Can we count on you to defend American from all enemies, foreign and domestic?

Can we count on you to defend American from all enemies, foreign and domestic?

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All of our enemies are domestic, yet we are doing nothing to fight them!

Yes, sir!

stand with pride next to the flag

Death to traitors who collude with foreign spys.


The truth is out there.

entire US military is treacherous scum

Putinists are traitors

no, fuck you. just because was born here against my will doesn't mean you can send me out to fight your battles and risk my life.


Of course OP!
Let us defend against the biggest domestic threat first!

Paraonid Libtards are traitors

Shitgibbons ass kissers will die in prison.

I'm in, first things first- terrorism. Radical Christians commit more terrorist acts than any other groups combined. I think we need to put sanctions on their organizations and leading members.

Libtards are traitors to any country, smelly dumb, Libtard scum

jews are the biggest traitors

Good goyim


Most likely Terrorist demographic detected. Someone put a travel ban on his home state and blow up his house. That's how 'merica deals with terrorists.


no, i'm not an america and i hate you

Trump is Putin's bitch.

a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.

Example: Someone who is in bed with Russia, tries to go against the constitution before blaming the courts for not allowing them to do such, someone who uses fear mongering tactics and propaganda to manipulated the uneducated and who is in bed with Saudi Arabia due to business interests and not due to giving a damn about the United States or terrorism.

He's a real mensch.


I am the enemy domestic.

GOP is Putin's cockholster

>google translate fail

No, I was using the OP's phrasing for comedic effect.

>"all enemies, foreign and domestic"

Out of those two, I am the enemy domestic.

you are the enemy, vlad

Yep. I'll defend her to the death...of the fags we are fighting. I don't plan to die.

I agree. It's a little disturbing, but at least the we know the jig is up. They can no longer claim to be hawks or the party of Christians.

beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you someone send me 1$ please i beg of you cmon

Gollum's gonna perjure himself again today.

Fuck ya, im not some beta hippy.

Shut up, vlad