This is why I hate girls:

This is why I hate girls:

i hate poorfag showers like the one in the picture

because they sit to pee?

Because the piss in the toilet and not on your face?

Mr. President, please go back to Twitter.

Nah guys I think it's cause they smile and seem happy on it instead of around him.

I sit to pee and no shame. Toilets are meant to be sat on. It's relaxing and you don't spray piss all over the fucking bathroom

Because they dribble on the toilet seat and then bitch about men doing it?
The bitch looks to close to the front of the toilet

Anyone guys here who pee sitting down?

OP is a faggot

Does it hurt your feelings when somebody says you made peepee?


yes,being locked in chastity,i have to.

And then leaving that soap dish hanging slightly off the edge of the tub, and not neatly in the corner like a normal human being.
That shit is going to fall in.

FAGGOT. You can aim your piss in the toilet. Didnt mommy tell you that?

Your fucking name is probably Skylar or Seth or Josh one of these modern weak nudered names.
Be a fucking MAN and piss standing like one you degererate cuckhold of a mommys boy.

>soap dish


I honestly don't see how that could hurt anyone's feelings.

>this is my fetish please post moar

Actually,my name is Connor thank you very much.


The only time I pee standing up is in public or at somebody's house who I don't give a fuck about being "polite". I almost always sit to pee in my own place, why the fuck would i want to spray piss all over my bathroom, not to mention my own legs. have you ever pissed standing up with shorts or in your boxers? you can feel it

Foreskin. Your stream accuracy and precision are practically a diceroll. So I rather just sit down.

The thing that's holding the bar of soap.

Pull it back before peeing u moron

Ive noticed that to. These cunts never sit on it properly.

You mean to tell me you have an actual dish in your shower for soap? Like a plate? In your shower?

In my experience women get more piss on the toilet seat than men.

ok turn in your man card

Have you never heard of a soap dish?
Look at OP's pic
That thing the soap is in is called a soap dish

>implies somebody else isn't manly
>posts a pic of a man in a skirt


You know you can role your foreskin back right?????????
If you stick your pecker into a lady doesnt your foreskin go back???

Fucking mommys boy never go told about his foreskin jesus fucking muhammed!

no like this and in OP's photo
It helps drain the water from the soap so it doesn't turn to mush, increasing its lifespan.

How the fuck are you spraying piss all over your bathroom?
Maybe you need to sit if you can't even control your piss stream

My name is Josh and I sit to pee.
I'd rather sit than stand 9/10, in any situation.

Why the fuck would you need a dish for soap? That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. Just put it on the ledge. Showering with a fucking plate, what the fuck.

No, I can afford to do my dishes and shower separately.

it splatters out of the toilet you fucking mung. you're shooting liquid into a bowl of liquid from a few feet up, there's going to be lots of splatter. if you honestly can't feel it on your bare legs you must have thick ass leg hair


I mean he's still wearing a skirt. I know you Scotts think it's cool as shit but not all of us white people are into Mel Gibson and sheep fucking.

From the US, so yeah

How the fuck does that one user not know what a soap dish is though?

>WHAT? you dont like piss on your leg?
>turn in your man card

i also sit down. sometimes the stream comes out like a fucking sprinkler at the beginning and there´s nothing you can do about it.
you cunts talking about aiming or shit. yeah we can do that too fucker. but you cunts deny the fact that sometimes not everything is controlable. also cleaning the last 2,3 drops of piss with TP. i bet most of you standing up while pissing cunts ALWAYS leave some drips in your fucking underwears.
you fucking pisscuntsavages

seeIt helps the soap drain and dry so it can last longer.

>not being able to control your piss stream

You might want to get your prostate checked if it's like a sprinkler.

Actually I am both anti skirt guy and anti soap dish guy. Blame Moot for getting rid of IDs.

Also, pic related. I have never lived anywhere, rented anywhere, or owned a home that didn't have recessed soap dishes. They're super easy to install, and then you don't have dishes in the shower.

this is most likely correct

I'm from the US too and I keep my soap on a grated dish on the wall of my shower so it dries.

Who the fuck just puts their soap on the tub? If they've outgrown their early 20s bachelor years that is.

I'm kilt guy. You're absolutely right about recessed dishes. That's what I have. I don't use an actual dish but I was combining dishes and recessed dishes.

So I take back everything I said :) You don't put your soap on the edge of the tub like some fucking degenerate and that's what matters.

Other user would be one of those guys that sprays piss everywhere without realising it.

This does the same thing as a soap dish. Personally I have a preinstalled one, not recessed like yours, but the argument for having the soap dish instead of installing one like you mentioned falls down owning vs renting. Some apartments are shit and you can't really modify the apartment in that way.

>never heard of the famous helix stream

i said it happens like 1 in 50 times.

you´re just retarded and talking shit. also you dont even read the posts you answer to properly.

True, if you have to choose between a soap dish or nothing at all choose the soap dish.

Is it because you dribble on your testes?

I've never once in all my decades ever not had control of my piss stream. When the fuck does that ever happen?

Are you one of those asians that squats over a hole in the floor that's supposed to be the toilet?

I can't pull it back that far.

Where the fuck do i aim to not have my legs sprinkled with piss droplets? Have you ever pissed in just your underpants and not felt the drops?

You disgusting fag.

Speaking of helix stream, doesn't it fucking suck when you whip your dick out start to take a piss and your dick is fucking facing the wrong way?
Usually it always faces forward so you don't really have to think about it but sometimes you dick just has to be a dick.

ITT: so many boys that don't know how to piss standing up

So much this.

Yes I can pull it back you larping faggot. It is easier to just sit down, let it go, clean the last drop with a piece of paper, wash my hands and go. Especially if I'm drunk.

I suspect you hate girls because you are gay

that's actually pretty hot

Because they poo?

Yeah. Girls aren't supposed to poop.

Girls are beautiful, while poop smells like farts.

Yes but I'm becoming a grill and don't count

I'd eat a girls poop, if she was hot