I'm going to jump out of my window soon. I live on the 8th floor of an apartment building

I'm going to jump out of my window soon. I live on the 8th floor of an apartment building.

I just lost my last will to live.

I'm 21 and I'm going off to the Korean military in a few months.

And I just broke up with the one person I was holding on to my pathetic life for.

If I throw my self from the 8th floor will I die 100%?

Tell us why the millitary sucks there? Is it worth to kill yourself because of it?

after you explained it, feel free to throw yourself out of the window.

It's two years long.
And you're paid 150 dollars a month or so.
And you're treated like a piece of shit by everyone above you.

And I originally was going to just pull through so that I can come out and be with this girl.
But thanks to my parents and some other things, I'm no longer with her.


I want to know too

Pro tip OP

If you don't care about anything in life you won't have a reason to kill yourself
Prove me wrong

You will only die 60%

Honestly I just don't see why I want to go through that shit time if I have nothing to look forward to.

Really? How high would I need to go?

You got triples on 8, it doesn't even matter if you don't die, go from the 8th story anyway.


I don't know man I'm pretty high myself

Stop being a melodramatic fag. You're 21. If you hate yourself and want to die, I have good news. You'll be a completely different person in 5 years and your life won't look anything like it does now. The "you" now will essentially be dead. Which is good, because the "you" now is a massive faggot.

kys you dirty gook

I definitely understand that I'm being a melodramatic faggot.

But the thing is that with how manipulative my mother is, yet how reliant I am on their money, I don't see this kind of situation changing anytime soon.

If I off myself at least there won't be any more of bullshit

Didn't even notice.
I should screencap this and make it my wallpaper so when they look they'll see

Thanks but I think it's time I off myself this time

bloodborne 2
one punch man season 2
overlord season 2
after those il probably an hero tho

I don't really have interest in any of those

there's also stranger things season 2 if you like watching middle school kids playing dnd

Thanks maybe I should just take some sleeping pills so I can be drowsy when I fall

>bloodborne 2
>no interest
please allow me to open that window for you kind sir

do a backfip

It's already very open.
I'm just thinking about when I should go

The opening for the window barely fits me so can't do any tricks

selfie + timestamp?

north or south korea?

selfie?? wtf if this facebook?

checkm though

Nah in the case I don't off myself I don't want there to be any pictures of me on here

dude wat?

The worst one with the higher suicide rate. The southern one

i wouldn't want to become a meme either

Who knows maybe I won't off myself and become a nonfag like the user above said and will live a good life. But then what's the point.

dude you should, like just run into the DMZ or whatever that death border thing is

I live quite far from that. I think if I wanted to go, window is the best. If you have any other ideas I'm open to your suggestions

Id say 99%. The issue with people jumping out isn't even necessarily the height, properly executed you could (probably) kill yourself with a 3 meter drop. Landing is another issue. Landing flat on the ground, in bushes, hell even a soft lawn can do a tad bit to soften your downward advance. 8 Story should totally mean a +1 for the statistics, so long as you make sure you go somewhat head first and aim for concrete.

Its ok i didnt place in diamond in starcraft/overwatch. Just stick around another 3 months and die trying to free half yiur family from king fatty fatty after he tries to nuke america.

8th floor isn't that lethal especially if you lose consciousness while falling, because you'll be all relaxed and soft and that will lessen the impact.

Kys though

but if you're going to die, spend as much money as possible getting there so there nothing for your mother to take

I think if I go from my bedroom window I can hit concrete. And I can hit head first I think with 70% confidence.

Should kill you, but 100% is 10th n above, concret surface implied; but why not become starcraft pro? Service will be done and with 21 you havent seen shit, why not just book a holiday in europe and then go off grid with a backpack, sounds like a lot stress atm, but what do you have to lose op?

Oh man she makes way too much for my spendings to cause a dent. And what the hell would I even spend my money on

Live stream it

Hookers and massages that have happy endings


I just feel like why am I even bothering to live.

On twitch

Literally will be a 5 second stream

Record it nigga

Can I have your steam account pls?

