Freaks: Gay Animal People Edition

Freaks: Gay Animal People Edition






Me on the right, everyone else on the left.



I'm in a similar spot.


Too ugly?





lol, no. I'm a bit shy and it causes me to be a bit awkward in intimate situations unless I've been drinking..


Guess we arent in similar spots.



Aww, if you are indeed unattractive as you say it's out of your control unless it's just because you're overweight. If you look I'm sure you'll find people who want to sex you up.



Nah im pretty thin. People just dont like my face or something.

You'll be fine.

I only like 18-21y/o guys but them dont like anything past 24/25. This will not be fine.

One of my friends married a dude who was 16 years older than him. It'll be fine.


Don't try. We all have.


Alright then.





anyone have [spoiler]cubs[/spoiler]?

On e621 use the tag "young". People get annoyed if you post them here but it's not against the rules AFAIK.

I got you fam













morning nibi



I love me some Meesh! Post more, plox.


Needs more reptiles here.










































