Hairy pussy is gross

hairy pussy is gross
hairy women are gross in general

shave it or get the fuck away from me with your disease ridden vagina

women should seriously shave

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You should shave too you fucking mong. You've been watching too much porn. A little stubble is nothing to worry about.

Be me 19 m
I shave every week
From my ballz and around my legs

By the way I shave for myself

Virgin newb is gross
Newbs are gross in general

Get the fuck out of it or get the fuck away from me with your disease ridden brain

Newbs should seriously die

Well, have fun fucking a lizard, because all women have some hair. They're mammals, faggot.

Virgin detected

Virgin fag is virgin
And a fag


don't worry about it spud, I can't see you getting near too much pussy.

Lol hairless faggot , nobody wants a good For nothing bitch with a dick.

lol you're a fucking idiot.
Like everyone else said, you watch too much porn and it has warped your brain.

Also it's funny you mention disease ridden, seeing as hair, particularly pubic hair, actually acts as a natural cleaning system and has a role in preventing or at least restricting the spread of certain infections.
The hair creates a barrier for the skin and also works to remove sweat and dead skin.
As long as they clean the hair, ain't nothing wrong with it.

>women should seriously shave
Seriously? As opposed to what?

OP is right though, hairy pussy is disgusting.
Trimmed, shaped or shaven, but a bush is an instant boner killer.

Going down on them is something only sub humans do. they smell, you get pubes between your teeth, all kind of shit (and literal shit) happily nists in there.

Plus it's just ugly.

>First time having sex
>Blow load but go full 9 yards and eat her out
>She's full bush but idgaf pussy babyyy
>So much fucking hair it was difficult to even get to the pussy.
>Greasy as fuck, too.
>I went down and my face was just covered in gritty oil.
>She cums again and I finish off.

There where fucking pubes in my mouth and throat for the next 5 days.

I don't mind a bit of pube, but it's not fucking hard to keep it managed down there holy fuck.
I still can't get the putrid smell out of my mouth to this day.

Depending on the girl, it could be super hot. Neatly trimmed of course not wild like the fucking Congo

Personally I like a nice thick bush in the front. As long as the bits are clean I'm good to go.

You hate hairy vagina but yet I bet you deepthoart cock that's not not shaven all day long

Time to see a dentist or learn the proper way to pleasure a girl.

You say shave but you really mean wax. If a girl shaves her pussy on the reg her puss gets the same texture as a shaved beard. Its all scratchy

But please. Im sure you would wax your pubes huh? That shit is fucking brutal and op is a faggot

>not not shaven all day long
double negative nibba
you just called OP gay but not a dirty gay. Which he is.

Do you hate a massive bush or are airstrips/heart shaped allowed?

Yes, women's cunts should look like that of a young pre-pubescent child's.
Do me a favour user and become this guy:
Oh, and I'm not usually one to use the term virgin as an insult as it is mostly virgins who do that and place sex at some kind of revered status but...

You fucking virginfag

Already spotted a faggot that never shaved in his life.
Probs hairs everywhere

OP is being hyperbolic, but he is right. Women should get their fucking pussy waxed and keep their legs and pits shaved or waxed. Anything less and it's disgusting primitive gross. Really women should only have hair on their head and nowhere else.

Bitches don't come near you anyway

I hear this burn could have started a new star

Yeah, I prefer to pleasure women I find attractive so it's pleasurable for me too.
I wont pleasure ugly chicks in any way, not proper not improper.
And since a massive bush instantly makes a woman ugly, like a big mole on the face, I won't pleasure bushy chicks.

I know it's hard to believe since this is Sup Forums but i actually reject pussy I don't want and I don't want any pussy.

a for effort

get out newfag

Pushes virginfags out of the way and dives in face first proclaiming let a real man handle this you pathetic needledicks wouldn't know what to do with it.