I quit my job at a cheese plant after 6 years. Ask me anything

I quit my job at a cheese plant after 6 years. Ask me anything.

Why'd you quit?

MODS !!!!

Might be a more enjoyable thread if you just told us stories and shared pics.
Also sage for reddit tier content.

Did working there cause you to become lactose intolerant?

Because you stand next to a conveyor belt for 8 hours, sometimes 12, and just put cheese in a box

Because I stood next to a conveyor belt for 8 hours, sometimes 12, and just put cheese in a box for 6 years

No, I just stood next to a conveyor belt for 8 hours, sometimes 12, and just put cheese in a box

what kind of box?

how was the pay?

Was it a bad Culture?
Was there an explosion and they never got rid of de brie?
Was management up to no gouda?
Was the company bought by parm-asians?
We're your coworkers unfriendly, they wouldn't even say halloumi in the morning?

These are real questions, don't fuck around with the answers, faggot.

Never wider than your waist, but close to it. Normally they are fairly short, never over a foot tall. I didn't like the boxes very much, they turned my hands and fingers blue with the ink. Because you do it for so long, when you wash your hands, it leaves them feeling like they have a layer of silicone on them.

$17.36, no one wants to do it so they pay up the ass.

we work with cream cheese. Should have clarified earlier.


You quit. Stop assuming you're part of the creamiest team in town anymore. Rides over.

What kinda cheese would hitler like?

Something smoked I'm sure.

10/10 answer lad

Just kek'd hard

Thanks bro. Glad you got the fuck outta there. I worked at a cookie/cracker factory for two years. Luckily I worked in the mixing department so the job was better than the line slaves who put shit into boxes all day. Whenever I would walk past them at the end of the day I always noticed they had cold dead eyes.

>stand next to a conveyor belt for 8 hours, sometimes 12, and just put cheese in a box

This is what I do for a living, except its Cinnamon French Toast Sticks. If you've gone to Sonic or Burger King and had their French Toast, there's a high chance I made or packaged it.

You okay Sup Forumsro ? Judging by your response I think that job may have affected you mentally. Do you think you were affected mentally ?


I think he is illustrating how monotonous his job was

A brand called "Happy Farms".

Thanks. I'm glad someone understands. I don't know how it is in other plants, but the cheese comes out so fast that you can't zone out, so the hours drag on.

>two companies
Have you ever heard of fast food chains? That concept? Everything that falls under that spectrum, and I mean everything, from Dunkin Donuts to McDonald's, and then all store brands, from Aldis to Wal-Mart, are all supplied by our company (albeit different plants depending on what kind of cheese). Dunkin Donuts is our number 1 buyer, they buy more cheese than McDonalds. This includes world wide distribution. I don't know how else to put it; if you're eating cheese, there's a 99% it's either Kraft or Schreiber, otherwise it's from some faggot with one tiny plant that just sells it through a gift shop or some shit, there is no other competition. Both Kraft and Schreiber at fortune 500 companies, with Schreiber usually ~23 spots behind.

I have aspbergers, nothing that job could throw at me could hurt me.

Didn't know he was a groupy for BVB