I can just suck it out of various whores and sluts already?

Good shit user

>And ugly besides!
SHUT UP. No one is ugly. Being unfeminine doesnt make you ugly so stop that nonsense.

no user he's probably ugly. many people are ugly, there's a reason you don't have a gf

im not lesbian tho

no but you sound pretty gay

i do like penis :3

Can you show yours?


show bepis

Looking good.
More plz?


I am diamonds.

Please show more.

love the dad look

can i sell you for a profit
w-what do you want

spread pussy

let the ladies loose



I love you.

There's a supplement that you can take to induce lactation. Take sunflower leticin to increase your production of milk.

you have perfect titties, what size?

now shut up about people being ugly

I drank straight from the tap from my wife when she was lactating after our first kid. She hated me doing it, but it was my favorite sexual act of all time. She just had another. Can't wait to get back on her tits. She's producing way more milk this time too.

holy shit

already got all the BOI milk i could ever want


Heh interesting, my missus enjoyed it but it was too sweet for me to do it as more than shits and giggles.

can we get one more pic of you squeezing those pretty pink nips

are they really that pink

>No one is ugly.

OH yes, like a pale pink, the prettiest color, so photogenic

I liked how sweet it was. And that moment just after she lets down when you go from sucking and getting no milk to the first warm sweet mouthful is pure ecstasy.

These are gorgeous tits.

thanks but they really arent, these are gorgeous tits

dude, those are fake asf, what you got is real i would lick you head to toe

Uh, no. Those are fake and shopped. Yours are amazing. Would literally take yours 100/100 times.

can i see your belly? i got a stomach fetish

Trolling? Everyone on Sup Forums is disgusting.

you know that's not really charming dont you, i get that alot. Just having a beni..ahm i mean vagina, is like being a cold glass of water in the desert, telling me you'd drink me doesn't mean as much after the 10th, 100th, 1000th time
Not trying to be a bitch, or arrogant, but really its true :/

your tits make me want to cum more than the fake picture you just posted

shiny fake ass balloons

not trying to be charming, just being brutally honest user .

I totally agree. I was about to ask if people really thought girls liked that kind of shit guys say.

face? i personally find an attractive mug to be most important and a nice bod is a plus

I guess what i mean is that telling me you would fuck/lick/kiss/love me is just something everyone says.
It sucks because i know in some way you actually feel that but wtf am i supposed to do if EVERYONE feels that way. I'm like morty with the love potion. God damn it Rick.

No. that's never a good idea to do. Sorry

oh well, i tried

>oh well, i tried
lol that's what i mean! every tries.
Just because you tried doesnt mean it would work, could work, or even would be good for either of us!
And it gives a girl the wrong idea, she thinks everyone loves her and never hears anything but that.
Ive dressed as a guy (convincingly so) and people treat you really different when they dont know you have a fat ass and double DDs.
If i go just as my personality im actually not even that cool. I just got lucky from my mama.
I'm trying to be a cooler person but its not easy when ALL you get is positive reinforcement all the time :/
Dont act like a girls shit dont stink! Cause it does, really bad.

Well when all you have is a photo is work off of, of course the compliment is going to be shallow and related to your physical, on a side note you seem like a level headed , genuine individual, i can't really say if you're a good or bad person or even accurately assume if you're intelligent or not. You are on Sup Forums for fuck sakes lol.
You have captured my attention for this long , I find you interesting user.
Would still lick ya to whether you like it or not.

i ment *everyone tries

>is smart
>Sup Forums 'loser' so not easily offended
>not even that cool
more than most i see. just about all girls around where i live are 2 dimensional giggly ditzes. rather have someone who could keep up with me and the guys and also like our kind of humor

Rapist confirmed

shit tier tits.

awesome tits


fuck i love kelly hart xvideos.com/?k=Kelly Hart lactation

>2 dimensional giggly ditzes
Well look at how we're treated as young girls and in society. Its encouraged to be that way.
I was always given pink things and told im a pretty princess by everyone i knew.
Its damaging. It's brainwashing. As a girl you have one purpose in life: you reproduce with your body and pick the right guy to be that other half. That's it, everything else is a means to that end.
And telling a girl what she wants to hear works when you dont know better.
3 broken hearts and a miscarriage later i know alot better. And 4chins helped (praise kek)

bruh it's 2017, girls can do anything,

Share more pls.

yes we can but it doesnt mean we arent ENCOURAGED to be certain ways.
Like boys are discouraged from being confident, girls are encouraged to be entitled.
But anyways i was just explaining what i felt about being told stuff like "i wanna lick you"
Wasnt trying to offend

I'm offended for you, don't worry.


shit goes both ways, listen im sorry for telling you that i wanted to lick you, i take it back. can we be friends?

If those were mine to suck on I'd help you induce that way.

no! dont apologize!
Just...sigh idk just dont blurt it out like that.
Hint at it maybe, tease it. Its sexy when i dont know you want it, when im guessing. If you just throw it all on the table and hand it to me for free (like everyone else does) is that telling me that what you have is valuable? No its telling me that what you have is so worthless that you'd just give it to me, like that for nothing.
You arent worthless, stop acting like it!
Be greedy with yourself, make others want it, beg for it. Be valuable!
Because you are, aslong as you treat yourself that way.
And it goes both ways! If a girl just throws her pussy around is she really that valuable as someone to keep? If you think so then maybe its a problem with how you think, because you're saying you're worth less than a slut.
Dont do that. It's NOT sexy!

sorry for the rant, i'll go now :[

ITT: Virgin swarm circling one femanon with non-timestamped tits

And the bitch loves the attention.

Remember the rules you fucking faggots. They exist for a reason.

the tits are nice tho

understood, appreciate your words, make sure you aren't just telling me , but YOU are also listening to what you say as well.
Have a good day user, you sweet soul you.

>the tits are nice tho
Matter of personal taste. I have two sets to choose from on the reg so I disagree, but it's like saying apple pie is nice when you're constantly provided with two apple pies every day of your life.

Or something.

>And it goes both ways! If a girl just throws her pussy around is she really that valuable as someone to keep?
Stick to the rules; Bitch can't even follow her own advice--throws her body around like it's two shekels and then instantiates we should all live to a higher standard.

I thought this was was a lactation thread ? user with that god-like rack post some more so I can finish off