Get help nigger

I just don't see why I would even do that though. I hope my siblings can live a decent life

fuck mate
come to australia and hide from all that shit
no one will find ya
a few years back i heard some cunt up on the tablelands was a fugitive hiding from the AMERICANS and he was there like 20 years before they found out who he really was and thats only because he left that in his fucking will
tl dr: they only found out who he was because he died

Wtf your siblings are hookers? Also suicide ruins a family big time.

How do I get there without a visa or anything? Also how would I make a living

Go to a different country. hell japan aint to far. if you really want hell go to china get access to N Korea and blend in with the rest of the poor people.

what do you do over there?

Yeah dude your life sucks soooo much, nothing like those bastards in the north living it up

Nah I didn't mean that they're hookers.

I know that my younger brother will be hit hard if I do this. Which is why I'm hesitant

I'm a student studying compsci

I think you just need to sit back relax and have a lively big wank.

whats compsci?

Just think about your brother jumping after he hears this or jumping in general. Get some help and use this as a growing experience.

google it


You know I'm not saying that I'm living the worst life.
Actually I don't live a bad life at all.

The thing is that I've lost my will to live and I just don't see why I'm even bothering to live on.
And suicide seems like a decent option since there's nothing to look forward to and there's two years of military service so soon

>How reliant I am on their money
How about getting a job? Even if it's a dead end job.

Dude just leave the country dont kill urself, u think if u kill urself anything will change? It just a bit selfish


Get kicked out ofbthe army

As a middle child, although I'm sure they would be awfully sad and regretful of how they treated me for a while, I'm sure that they'll get over it.

It actually just sounds like you're Sh scared of going into the military - don't worry bro it's just like school but u get guns n shit

im sure you could find a job in that
living off welfare is also pretty viable too (something like 40%of govt's budget goes to it)

Yeah im sure thats what most people think when they do it. They never do they just hide it from the public as it eats them away.

You're just gonna break both your legs, don't rage quit life, wait it out

To be frank I am a tad bit scared but who isn't. I was actually just looking forward to getting it over with so I can come back and be with my girlfriend afterwords but now there's nothing waiting for me anymore.

More I think of it, the more I want to do this

Why not just kill your mother?

Will you scream, "Go, go, gadget-copter!"?

Also, unrelated but perhaps more disturbing, can any English fags tell me how the hell I should have ended that sentence? The quote has to end with an exclamation, but the sentence as a whole is a question.

dude wait one year, if your opinion on life hasn't changed then do it, but you're very young and your life will change every few months at this age. trust me after 21 it goes uphill



I mean Im sure they've noticed that I may be suicidal but they haven't said anything.

Do you think it's really wrong and selfish to just end it now?

I just really don't think I have the motivation in life to get through it all


But u might meet hot waifu in army

Live stream the SHIT out of it

Op here, it looks about right. And no I wouldn't

If you're so hung up on going to the military service, why don't you make the most of it?

Take whatever classes they offer, get a specialised skill that will pay bank when you get out. If you're going into the military, you might as well make the most of it off of the governments dime.

Military service anywhere should mean guaranteed pussy. Can't you look forward to that?

"Mandatory" is the word here.
I don't get a choice to not go

Not in korea. All men have to go

Think about all the hot North Korean peasant girl poon u will get when the U.S. finally invades them

I understand that, but go, learn a skill off the governments dime while you're there, make bank when you get out, have a significantly less shitty life

*whispers* aussstrailiaaaa

hes right y'know

The thing about the Korean military is that it's just a place where the government makes their men go so they can pretend to have a safer country.
They don't really give you any choices to learn things or take side classes.
It's mostly doing menial stupid shit your superior tells you to do

>>I can hit concrete

If you miss that, and I'm just trying to be realisitic, you have considerable chance of surviving. Not alot, just saying. If you have the balls to jump out of windows (I don't, props to you OP) GO and find a taller building with a sidewalk preferably. But do it at night please, Emergency Response works nights anyways and we don't need people seein that shit if they don't have to

I still don't see how I can live there without the proper paperworks

You defect to best Korea now. Western imperialism is getting you sad. Great leader welcomes you!

I think if I go up to the top floor of my apartment there might be a helipad. Maybe I could get up there and just toss myself but I might not be allowed to get up there